
837 lines
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Org Mode

This document describe the usage of Jbuilder and specifies its
metadata format. It is written using the =org= syntax and the best way
to read it is either using the Emacs =org-mode= or on github.
If you want quick usage example, read the [[./quick-start.org][quick start]] document
* Intro
Jbuilder is a build system for OCaml. It is not intended as a
completely generic build system that is able to build any given
project in any language. On the contrary, it makes lots of choices in
order to encourage a consistent development style.
This scheme is inspired from the one used inside Jane Street and
adapted to the opam world. It has matured over a long time and is used
daily by hundred of developpers, which means that it is highly tested
and productive.
When using Jbuilder, you give very little and high-level information
to the build system, which in turns takes care of all the low-level
details, from the compilation of your libraries, executables and
documentation to the installation, setting up of tests, setting up of
the devepment tools such as merlin, etc...
In addition to the normal features one would expect from a build
system for OCaml, Jbuilder provides a few additional ones that detach
it from the crowd:
- you never need to tell Jbuilder where things such as libraries
are. Jbuilder will always discover it automatically. In particular
this mean that when you want to re-organize your project you need to
do no more than rename your directories, Jbuilder will do the rest
- things always work the same whether your dependencies are local or
installed on the system. In particular this mean that you can always
drop in the source for a dependency of your project in your working
copy and Jbuilder will start using immediately. This makes Jbuilder
a great choice for multi-project development
- cross-platform: as long as your code is portable, Jbuilder will be
able to cross-compile it automatically
- release directly from any revision: Jbuilder needs no setup
stage. To release your project, you can simply point to a specific
tag. You can of course add some release steps if you want to, but it
is not necessary
The first section of this document defines some terms used in the rest
of this manual. The second section specifies the Jbuilder metadata
format and the third one describes how to use the =jbuilder= command.
* Terminology
- *package*: a package is a set of libraries, executables, ... that
are built and installed as one by opam
- *project*: project is a source tree, maybe containing one or more
- *root*: the root is the directory from where Jbuilder can build
things. Jbuilder knows how to build target that are descendant of
the root. Anything outside of the tree starting from the root is
considered part of the *installed world*
- *workspace*: a workspace is the sub-tree starting from the root. It
can contain any number of projects that will be built simultaneously
by jbuilder
- *installed world*: anything outside of the workspace, that Jbuilder
takes for granted and doesn't know how to build
- *build context*: a build context is a subdirectory of the =<root>/_build= directory. It contains all the build artifacts of
the workspace built against a specific configuration. The is always
a =default= build context, which correspond to the environemnt in
which Jbuilder is executed. Unless a =workspace.sexp= file exists in
a parent directory and defines more build contexts, =default= is the
only build context available
- *alias*: an alias is a build target that doesn't produce any file
and has configurable dependencies. Alias are per-directory and some
are recursive; asking an alias to be built in a given directrory
will trigger the construction of the alias in all children
directories recursively. The most interesting one is =runtest=,
which will run user defined tests
* Jbuilder project layout and metadata specification
A typical jbuilder project will have one or more =<package>.opam= file
at toplevel as well as =jbuild= files at toplevel and wherever
interesting things are: libraries, executables, tests, documents to
install, etc...
It is recommemded to organize your project so that you have exactly
one library per directory. You can have several executables in the
same directory, as long as they share the same build configuration.
The rest of these section describe the format of Jbuilder metadata
Note that the Jbuilder metadata format is versionned in order to
ensure forward compatibilty. Jane Street packages use a special
=jane_street= version which correspond to a rolling and unstable
version that follows the internal Jane Street development. You
shouldn't use this in your project, it is only intended to make the
publication of Jane Street packages easier.
Except for the special =jane_street= version, there is currently only
one version available, but to be future proof, you should still
specify it in your toplevel =jbuild= file. If no version is specified,
the latest one will be used. Specifying a version in a =jbuild= file
will affect the current file as well as the sub-tree where it is
defined. As a result it is recommended to specify the version in the
toplevel jbuild file of your project.
** Metadata format
All configuration files read by Jbuilder are using S-expression
syntax, which is very simple. Everything is either an atom or a
list. The exact specification of S-expressions is described in the
documentation of the [[https://github.com/janestreet/parsexp][parsexp]] library.
Note that the format is completely static. If you have a pattern
that's repeated a lot, you can use [[https://github.com/janestreet/cinaps][cinaps]] to generate the boilerplate.
