Add (copy_files <glob>) stanza (#35)

Add (copy_files <glob>) and (copy_files# <glob>) stanzas. These
stanzas setup rules for copying files from a sub-directory to the
current directory.

This provides a reasonable way to support multi-directory
library/executables in jbuilder.
This commit is contained in:
François Bobot 2017-05-17 09:33:09 +02:00 committed by Jeremie Dimino
parent d55c807d51
commit cecf0a2aaf
16 changed files with 163 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -511,6 +511,22 @@ stanza, if the source file has extension ``.exe`` or ``.bc``, then
Jbuilder implicitly adds the ``.exe`` extension to the destination, if
not already present.
The ``copy_files`` and ``copy_files#`` stanzas allow to specify that
files from another directory could be copied if needed to the current
The syntax is as follows:
.. code:: scheme
(copy_files <glob>)
``<glob>`` represents the set of files to copy, see the :ref:`glob
<glob>` for details.
Common items

View File

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ struct
; cstr_loc "copy-and-add-line-directive" (path @> path @> nil) (fun loc src dst ->
Loc.warn loc "copy-and-add-line-directive is deprecated, use copy# instead";
Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
; cstr "copy#" (path @> path @> nil) (fun src dst ->
Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
; cstr "system" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> System cmd)
; cstr "bash" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> Bash cmd)
; cstr "write-file" (path @> string @> nil) (fun fn s -> Write_file (fn, s))

View File

@ -255,6 +255,11 @@ let copy ~src ~dst =
path src >>>
action ~targets:[dst] (Copy (src, dst))
let copy_and_add_line_directive ~src ~dst =
path src >>>
action ~targets:[dst]
(Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst))
let symlink ~src ~dst =
path src >>>
action ~targets:[dst] (Symlink (src, dst))

View File

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ val write_file : Path.t -> string -> (unit, Action.t) t
val write_file_dyn : Path.t -> (string, Action.t) t
val copy : src:Path.t -> dst:Path.t -> (unit, Action.t) t
val copy_and_add_line_directive : src:Path.t -> dst:Path.t -> (unit, Action.t) t
val symlink : src:Path.t -> dst:Path.t -> (unit, Action.t) t

View File

@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
; flags
; preprocess = Buildable.single_preprocess lib.buildable
; libname = Some
; source_dirs = Path.Set.empty
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
@ -539,6 +540,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
; flags = Ocaml_flags.common flags
; preprocess = Buildable.single_preprocess exes.buildable
; libname = None
; source_dirs = Path.Set.empty
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
@ -599,6 +601,51 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
; Build.create_file digest_path
let copy_files_rules (def: Copy_files.t) ~src_dir ~dir ~scope =
let loc = String_with_vars.loc def.glob in
let glob_in_src =
let src_glob = SC.expand_vars sctx ~dir def.glob ~scope in
Path.relative src_dir src_glob ~error_loc:loc
(* The following condition is required for merlin to work.
Additionally, the order in which the rules are evaluated only
ensures that [sources_and_targets_known_so_far] returns the
right answer for sub-directories only. *)
if not (Path.is_descendant glob_in_src ~of_:src_dir) then loc "%s is not a sub-directory of %s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted glob_in_src) (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir);
let glob = Path.basename glob_in_src in
let src_in_src = Path.parent glob_in_src in
let re =
match Glob_lexer.parse_string glob with
| Ok re ->
Re.compile re
| Error (_pos, msg) -> (String_with_vars.loc def.glob) "invalid glob: %s" msg
(* add rules *)
let files = SC.sources_and_targets_known_so_far sctx ~src_path:src_in_src in
let src_in_build = Path.append ctx.build_dir src_in_src in
String_set.iter files ~f:(fun basename ->
let matches = Re.execp re basename in
if matches then
let file_src = Path.relative src_in_build basename in
let file_dst = Path.relative dir basename in
SC.add_rule sctx
((if def.add_line_directive
then Build.copy_and_add_line_directive
else Build.copy)
{ Merlin.requires = Build.return []
; flags = Build.return []
; preprocess = Jbuild.Preprocess.No_preprocessing
; libname = None
; source_dirs = Path.Set.singleton src_in_src
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Modules listing |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -704,12 +751,16 @@ Add it to your jbuild file to remove this warning.
let rules { SC.Dir_with_jbuild. src_dir; ctx_dir; stanzas; scope } =
(* Interpret user rules and other simple stanzas first in order to populate the known
target table, which is needed for guessing the list of modules. *)
List.iter stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
let dir = ctx_dir in
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Rule rule -> user_rule rule ~dir ~scope
| Alias alias -> alias_rules alias ~dir ~scope
| Library _ | Executables _ | Provides _ | Install _ -> ());
let merlins =
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
let dir = ctx_dir in
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Rule rule -> user_rule rule ~dir ~scope; None
| Alias alias -> alias_rules alias ~dir ~scope; None
| Copy_files def ->
Some (copy_files_rules def ~src_dir ~dir ~scope)
| Library _ | Executables _ | Provides _ | Install _ -> None)
let files = lazy (
let files = SC.sources_and_targets_known_so_far sctx ~src_path:src_dir in
(* Manually add files generated by the (select ...) dependencies since we haven't
@ -727,15 +778,17 @@ Add it to your jbuild file to remove this warning.
guess_modules ~dir:src_dir
~files:(Lazy.force files))
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
List.fold_left stanzas ~init:merlins ~f:(fun merlins stanza ->
let dir = ctx_dir in
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib ->
Some (library_rules lib ~dir ~all_modules:(Lazy.force all_modules)
~files:(Lazy.force files) ~scope)
library_rules lib ~dir ~all_modules:(Lazy.force all_modules)
~files:(Lazy.force files) ~scope
:: merlins
| Executables exes ->
Some (executables_rules exes ~dir ~all_modules:(Lazy.force all_modules) ~scope)
| _ -> None)
executables_rules exes ~dir ~all_modules:(Lazy.force all_modules) ~scope
:: merlins
| _ -> merlins)
|> Merlin.merge_all
|> Option.iter ~f:(Merlin.add_rules sctx ~dir:ctx_dir);
Option.iter (Utop.exe_stanzas stanzas) ~f:(fun (exe, all_modules) ->
@ -745,7 +798,15 @@ Add it to your jbuild file to remove this warning.
Utop.add_module_rules sctx ~dir merlin.requires;
let () = List.iter (SC.stanzas sctx) ~f:rules
let () =
(* Sort the list of stanzas by directory so that we traverse
subdirectories first.
This is required for correctly interpreting [copy_files]. *)
let subtree_smaller x y = y.SC.Dir_with_jbuild.src_dir x.SC.Dir_with_jbuild.src_dir in
let stanzas = List.sort ~cmp:subtree_smaller (SC.stanzas sctx) in
List.iter stanzas ~f:rules
let () =
SC.add_rules sctx (Js_of_ocaml_rules.setup_separate_compilation_rules sctx)
let () = Odoc.setup_css_rule sctx

