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2017-02-27 13:34:16 +00:00
open Import
open Sexp.Of_sexp
module Env_var_map = Context.Env_var_map
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module Outputs = struct
include Action_intf.Outputs
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let to_string = function
| Stdout -> "stdout"
| Stderr -> "stderr"
| Outputs -> "outputs"
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module Promote_mode = Action_intf.Promote_mode
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module type Sexpable = sig
type t
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module Make_ast
(Program : Sexpable)
(Path : Sexpable)
(String : Sexpable)
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
(Ast : Action_intf.Ast
with type program := Program.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := String.t) =
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
include Ast
let promoted_file sexp =
match sexp with
| List (_, [src; Atom (_, "as"); dst]) ->
{ Promote. src = Path.t src; dst = Path.t dst }
| _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp
"(<file1> as <file2>) expected"
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let rec t sexp =
let path = Path.t and string = String.t in
[ cstr_rest "run" (Program.t @> nil) string (fun prog args -> Run (prog, args))
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
; cstr "chdir" (path @> t @> nil) (fun dn t -> Chdir (dn, t))
; cstr "setenv" (string @> string @> t @> nil) (fun k v t -> Setenv (k, v, t))
; cstr "with-stdout-to" (path @> t @> nil) (fun fn t -> Redirect (Stdout, fn, t))
; cstr "with-stderr-to" (path @> t @> nil) (fun fn t -> Redirect (Stderr, fn, t))
; cstr "with-outputs-to" (path @> t @> nil) (fun fn t -> Redirect (Outputs, fn, t))
; cstr "ignore-stdout" (t @> nil) (fun t -> Ignore (Stdout, t))
; cstr "ignore-stderr" (t @> nil) (fun t -> Ignore (Stderr, t))
; cstr "ignore-outputs" (t @> nil) (fun t -> Ignore (Outputs, t))
; cstr_rest "progn" nil t (fun l -> Progn l)
; cstr "echo" (string @> nil) (fun x -> Echo x)
; cstr "cat" (path @> nil) (fun x -> Cat x)
; cstr "copy" (path @> path @> nil) (fun src dst -> Copy (src, dst))
2017-03-03 09:18:03 +00:00
(* We don't expose symlink to the user yet since this might complicate things *)
; cstr "symlink" (a @> a @> nil) (fun src dst -> Symlink (dst, Cat src))
2017-06-05 11:10:39 +00:00
; cstr "copy#" (path @> path @> nil) (fun src dst ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
; cstr_loc "copy-and-add-line-directive" (path @> path @> nil) (fun loc src dst ->
Loc.warn loc "copy-and-add-line-directive is deprecated, use copy# instead";
Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
; cstr "copy#" (path @> path @> nil) (fun src dst ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
; cstr "system" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> System cmd)
; cstr "bash" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> Bash cmd)
; cstr "write-file" (path @> string @> nil) (fun fn s -> Write_file (fn, s))
; cstr_rest "promote" nil promoted_file
(fun files -> Promote { mode = Always; files })
; cstr_rest "promote-if" nil promoted_file
(fun files -> Promote { mode = If_corrected_file_exists; files })
let sexp_of_promoted_file (file : Promote.file) =
Sexp.List [Path.sexp_of_t file.src; Atom "as"; Path.sexp_of_t file.dst]
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let rec sexp_of_t : _ -> Sexp.t =
let path = Path.sexp_of_t and string = String.sexp_of_t in
| Run (a, xs) -> List (Atom "run" :: Program.sexp_of_t a :: List.map xs ~f:string)
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| Chdir (a, r) -> List [Atom "chdir" ; path a ; sexp_of_t r]
| Setenv (k, v, r) -> List [Atom "setenv" ; string k ; string v ; sexp_of_t r]
| Redirect (outputs, fn, r) ->
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
List [ Atom (sprintf "with-%s-to" (Outputs.to_string outputs))
; path fn
; sexp_of_t r
| Ignore (outputs, r) ->
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
List [ Atom (sprintf "ignore-%s" (Outputs.to_string outputs))
; sexp_of_t r
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| Progn l -> List (Atom "progn" :: List.map l ~f:sexp_of_t)
| Echo x -> List [Atom "echo"; string x]
| Cat x -> List [Atom "cat"; path x]
| Copy (x, y) ->
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
List [Atom "copy"; path x; path y]
| Symlink (x, y) ->