** <package>.opam files
Jbuilder doesn't read =<package>.opam= files, however when a
=<package>.opam= is present, Jbuilder will knows that the package
named =<package>= exists. It will know how to construct a
=<package>.install= file in the same directory, to handle installation
via [[https://opam.ocaml.org/][opam]]. In addition, Jbuilder will also know how to build
=<package>.install= at the root of the workspace, for
convenience. Jbuilder also defines the =install= alias, which depends
on all the buildable =<package>.install= at the root of the
workspace. So for instance to build everything that is installable in
a workspace, run:
$ jbuilder build @install
Declaring a package this way will allow you to add elements such as
libraries, executables, documentations, ... to your package by
declaring them in =jbuild= files.
Jbuilder will only register the existence of =<package>= in the
subtree starting where the =<package>.opam= file lives, so you can
only declare parts of the packages in this subtree. Typically your
=<package>.opam= files should be at the root of your project, since
this is where =opam pin ...= will look for them.
*** Package version
Note that when installing a package, Jbuilder will write down the
version of the package in the installation directory. While Jbuilder
makes no use of it at the moment, it can be use by external tools such
as [[http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html][ocamlfind]].
Jbuilder determines the version of a package by looking for a version
file in the same directory as the =<package>.opam= file and by reading
its first line. The version file is any file whose name is, in order
in which they are looked for:
- =<package>.version=
- =version=
Note that it is not mandatory to specify a version number and if
Jbuilder cannot determine the package version, then it just won't
assign one. Managing versions should be left to package managers
*** Odig conventions
Jbuilder follows the [[http://erratique.ch/software/odig][odig]] conventions and automatically installs any
README*, CHANGE*, HISTORY* and LICENSE* files in the same directory as
the =<package>.opam= file to a location where odig will find them.
Note that this include files present in the source tree as well as
generated files. So for instance a changelog generated by a rule will
be automatically installed as well.
** jbuild
=jbuild= files are the main part of Jbuilder, and are the origin of
its name. They are used to describe libraries, executables, tests, and
everything Jbuilder needs to know about.
*** Specification
=jbuild= files are composed of stanzas. For instance a typical
=jbuild= looks like:
#+begin_src scheme
((name mylib)
(libraries (base lwt))))
((targets (foo.ml))
(deps (generator/gen.exe))
(action (run ${<} -o ${@}))))
The following sections describe the available stanzas and their
**** jbuilder_version
=(jbuilder_version 1)= specifies that we are using the version 1 of
the Jbuilder metadata format in this =jbuild= file and the sub-tree
starting from this directory.
**** library
The =library= stanza must be used to describe OCaml libraries. The
format of library stanzas is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
((name <library-name>)
=<library-name>= is the real name of the library. It determines the
names of the archive files generated for the library as well as the
module name under which the library will be available, unless
=(wrapped false)= is used (see below). It must be a valid OCaml module
name but doesn't need to start with a uppercase letter.
For instance, the modules of a library named =foo= will be available
as =Foo.XXX= outside of =foo= itself. It is however allowed to write
an explicit =Foo= module, in which case this will be the interface of
the library and you are free to expose only the modules you want.
=<optional-fields>= are:
- =(public_name <name>)= this is the name under which the library can
be refered as a dependency when it is not part of the current
workspace, i.e. when it is installed. Without a =(public_name ...)=
field, the library will not be installed by Jbuilder. The public
name must start by the package name it is part of and optionally
followed by a dot and anything else you want. The package name must
be one of the package that Jbuilder knows about, as determined by
the [[package.opam][<package>.opam files]]
- =(synopsis <string>)= should give a one-line description of the
library. This is used by tools that list installed libraries
- =(modules <modules>)= specifies what modules are part of the
library. By default Jbuilder will use all the .ml files in the same
directory as the =jbuild= file. This include ones that are present
in the file system as well as ones generated by user rules. You can
restrict this list by using a =(modules <modules>)= field. =<modules>=
uses the [[Ordered set language][ordered set language]] where elements are module names and don't
need to start with a uppercase letter. For instance to exclude module =Foo=: =(modules (:standard \ foo))=
- =(libraries (<library-dependencies>))= is used to specifiy the
dependencies of the library. In here you should put library
names. For library that are present in the workspace, you can use