View File

@ -886,6 +886,14 @@ module Alias_conf = struct
module Copy_files = struct
type t = { add_line_directive : bool
; glob : String_with_vars.t
let v1 = String_with_vars.t
module Stanza = struct
type t =
| Library of Library.t
@ -894,6 +902,7 @@ module Stanza = struct
| Provides of Provides.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
let rules l = l ~f:(fun x -> Rule x)
@ -913,6 +922,10 @@ module Stanza = struct
; cstr_loc "menhir" (Menhir.v1 @> nil) (fun loc x -> rules (Menhir.v1_to_rule loc x))
; cstr "install" (Install_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Install x])
; cstr "alias" (Alias_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Alias x])
; cstr "copy_files" (Copy_files.v1 @> nil)
(fun glob -> [Copy_files {add_line_directive = false; glob}])
; cstr "copy_files#" (Copy_files.v1 @> nil)
(fun glob -> [Copy_files {add_line_directive = true; glob}])
(* Just for validation and error messages *)
; cstr "jbuild_version" (Jbuild_version.t @> nil) (fun _ -> [])

View File

@ -222,6 +222,13 @@ module Alias_conf : sig
module Copy_files : sig
type t =
{ add_line_directive : bool
; glob : String_with_vars.t
module Stanza : sig
type t =
| Library of Library.t
@ -230,6 +237,7 @@ module Stanza : sig
| Provides of Provides.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
module Stanzas : sig

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ type t =
; flags : (unit, string list) Build.t
; preprocess : Jbuild.Preprocess.t
; libname : string option
; source_dirs: Path.Set.t
(* This must be forced after we change the cwd to the workspace root *)
@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =
internals, ("PKG " ^ :: externals
let source_dirs =
Path.Set.fold t.source_dirs ~init:[] ~f:(fun path acc ->
let path = Path.reach path ~from:remaindir in
("S " ^ path)::acc
let flags =
match flags with
| [] -> []
@ -65,6 +72,7 @@ let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =
let dot_merlin =
[ [ "B " ^ (Path.reach dir ~from:remaindir) ]
; source_dirs
; internals
; externals
; flags
@ -94,9 +102,10 @@ let merge_two a b =
; libname =
match a.libname with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> b.libname
(match a.libname with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> b.libname)
; source_dirs = Path.Set.union a.source_dirs b.source_dirs
let merge_all = function

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ type t =
; flags : (unit, string list) Build.t
; preprocess : Jbuild.Preprocess.t
; libname : string option
; source_dirs: Path.Set.t
val merge_all : t list -> t option

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** a directory is smaller than its descendants *)
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t

View File

@ -64,3 +64,10 @@
(chdir test-cases/lib-available
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/copy_files)))
(chdir test-cases/copy_files
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(jbuild_version 1)
(copy_files# lexers/*.ml{,i})
((names (test))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(jbuild_version 1)
(ocamllex (lexer1))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
rule lex = parse
| _ { true }
| eof { false }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
$ $JBUILDER build -j1 test.exe .merlin --root . --debug-dependency-path
ocamllex lexers/
ocamldep test.depends.ocamldep-output
ocamlc lexer1.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlopt lexer1.{cmx,o}
ocamlc test.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlopt test.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt test.exe

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
include Lexer1