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
List [Atom "symlink"; path x; path y]
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (x, y) ->
2017-06-05 11:10:39 +00:00
List [Atom "copy#"; path x; path y]
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| System x -> List [Atom "system"; string x]
| Bash x -> List [Atom "bash"; string x]
| Write_file (x, y) -> List [Atom "write-file"; path x; string y]
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| Rename (x, y) -> List [Atom "rename"; path x; path y]
| Remove_tree x -> List [Atom "remove-tree"; path x]
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Mkdir x -> List [Atom "mkdir"; path x]
| Digest_files paths -> List [Atom "digest-files"; List (List.map paths ~f:path)]
| Promote { mode = Always; files } ->
List (Atom "promote" :: List.map files ~f:sexp_of_promoted_file)
| Promote { mode = If_corrected_file_exists; files } ->
List (Atom "promote-if" :: List.map files ~f:sexp_of_promoted_file)
let run prog args = Run (prog, args)
let chdir path t = Chdir (path, t)
let setenv var value t = Setenv (var, value, t)
let with_stdout_to path t = Redirect (Stdout, path, t)
let with_stderr_to path t = Redirect (Stderr, path, t)
let with_outputs_to path t = Redirect (Outputs, path, t)
let ignore_stdout t = Ignore (Stdout, t)
let ignore_stderr t = Ignore (Stderr, t)
let ignore_outputs t = Ignore (Outputs, t)
let progn ts = Progn ts
let echo s = Echo s
let cat path = Cat path
let copy a b = Copy (a, b)
let symlink a b = Symlink (a, b)
let copy_and_add_line_directive a b = Copy_and_add_line_directive (a, b)
let system s = System s
let bash s = Bash s
let write_file p s = Write_file (p, s)
let rename a b = Rename (a, b)
let remove_tree path = Remove_tree path
let mkdir path = Mkdir path
let digest_files files = Digest_files files
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module Make_mapper
(Src : Action_intf.Ast)
(Dst : Action_intf.Ast)
= struct
let rec map (t : Src.t) ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path : Dst.t =
match t with
| Run (prog, args) ->
Run (f_program prog, List.map args ~f:f_string)
| Chdir (fn, t) ->
Chdir (f_path fn, map t ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path)
| Setenv (var, value, t) ->
Setenv (f_string var, f_string value, map t ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path)
| Redirect (outputs, fn, t) ->
Redirect (outputs, f_path fn, map t ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path)
| Ignore (outputs, t) ->
Ignore (outputs, map t ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path)
| Progn l -> Progn (List.map l ~f:(fun t -> map t ~f_program ~f_string ~f_path))
| Echo x -> Echo (f_string x)
| Cat x -> Cat (f_path x)
| Copy (x, y) -> Copy (f_path x, f_path y)
| Symlink (x, y) ->
Symlink (f_path x, f_path y)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (x, y) ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (f_path x, f_path y)
| System x -> System (f_string x)
| Bash x -> Bash (f_string x)
| Write_file (x, y) -> Write_file (f_path x, f_string y)
| Rename (x, y) -> Rename (f_path x, f_path y)
| Remove_tree x -> Remove_tree (f_path x)
| Mkdir x -> Mkdir (f_path x)
| Digest_files x -> Digest_files (List.map x ~f:f_path)
| Promote p ->
let files =
List.map p.files ~f:(fun { Src.Promote. src; dst } ->
{ Dst.Promote.src = f_path src; dst = f_path dst })
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
module Prog = struct
module Not_found = struct
type t =
{ context : string
; program : string
; hint : string option
let raise { context ; program ; hint } =
Utils.program_not_found ?hint ~context program
type t = (Path.t, Not_found.t) result
let t sexp = Ok (Path.t sexp)
let sexp_of_t = function
| Ok s -> Path.sexp_of_t s
| Error (e : Not_found.t) -> Sexp.To_sexp.string e.program
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module type Ast = Action_intf.Ast
with type program = Prog.t
with type path = Path.t
with type string = String.t
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module rec Ast : Ast = Ast
include Make_ast
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
type t = string
let t = Sexp.Of_sexp.string
let sexp_of_t = Sexp.To_sexp.string
module Unresolved = struct
module Program = struct
type t =
| This of Path.t
| Search of string
let of_string ~dir s =
if String.contains s '/' then
This (Path.relative dir s)
Search s
module type Uast = Action_intf.Ast
with type program = Program.t
with type path = Path.t