either the real name or the public name. For libraries that are part
of the installed world, you need to use the public name. For
instance: =(libraries (base re))=. In addition to direct
dependencies you can specify alternative dependencies. This is
described in the [[Alternative dependencies][alternative dependencies section]]
- =(wrapped <boolean>)= specifies whether the modules of the library
should be available only through of the toplevel library module, or
should all be exposed at toplevel. The default is =true= and it is
highly recommed to keep it this way. Because OCaml toplevel modules
must all be unique when linking an executables, polluting the
toplevel namespace will make your library unusable with other
libraries if there is a module name clash. This option is only
intended for libraries that manually prefix all their modules by the
library name
- =(preprocess <preprocess-spec>)= specifies how to pre-process files
if needed. The default is =no_processing=. Other options are
described in the [[Preprocessing specification][preprocessing specification section]]
- =(preprocessor_deps (<deps-conf list>))= specifies extra
dependencies of the preprocessor, for instance if the preprocessor
reads a generated file. The specification of dependencies is
described in the [[Dependency specification][dependency specification section]]
- =(optional)=, if present it indicates that the library should only
be built and installed if all the dependencies are available, either
in the workspace or in the installed world. You can use this to
provide extra features without adding hard dependencies to your
- =(c_names (<names>))=, if your library has stubs, you must list the
C files in this field, without the =.c= extension
- =(cxx_names (<names>))= is the same as =c_names= but for C++ stubs
- =(install_c_headers (<names>))= if your libraries has public C
header files that must be installed, you must list them in this
field, with the =.h= extension
- =(modes (<modes>))= modes (=byte= and =native=) which should be
built by default. This is only useful when writing libraries for the
OCaml toplevel
- =(kind <kind>)= is the kind of the library. The default is =normal=,
other available choices are =ppx_rewriter= and =ppx_type_conv_plugin= and must be set when the library is intended
to be used as a ppx rewriter or a =[@@deriving ...]= plugin
- =(ppx_runtime_libraries (<library-names>))= when the library is a
ppx rewriter or a =[@@deriving ...]= plugin and has runtime
dependencies, you can specify them here
- =(virtual_deps (<opam-packages>)=. Sometimes opam packages enable a
specific feature only if another package is installed. This is for
instance the case of =ctypes= which will only install =ctypes.foreign= if the dummy =ctypes-forein= package is
installed. You can specify such virtual dependencies here. You don't
need to do so unless you use Jbuilder to synthesize the =depends=
and =depopts= sections of your opam file
- =flags=, =ocamlc_flags= and =ocamlopt_flags=. See the
[[OCaml flags][section about specifying OCaml flags]]
- =(library_flags (<flags>))= is a list of flags that are passed as it
to =ocamlc= and =ocamlopt= when building the library archive
files. You can use this to specify =-linkall= for
instance. =<flags>= is a list of strings supporting [[Variables expansion][variables
- =(c_flags <flags>)= specifies the compilation flags for C stubs,
using the [[Ordered set language][ordered set language]]. This field supports =(:include ...)=
- =(cxx_flags <flags>)= is the same as =c_flags= but for C++ stubs
- =(c_library_flags <flags>)= specifies the flags to pass to the C
compiler when constructing the library archive file for the C stubs. =<flags>= uses the [[Ordered set language][ordered set language]] and supports =(:include
...)= forms. When you are writing bindings for a C library named =bar=, you should typically write =-lbar= here, or whatever flags
are necessary to to link against this library.
Note that when binding C libraries, Jbuilder doesn't provide special
support for tools such as =pkg-config=, however it integrates easily
with [[https://github.com/janestreet/configurator][configurator]] by using =(c_flags (:include ...))= and
=(c_library_flags (:include ...))=.
**** executables
The =executables= stanza must be used to describe sets of
executables. The format of executables stanzas is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
((names (<entry point names>))
=<entry point names>= is a list of module names that contain the main
entry point of each executables. There can be additional modules in
the current directory, you only need to list the entry point in
=(names ...)=. For every =<name>=, Jbuilder will know how to build
=<name>.exe= and =<name>.bc=. =<name>.exe= is a native code executable
and =<name>.bc= is a bytecode executable which requires =ocamlrun= to
Note that in case native compilation is not available, =<name>.exe=
will in fact be a custom byte-code executable. Custom in the sense of
=ocamlc -custom=, meaning that it is a native executable that embeds
the =ocamlrun= virtual machine as well as the byte code. As such you
can always rely on =<name>.exe= begin available.
