Add action helpers

Add constructor functions for Actions
This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-01-13 19:42:49 +08:00 committed by Rudi Grinberg
parent e28344a24b
commit a1026f46d1
3 changed files with 59 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -93,6 +93,29 @@ struct
| Remove_tree x -> List [Atom "remove-tree"; path x]
| Mkdir x -> List [Atom "mkdir"; path x]
| Digest_files paths -> List [Atom "digest-files"; List ( paths ~f:path)]
let run prog args = Run (prog, args)
let chdir path t = Chdir (path, t)
let setenv var value t = Setenv (var, value, t)
let with_stdout_to path t = Redirect (Stdout, path, t)
let with_stderr_to path t = Redirect (Stderr, path, t)
let with_outputs_to path t = Redirect (Outputs, path, t)
let ignore_stdout t = Ignore (Stdout, t)
let ignore_stderr t = Ignore (Stderr, t)
let ignore_outputs t = Ignore (Outputs, t)
let progn ts = Progn ts
let echo s = Echo s
let cat path = Cat path
let copy a b = Copy (a, b)
let symlink a b = Symlink (a, b)
let copy_and_add_line_directive a b = Copy_and_add_line_directive (a, b)
let system s = System s
let bash s = Bash s
let write_file p s = Write_file (p, s)
let rename a b = Rename (a, b)
let remove_tree path = Remove_tree path
let mkdir path = Mkdir path
let digest_files files = Digest_files files
module Make_mapper
@ -534,7 +557,7 @@ type exec_context =
; env : string array
let run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args =
let exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args =
begin match ectx.context with
| None
| Some { Context.for_host = None; _ } -> ()
@ -567,7 +590,7 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
| Run (Error e, _) ->
Prog.Not_found.raise e
| Run (Ok prog, args) ->
run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to prog args
| Chdir (dir, t) ->
exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
| Setenv (var, value, t) ->
@ -633,9 +656,9 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
let path, arg =
Utils.system_shell_exn ~needed_to:"interpret (system ...) actions"
run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to path [arg; cmd]
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to path [arg; cmd]
| Bash cmd ->
run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
exec_run ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
(Utils.bash_exn ~needed_to:"interpret (bash ...) actions")
["-e"; "-u"; "-o"; "pipefail"; "-c"; cmd]
| Write_file (fn, s) ->

View File

@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ include Action_intf.Ast
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
include Action_intf.Helpers
with type program := Prog.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
with type t := t
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t

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@ -31,3 +31,29 @@ module type Ast = sig
| Digest_files of path list
module type Helpers = sig
include Ast
val run : program -> string list -> t
val chdir : path -> t -> t
val setenv : string -> string -> t -> t
val with_stdout_to : path -> t -> t
val with_stderr_to : path -> t -> t
val with_outputs_to : path -> t -> t
val ignore_stdout : t -> t
val ignore_stderr : t -> t
val ignore_outputs : t -> t
val progn : t list -> t
val echo : string -> t
val cat : path -> t
val copy : path -> path -> t
val symlink : path -> path -> t
val copy_and_add_line_directive : path -> path -> t
val system : string -> t
val bash : string -> t
val write_file : path -> string -> t
val rename : path -> path -> t
val remove_tree : path -> t
val mkdir : path -> t
val digest_files : path list -> t