with type string = String.t
module rec Uast : Uast = Uast
include Uast
include Make_mapper(Uast)(Ast)
let resolve t ~f =
map t ~f_path:(fun x -> x) ~f_string:(fun x -> x)
| This p -> Ok p
| Search s -> Ok (f s))
module Var_expansion = struct
module Concat_or_split = struct
type t =
| Concat (* default *)
| Split (* the variable is a "split" list of items *)
open Concat_or_split
type t =
| Paths of Path.t list * Concat_or_split.t
| Strings of string list * Concat_or_split.t
let concat = function
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat ~sep:" " l
let string_of_path ~dir p = Path.reach ~from:dir p
let path_of_string ~dir s = Path.relative dir s
let to_strings ~dir = function
| Strings (l, Split ) -> l
| Strings (l, Concat) -> [concat l]
| Paths (l, Split ) -> List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)
| Paths (l, Concat) -> [concat (List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir))]
let to_string ~dir = function
| Strings (l, _) -> concat l
| Paths (l, _) -> concat (List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir))
let to_path ~dir = function
| Strings (l, _) -> path_of_string ~dir (concat l)
| Paths ([p], _) -> p
| Paths (l, _) ->
path_of_string ~dir (concat (List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)))
let to_prog_and_args ~dir exp : Unresolved.Program.t * string list =
let module P = Unresolved.Program in
match exp with
| Paths ([p], _) -> (This p, [])
| Strings ([s], _) -> (P.of_string ~dir s, [])
| Paths ([], _) | Strings ([], _) -> (Search "", [])
| Paths (l, Concat) ->
(path_of_string ~dir
(concat (List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)))),
| Strings (l, Concat) ->
(P.of_string ~dir (concat l), l)
| Paths (p :: l, Split) ->
(This p, List.map l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir))
| Strings (s :: l, Split) ->
(P.of_string ~dir s, l)
module VE = Var_expansion
module SW = String_with_vars
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
module Unexpanded = struct
module type Uast = Action_intf.Ast
with type program = String_with_vars.t
with type path = String_with_vars.t
with type string = String_with_vars.t
module rec Uast : Uast = Uast
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
include Make_ast(String_with_vars)(String_with_vars)(String_with_vars)(Uast)
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let t sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom _ ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"if you meant for this to be executed with bash, write (bash \"...\") instead"
| List _ -> t sexp
2017-05-31 15:49:54 +00:00
let check_mkdir loc path =
if not (Path.is_local path) then
Loc.fail loc
"(mkdir ...) is not supported for paths outside of the workspace:\n\
\ %a\n"
Sexp.pp (List [Atom "mkdir"; Path.sexp_of_t path])
module Partial = struct
module Program = Unresolved.Program
module type Past = Action_intf.Ast
with type program = (Program.t, String_with_vars.t) either
with type path = (Path.t , String_with_vars.t) either
with type string = (string , String_with_vars.t) either
module rec Past : Past = Past
include Past
module E = struct
let string ~dir ~f = function
| Inl x -> x
| Inr template ->
SW.expand template ~f:(fun loc var ->
match f loc var with
| None -> None
| Some e -> Some (VE.to_string ~dir e))
let expand ~generic ~special ~map ~dir ~f = function
| Inl x -> map x
| Inr template as x ->
match SW.just_a_var template with
| None -> generic ~dir (string ~dir ~f x)
| Some var ->
match f (SW.loc template) var with
| None -> generic ~dir (SW.to_string template)
| Some e -> special ~dir e
[@@inlined always]
let strings ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> [x])
~map:(fun x -> [x])
let path ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~map:(fun x -> x)
let prog_and_args ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ s -> (Program.of_string ~dir s, []))
~map:(fun x -> (x, []))
let rec expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f : Unresolved.t =
match t with
| Run (prog, args) ->
let args = List.concat_map args ~f:(E.strings ~dir ~f) in
let prog, more_args = E.prog_and_args ~dir ~f prog in
let prog =
match prog with
| Search _ -> prog
| This path -> This (map_exe path)
Run (prog, more_args @ args)
| Chdir (fn, t) ->
let fn = E.path ~dir ~f fn in
Chdir (fn, expand t ~dir:fn ~map_exe ~f)
| Setenv (var, value, t) ->
Setenv (E.string ~dir ~f var, E.string ~dir ~f value,
expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Redirect (outputs, fn, t) ->