=<optional-fields>= are:
- =(libraries (<library-dependencies>))= is the same as the =(libraries ...)= field of [[library][libraries]]
- =(modules <modules>)= specifies which modules in the current
directory Jbuilder should consider when building
executables. Modules not listed here will be ignored and cannot be
used inside executables described by the current stanza. It is
interpreted in the same way as the =(modules ...)= field of
- =(preprocess <preprocess-spec>)= is the same as the =(preprocess ...)= field of [[library][libraries]]
- =(preprocessor_deps (<deps-conf list>))= is the same as the =(preprocessor_deps ...)= field of [[library][libraries]]
- =flags=, =ocamlc_flags= and =ocamlopt_flags=. See the
[[OCaml flags][section about specifying OCaml flags]]
**** rule
The =rule= stanza is used to create custom rules. It tells Jbuilder
how to generate a specific set of files from a specific set of
The syntax is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
((targets (<filenames>))
(deps (<deps-conf list>))
(action <action>)))
=<filenames>= is a list of file names. Note that currently Jbuilder
only support user rules with targets in the current directory.
=<deps-conf list>= specifies the dependencies of the rule. See the
specification][dependency specification section]] for more details.
=<action>= is the action to run to produce the targets from the
dependencies. See the [[User actions][actions section]] for more details.
**** ocamllex
=(ocamllex (<names>))= is essentially a short-hand for:
#+begin_src scheme
((targets (<name>.ml))
(deps (<name>.mll))
(action (run ocamllex ${<}))))
**** ocamlyacc
=(ocamlyacc (<names>))= is essentially a short-hand for:
#+begin_src scheme
((targets (<name>.ml <name>.mli))
(deps (<name>.mly))
(action (run ocamlyacc ${<}))))
**** alias
The =alias= stanza lets you add dependencies to an alias, or specify
an action to run to construct the alias.
The syntax is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
((name <alias-name>)
(deps (<deps-conf list>))
=<name>= is an alias name such as =runtest=.
=<deps-conf list>= specifies the dependencies of the rule. See the
specification][dependency specification section]] for more details.
=<optional-fields>= are:
- =<action>=, an action to run when constructing the alias. See the
[[User actions][actions section]] for more details.
The typical use of the =alias= stanza is to define tests:
#+begin_src scheme
((name runtest)
(deps (my-test-program.exe))
(action "./${<} blah")))
See the [[runtest][section about running tests]] for details.
**** provides
The =provides= stanza allows you to globally name a file, either a
source file or a target. This is especially important for build tools;
by using the =provides= mechanism, you don't need to know whether the
binary is in the tree or installed.
The syntax is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
(provides (<name> (file <filename>)))
=<name>= is the name under which the artefact can be refered and
=<filename>= is the file it resolves to. When =<filename>= can be
guessed from the =<name>=, you can use the following shorter syntax:
#+begin_src scheme
(provides <name>)
In this case, the file name is guessed as follow:
- if =<name>= contains a =:=, the file name is anything that comes
after the first =:=
- otherwise it is the same as =<name>=
Once you have written a =provides= stanza, you can refer to the file
in points to using the special forms =${bin:<name>}= or
=${findlib:<library>:<file>}= inside =(action ...)= fields. See the
[[Variables expansion][section about variables expansion]] for details.
Note that any file referred by a =provides= stanza should probably be
installed as well, using an [[install]] stanza. If the file is meant to be
installed in a library directory, then its name should be of the form
=<public-library-name>:<file>=. It is meant to be installed in the
=bin= directory, then its name should be the program name.
**** install
The =install= stanza is what lets you describe what Jbuilder should
install, either when running =jbuilder install= or through opam.
Libraries don't need an =install= stanza to be installed, just a
=public_name= field. Everything else needs an =install= stanza.
The syntax is as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
((section <section>)
(files (<filenames>))
=<section>= is the installation section, as described in the opam
manual. The following sections are available:
- =lib=
- =libexec=
- =bin=
- =sbin=
- =toplevel=
- =share=
- =share_root=
- =etc=
- =doc=
- =stublibs=
- =man=
- =misc=
=<files>= is the list of files to install.
=<optional-fields>= are:
- =(package <name>)=. If there are no ambiguities, you can omit this
field. Otherwise you need it to specify which package these files
are part of. The package is not ambiguous when the first parent
directory to contain a =<package>.opam= file contains exactly one =<package>.opam= file
**** Common items
***** Ordered set language
A few fields takes as argument a ordered set and can be specified
using a small DSL.
