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This document describe the plan for the next releases of Jbuilder.



Add a proper cmdliner based CLI. Jbuilder will include a copy of cmdliner to avoid the extra dependency.

  • 20/02/2017: This is now implemented thanks to Rudi Grinberg (#5)

Improve the man pages

Add a bit more documentation in the Man pages generated by cmdliner.


Document the usage and design of Jbuilder.

  • 21/02/2017: There is now a manual, it still needs a bit more about CLI usage

Stable jbuild types

Add a stable version of the jbuild format so that one can write (jbuild_version 1) inside jbuild files and be sure that they will work with future versions of jbuild.

  • 24/02/2017: implemented

Finding the project/workspace root

Currently jbuilder assumes that the root of the project/workspace is where it is started. Eventually this will be changed as follows:

  • if there is a jbuild-workspace in a parent directory, it marks the root;
  • if not found, look for a opam or package.opam file in parent directories;
  • if not found, look for a .git, .hg, … file in parent directories;
  • if not found, use the current directory as root.
  • 28/02/2017: Implemented

Generate .merlin files #1

  • 25/02/2017: Implemented by Richard Davison (#2)

Running tests with jbuilder #3

Allow to define tests with (alias ...) stanzas and add jbuilder runtest to run them.

  • 21/02/2017: Rudi Grinberg added support for aliases (#7)
  • 23/02/2017: Added a runtest subcommand

Implement package version support

Implement finding the version of a package, as described in the documentation.

  • 24/02/2017: Implemented

After V1


Everything needed for cross-compilation is implemented. One essentially need to add a function host_exe : Path.t -> Path.t inside build contexts to make it all work, as well as a way to define the build contexts. These could be defined inside jbuild-workspace as follows:

 ((name   foo)
  (switch 4.04.0)))

 ((name   foo+mingw)
  (switch 4.04.0+mingw)
  (host   foo)))

Jenga bridge

Implement a jenga plugin that can read the same jbuild files as Jbuilder. To do that we'll use Jbuilder as a library.

odoc support

Support generating documentation with odoc.

Inline tests

Setup automatic support of inline tests and inline benchmarks.

Extend the action language

Currently in (action ...) fields, when not using bash the language is very limited. It would be nice to add more commands that would guarantee portability and avoid the quoting nightmare of bash.

FS commands should be straightfoward to implement:

  • (copy <src> <dst>)
  • (mkdir <path>)

Redirections to/from files are simple as well.

We could also implements pipes ((pipe <command1> <command2> ...)) by using temporary files. Using proper pipes would complicate windows support and would make proper handling of -j hard. Using temporary files will be just fine.

User configuration file

Load a configuration file from ~/.config/jbuilder/config.sexp where the user can define preferences such as colors.

Code improvements

Delete the global variables in Clflags