Redirect (outputs, E.path ~dir ~f fn, expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Ignore (outputs, t) ->
Ignore (outputs, expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Progn l -> Progn (List.map l ~f:(fun t -> expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f))
| Echo x -> Echo (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Cat x -> Cat (E.path ~dir ~f x)
| Copy (x, y) ->
Copy (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Symlink (x, y) ->
Symlink (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (x, y) ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| System x -> System (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Bash x -> Bash (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Write_file (x, y) -> Write_file (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.string ~dir ~f y)
| Rename (x, y) ->
Rename (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Remove_tree x ->
Remove_tree (E.path ~dir ~f x)
| Mkdir x -> begin
match x with
| Inl path -> Mkdir path
| Inr tmpl ->
let path = E.path ~dir ~f x in
check_mkdir (SW.loc tmpl) path;
Mkdir path
| Digest_files x ->
Digest_files (List.map x ~f:(E.path ~dir ~f))
| Promote p ->
let files =
List.map p.files ~f:(fun { Promote.src; dst } ->
{ Unresolved.Promote.
src = E.path ~dir ~f src
; dst = Path.drop_build_context (E.path ~dir ~f dst)
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
module E = struct
let string ~dir ~f template =
SW.partial_expand template ~f:(fun loc var ->
match f loc var with
| None -> None
| Some e -> Some (VE.to_string ~dir e))
let expand ~generic ~special ~dir ~f template =
match SW.just_a_var template with
| None -> begin
match string ~dir ~f template with
| Inl x -> Inl (generic ~dir x)
| Inr _ as x -> x
| Some var ->
match f (SW.loc template) var with
| None -> Inr template
| Some e -> Inl (special ~dir e)
let strings ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> [x])
let path ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
let prog_and_args ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir s -> (Unresolved.Program.of_string ~dir s, []))
let rec partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f : Partial.t =
match t with
| Run (prog, args) ->
let args =
List.concat_map args ~f:(fun arg ->
match E.strings ~dir ~f arg with
| Inl args -> List.map args ~f:(fun x -> Inl x)
| Inr _ as x -> [x])
match E.prog_and_args ~dir ~f prog with
| Inl (prog, more_args) ->
let more_args = List.map more_args ~f:(fun x -> Inl x) in
let prog =
match prog with
| Search _ -> prog
| This path -> This (map_exe path)
Run (Inl prog, more_args @ args)
| Inr _ as prog ->
Run (prog, args)
| Chdir (fn, t) -> begin
let res = E.path ~dir ~f fn in
match res with
| Inl dir ->
Chdir (res, partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Inr fn ->
let loc = SW.loc fn in
Loc.fail loc
"This directory cannot be evaluated statically.\n\
This is not allowed by jbuilder"
| Setenv (var, value, t) ->
Setenv (E.string ~dir ~f var, E.string ~dir ~f value,
partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Redirect (outputs, fn, t) ->
Redirect (outputs, E.path ~dir ~f fn, partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Ignore (outputs, t) ->
Ignore (outputs, partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f)
| Progn l -> Progn (List.map l ~f:(fun t -> partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f))
| Echo x -> Echo (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Cat x -> Cat (E.path ~dir ~f x)
| Copy (x, y) ->
Copy (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Symlink (x, y) ->
Symlink (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (x, y) ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| System x -> System (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Bash x -> Bash (E.string ~dir ~f x)
| Write_file (x, y) -> Write_file (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.string ~dir ~f y)
| Rename (x, y) ->
Rename (E.path ~dir ~f x, E.path ~dir ~f y)
| Remove_tree x ->
Remove_tree (E.path ~dir ~f x)
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Mkdir x ->
2017-05-31 15:49:54 +00:00
let res = E.path ~dir ~f x in
(match res with
| Inl path -> check_mkdir (SW.loc x) path
| Inr _ -> ());
Mkdir res
| Digest_files x ->
Digest_files (List.map x ~f:(E.path ~dir ~f))
| Promote p ->
let files =
List.map p.files ~f:(fun { Promote.src; dst } ->
{ Partial.Promote.