This DSL is interpreted by jbuilder into an ordered set of strings
using the following rules:
- =:standard= denotes to the standard value of the field when it is
- an atom not starting with a =:= is a singleton containing only this
- a list of sets is the concatenation of its inner sets
- =(<sets1> \ <sets2>)= is the set composed of elements of =<sets1>=
that do not appear in =<sets2>=
In addition, some fields support the inclusion of an external file
using the syntax =(:include <filename>)=. This is useful for instance
when you need to run a script to figure out some compilation flags.
=<filename>= is expected to contain a single S-expression and cannot
contain =(:include ...)= forms.
Most fields using the ordered set language also support [[Variables expansion][variables
expansion]]. Variables are expanded after the set language is
***** Variables expansion
Some fields can contains variables of the form =$(var)= or =${var}=
that are expanded by Jbuilder.
Jbuilder supports the following variables:
- =ROOT= is the relative path to the root of the workspace
- =CC= is the C compiler command line being used in the current build
- =CXX= is the C++ compiler command line being used in the current
build context
- =ocaml_bin= is the path where =ocamlc= lives
- =OCAML= is the =ocaml= binary
- =OCAMLC= is the =ocamlc= binary
- =OCAMLOPT= is the =ocamlopt= binary
- =ocaml_version= is the version of the compiler used in the current
build context
- =ocaml_where= is the output of =ocamlc -where=
- =ARCH_SIXTYFOUR= is =true= if using a compiler targetting a 64 bit
architecture and =false= otherwise
In addition, =(action ...)= fields support the following special variables:
- =@= expands to the list of target, separated by spaces
- =<= expands to the first dependency, or the empty string if there are no dependencies
- =^= expands to the list of dependencies, separated by spaces
- =exe:<path>= expands to =<path>=, except when cross-compiling, in
which case it will expand to =<path>= from the host build context
- =bin:<program>= expands to a path to =program=. If =program= is
provided by a jbuild in the workspace (see [[provide][provide stanzas]]), the
locally built binarry will be used, otherwise it will be searched in
the =PATH= of the current build context
- =findlib:<public-library-name>:<file>= expands to a path to file =<file>= of library =<public-library-name>=. If =<public-library-name>= is available in the current workspace, the
local file will be used, otherwise the one from the installed world
will be used
The last two forms of variable are what allows you to write custom
rules that work transparently whether things are installed or not.
***** Alternative dependencies
It is sometimes the case that one wants to not depend on a specific
library, but instead on whatever is already installed. For instance to
use a different backend depending on the target.
Jbuilder allows this by using a =(select ... from ...)= form inside
the list of library dependencies.
Select forms are specified as follow:
#+begin_src scheme
(select <target-filename> from
((<literals> -> <filename>)
(<literals> -> <filename>)
=<literals>= are list of literals, where each literal is one of:
- =<library-name>=, which will evaluate to true if =<library-name>= is
available, either in the worksapce either in the installed world
- =!<library-name>=, which will evaluate to true if =<library-name>=
is not availale in the workspace or in the installed world
When evaluating a select form, Jbuilder will create
=<target-filename>= by copying the file given by the first
=(<literals> -> <filename>)= case where all the literals evaluate to
true. It is an error if none of the clauses are selectable. You can
add a fallback by adding a clause of the form =(-> <file>)= at the end
of the list.
***** Preprocessing specification
Jbuilder accept three kinds of pre-processing:
- =no_preprocessing=, meaning that files are given as it to the
compiler, this is the default
- =(command <shell-command>)= to pre-process files using the given
shell command. The input file is given as an extra argument and the
command is expected to output the result on its standard output
- =(pps (<ppx-rewriters-and-flags>))= to pre-process files using the
given list of ppx rewriters
Note that in any cases, files are pre-processed only once. Jbuilder
doesn't use the =-pp= or =-ppx= of the various OCaml tools.
=<ppx-rewriters-and-flags>= is expected to be a list where each
element is either a command line flag if starting with a =-= or the
name of a library implementing an OCaml AST rewriter. These must be
libraries as Jbuilder always build a single ppx driver in order to
speed up compilation.
Currently Jbuilder only knows how to buid [[https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_driver][ppx_driver]] based drivers, so
using =(pps (...))= will force a dependency on ppx_driver. You are
however free to use ppx rewriters that are not based on ppx_driver in
this list, since ppx_driver is able to import rewriters that where not
designed for ppx_driver.
****** Per module pre-processing specification
By default a preprocessing specification will apply to all modules in
the library/set of executables. It is possible to select the
preprocessing on a module-by-module basis by using the following
#+begin_src scheme
(preprocess (per_file
(<spec1> (<module-list1))
(<spec2> (<module-list2))
Where =<spec1>=, =<spec2>=, ... are preprocessing specifications and
=<module-list1>=, =<module-list2>=, ... are list of module names. It
is currently not possible to distinguish between .ml/.mli files,
however it wouldn't be hard to support if needed.
For instance:
#+begin_src scheme
(preprocess (per_file
((command "./pp.sh X=1" (foo bar)))
((command "./pp.sh X=2" (baz)))))
***** Dependency specification
Dependecies in =jbuild= files can be specified using one of the
following syntax:
- =(file <filename>)= or simply =<filename>=: depend on this file
- =(alias <alias-name>)=: depend on the construction of this alias,
for instance: =(alias src/runtest)=
- =(glob_files <glob>)=: depend on all files matched by =<glob>=, see
the [[Glob][glob section]] for details
In all these cases, the argument supports [[Variables expansion][variables expansion]].
****** Glob
You can use globs to declare dependencies on a set of files. Note that
globs will match files that exist in the source tree as well as
buildable targets, so for instance you can depend on =*.cmi=.
Currently jbuilder only support globbing files in a single
directory. And in particular the glob is interpreted as follow:
- anything before the last =/= is taken as a literal path
- anything after the last =/=, or everything if the glob contains no =/=, is interpreted using the glob syntax
The glob syntax is interpreted as follow:
- =\<char>= matches exactly =<char>=, even if it is a special
character (=*=, =?=, ...)
- =*= matches any sequence of characters, except if it comes first in
which case it matches any character that is not =.= followed by
- =**= matches any character that is not =.= followed by anything,
except if it comes first in which case it matches anything
- =?= matches any single character
- =[<set>]= matches any character that is part of =<set>=
- =[!<set>]= matches any character that is not part of =<set>=
- ={<glob1>,<glob2>,...,<globn>}= matches any string that is matched
by one of =<glob1>=, =<glob2>=, ...
***** OCaml flags
In =library= and =executables= stanzas, you can specify OCaml
compilation flags using the following fields:
- =(flags <flags>)= to specify flags passed to both =ocamlc= and =ocamlopt=
- =(ocamlc_flags <flags>)= to specify flags passed to =ocamlc= only
- =(ocamlopt_flags <flags>)= to specify flags passed to =ocamlopt=
For all these fields, =<flags>= is specified in the [[Ordered set language][ordered set language]].
***** User actions
=(action ...)= fields describe user actions. The argument can use one
of these two forms:
- a simple string, in which case it is passed to =bash=
- using a small DSL, that is interpreted by jbuilder directly and
doesn't require an external shell
In both case, each atom in the argument supports [[Variables expansion][variables
expansion]]. Moreover, you don't need to specify dependencies
explicitely for the special =${exe:...}=, =${bin:...}= or
=${findlib:...}= forms, these are recognized automatically by
The DSL is preferable in general as it will make your package more
portable. It is currently quite limited, so the recommendation is to
write a small OCaml program and use the DSL to invoke it. You can use
[[https://github.com/janestreet/shexp][shexp]] to write portable scripts or [[https://github.com/janestreet/configurator][configurator]] for configuration
related tasks.
The following constructions are available:
- =(run <prog> <args>)= to execute a program
- =(chdir <dir> <DSL>)= to change the current directory
- =(setenv <var> <value> <DSL>)= to set an environment variable
- =(with-stdout-to <file> <DSL>)= to redirect the output to a file
* Usage
* Advanced topics
This section describes some details of Jbuilder for advanced users.
** META file generation
Jbuilder uses =META= files from the [[http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html][findlib library manager]] in order
to inter-operate with the rest of the world when installing
libraries. It is able to generate them automatically. However, for the
rare cases where you would need a specific =META= file, or to ease the
transition of a project to Jbuilder, it is allowed to write/generate a
specific one.
In order to do that, write or setup a rule to generate a
=META.<package>= file in the same directory as the =<package>.opam=
file. If you do that, Jbuilder will still generate a =META= file but
it will be called =META.<package>.from-jbuilder=. So for instance if
you want to extend the =META= file generated by Jbuilder you can
#+begin_src scheme
((targets (META.foo))
(deps (META.foo.from-jbuilder))
(action "{ cat ${<}; echo blah } > ${@}")))
Additionally, Jbuilder provides a simpler mechanism for this scheme:
just write or generate a =META.<package>.template= file containing a
line of the form =# JBUILDER_GEN=. Jbuilder will automatically insert
its generated =META= contents in place of this line.