src = E.path ~dir ~f src
; dst = E.path ~dir ~f dst
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let fold_one_step t ~init:acc ~f =
match t with
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
| Redirect (_, _, t)
| Ignore (_, t) -> f acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f
| Run _
| Echo _
| Cat _
| Copy _
| Symlink _
| Copy_and_add_line_directive _
| System _
| Bash _
| Write_file _
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| Rename _
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Remove_tree _
| Mkdir _
| Digest_files _
| Promote _ -> acc
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
include Make_mapper(Ast)(Ast)
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
let updated_files =
let rec loop acc t =
let acc =
match t with
| Write_file (fn, _) -> Path.Set.add fn acc
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
| _ -> acc
fold_one_step t ~init:acc ~f:loop
fun t -> loop Path.Set.empty t
let chdirs =
let rec loop acc t =
let acc =
match t with
| Chdir (dir, _) -> Path.Set.add dir acc
| _ -> acc
fold_one_step t ~init:acc ~f:loop
fun t -> loop Path.Set.empty t
open Future
let get_std_output : _ -> Future.std_output_to = function
| None -> Terminal
| Some (fn, oc) -> Opened_file { filename = fn; tail = false; desc = Channel oc }
type exec_context =
{ context : Context.t option
; purpose : Future.purpose
; env : string array
let exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args =
begin match ectx.context with
| None
| Some { Context.for_host = None; _ } -> ()
| Some ({ Context.for_host = Some host; _ } as target) ->
let invalid_prefix prefix =
match Path.descendant prog ~of_:(Path.of_string prefix) with
| None -> ()
| Some _ ->
die "Context %s has a host %s.@.It's not possible to execute binary %a \
in it.@.@.This is a bug and should be reported upstream."
target.name host.name Path.pp prog in
invalid_prefix ("_build/" ^ target.name);
invalid_prefix ("_build/install/" ^ target.name);
let stdout_to = get_std_output stdout_to in
let stderr_to = get_std_output stderr_to in
let env = Context.extend_env ~vars:env_extra ~env:ectx.env in
Future.run Strict ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ~env ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
(Path.reach_for_running ~from:dir prog) args
let exec_echo stdout_to str =
(match stdout_to with
| None -> print_string str; flush stdout
| Some (_, oc) -> output_string oc str)
let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
match t with
| Run (Error e, _) ->
Prog.Not_found.raise e
| Run (Ok prog, args) ->
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args
| Chdir (dir, t) ->
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| Setenv (var, value, t) ->
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
~env_extra:(Env_var_map.add env_extra ~key:var ~data:value)
| Redirect (Stdout, fn, Echo s) ->
Io.write_file (Path.to_string fn) s;
return ()
| Redirect (outputs, fn, t) ->
redirect ~ectx ~dir outputs fn t ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| Ignore (outputs, t) ->
redirect ~ectx ~dir outputs Config.dev_null t ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| Progn l ->
exec_list l ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| Echo str -> exec_echo stdout_to str
| Cat fn ->
Io.with_file_in (Path.to_string fn) ~f:(fun ic ->
let oc =
match stdout_to with
| None -> stdout
| Some (_, oc) -> oc
Io.copy_channels ic oc);
return ()
| Copy (src, dst) ->
Io.copy_file ~src:(Path.to_string src) ~dst:(Path.to_string dst);
return ()
| Symlink (src, dst) ->
if Sys.win32 then
Io.copy_file ~src:(Path.to_string src) ~dst:(Path.to_string dst)
else begin
let src =
if Path.is_root dst then
Path.to_string src
Path.reach ~from:(Path.parent dst) src
let dst = Path.to_string dst in
match Unix.readlink dst with
| target ->
if target <> src then begin
Unix.unlink dst;
Unix.symlink src dst
| exception _ ->
Unix.symlink src dst
return ()
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst) ->
Io.with_file_in (Path.to_string src) ~f:(fun ic ->
Io.with_file_out (Path.to_string dst) ~f:(fun oc ->
let fn = Path.drop_build_context src in
let directive =
if List.mem (Path.extension fn) ~set:[".c"; ".cpp"; ".h"] then
Printf.fprintf oc "#%s 1 %S\n" directive (Path.to_string fn);
Io.copy_channels ic oc));
return ()
| System cmd ->
let path, arg =
Utils.system_shell_exn ~needed_to:"interpret (system ...) actions"
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to path [arg; cmd]
| Bash cmd ->
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
(Utils.bash_exn ~needed_to:"interpret (bash ...) actions")
["-e"; "-u"; "-o"; "pipefail"; "-c"; cmd]
| Write_file (fn, s) ->
Io.write_file (Path.to_string fn) s;
return ()
| Rename (src, dst) ->
Unix.rename (Path.to_string src) (Path.to_string dst);
return ()
| Remove_tree path ->
Path.rm_rf path;
return ()
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Mkdir path ->
(match Path.kind path with
| External _ ->
2017-05-31 15:49:54 +00:00
(* Internally we make sure never to do that, and [Unexpanded.*expand] check that *)
"(mkdir ...) is not supported for paths outside of the workspace"
[ "mkdir", Path.sexp_of_t path ]
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Local path ->
Path.Local.mkdir_p path);
return ()
| Digest_files paths ->
let s =
let data =
List.map paths ~f:(fun fn ->
(fn, Utils.Cached_digest.file fn))
(Marshal.to_string data [])
exec_echo stdout_to s
| Promote { mode; files } ->
let promote_mode = !Clflags.promote_mode in
if promote_mode = Ignore then
return ()
else begin
let files =
match mode with
| Always -> files
| If_corrected_file_exists ->
List.filter files ~f:(fun file -> Path.exists file.Promote.src)
let not_ok =
List.filter files ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
let src_contents = Io.read_file (Path.to_string src) in
let dst_contents = Io.read_file (Path.to_string dst) in
src_contents <> dst_contents)
match not_ok with
| [] -> return ()
| _ ->
if promote_mode = Copy then
Future.Scheduler.at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands (fun () ->
List.iter not_ok ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
Format.eprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
Io.copy_file ~src:(Path.to_string src) ~dst:(Path.to_string dst)));
Future.all_unit (List.map not_ok ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
Diff.print dst src))
and redirect outputs fn t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
let fn = Path.to_string fn in
let oc = Io.open_out fn in
let out = Some (fn, oc) in
let stdout_to, stderr_to =
match outputs with
| Stdout -> (out, stderr_to)
| Stderr -> (stdout_to, out)
| Outputs -> (out, out)
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to >>| fun () ->
close_out oc
and exec_list l ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
match l with
| [] ->
Future.return ()
| [t] ->
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| t :: rest ->
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to >>= fun () ->
exec_list rest ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
let exec ~targets ?context t =
let env =
match (context : Context.t option) with
| None -> Lazy.force Context.initial_env
| Some c -> c.env
let targets = Path.Set.elements targets in
let purpose = Future.Build_job targets in
let ectx = { purpose; context; env } in
exec t ~ectx ~dir:Path.root ~env_extra:Env_var_map.empty
~stdout_to:None ~stderr_to:None
2017-03-03 15:26:14 +00:00
2017-03-31 14:06:53 +00:00
let sandbox t ~sandboxed ~deps ~targets =
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
[ Progn (List.filter_map deps ~f:(fun path ->
if Path.is_local path then
Some (Ast.Symlink (path, sandboxed path))
; map t ~f_string:(fun x -> x) ~f_path:sandboxed
| Ok p -> Ok (sandboxed p)
| Error _ as e -> e)
2017-05-28 00:29:12 +00:00
; Progn (List.filter_map targets ~f:(fun path ->
if Path.is_local path then
Some (Ast.Rename (sandboxed path, path))
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
module Infer = struct
module S = Path.Set
module Outcome = struct
type t =
{ deps : S.t
; targets : S.t
open Outcome
let infer_promote mode files ~init ~f =
if mode = Promote_mode.If_corrected_file_exists ||
!Clflags.promote_mode = Ignore then
List.fold_left files ~init ~f
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
let ( +@ ) acc fn = { acc with targets = S.add fn acc.targets }
2017-05-30 16:39:23 +00:00
let ( +< ) acc fn = { acc with deps = S.add fn acc.deps }
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
let rec infer acc t =
match t with
| Run (Ok prog, _) -> acc +< prog
| Run (Error _, _) -> acc
| Redirect (_, fn, t) -> infer (acc +@ fn) t
| Cat fn -> acc +< fn
| Write_file (fn, _) -> acc +@ fn
2017-05-30 16:39:23 +00:00
| Rename (src, dst) -> acc +< src +@ dst
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
| Copy (src, dst)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst)
| Symlink (src, dst) -> acc +< src +@ dst
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
| Ignore (_, t) -> infer acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:infer
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file -> acc +< file.Promote.src)
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
| Echo _
| System _
2017-05-30 16:39:23 +00:00
| Bash _
| Remove_tree _
2017-05-29 13:51:46 +00:00
| Mkdir _ -> acc
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00
let infer t =
2017-05-30 16:39:23 +00:00
let { deps; targets } = infer { deps = S.empty; targets = S.empty } t in
(* A file can be inferred as both a dependency and a target, for instance:
(progn (copy a b) (copy b c))
{ deps = S.diff deps targets; targets }
let ( +@? ) acc fn =
match fn with
| Inl fn -> { acc with targets = S.add fn acc.targets }
| Inr _ -> acc
let ( +<? ) acc fn =
match fn with
| Inl fn -> { acc with deps = S.add fn acc.deps }
| Inr _ -> acc
let rec partial acc (t : Unexpanded.Partial.t) =
match t with
| Run (Inl (This prog), _) -> acc +< prog
| Run (_, _) -> acc
| Redirect (_, fn, t) -> partial (acc +@? fn) t
| Cat fn -> acc +<? fn
| Write_file (fn, _) -> acc +@? fn
| Rename (src, dst) -> acc +<? src +@? dst
| Copy (src, dst)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst)
| Symlink (src, dst) -> acc +<? src +@? dst
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
| Ignore (_, t) -> partial acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:partial
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<?)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file ->
acc +<? file.Unexpanded.Partial.Promote.src)
| Echo _
| System _
| Bash _
| Remove_tree _
| Mkdir _ -> acc
let ( +@? ) acc fn =
match fn with
| Inl fn -> { acc with targets = S.add fn acc.targets }
2017-05-31 15:49:54 +00:00
| Inr sw -> Loc.fail (SW.loc sw) "Cannot determine this target statically."
let rec partial_with_all_targets acc (t : Unexpanded.Partial.t) =
match t with
| Run (Inl (This prog), _) -> acc +< prog
| Run (_, _) -> acc
| Redirect (_, fn, t) -> partial_with_all_targets (acc +@? fn) t
| Cat fn -> acc +<? fn
| Write_file (fn, _) -> acc +@? fn
| Rename (src, dst) -> acc +<? src +@? dst
| Copy (src, dst)
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst)
| Symlink (src, dst) -> acc +<? src +@? dst
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
| Ignore (_, t) -> partial_with_all_targets acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:partial_with_all_targets
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<?)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file ->
acc +<? file.Unexpanded.Partial.Promote.src)
| Echo _
| System _
| Bash _
| Remove_tree _
| Mkdir _ -> acc
let partial ~all_targets t =
let acc = { deps = S.empty; targets = S.empty } in
let { deps; targets } =
if all_targets then
partial_with_all_targets acc t
partial acc t
{ deps = S.diff deps targets; targets }
2017-05-28 01:46:07 +00:00