Improve alias management

This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2017-02-25 01:33:37 +00:00
parent 7538fd8263
commit 9fe0e9c87d
7 changed files with 97 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -129,11 +129,6 @@ type target =
| File of Path.t
| Alias of Path.t * Alias.t
let aliases_in_source_tree =
[ "install"
let resolve_targets (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
match user_targets with
| [] -> []
@ -146,15 +141,8 @@ let resolve_targets (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
if Path.is_root path then
die "@ on the command line must be followed by a valid alias name"
let name = Path.basename path in
let path =
if Path.is_in_build_dir path ||
String_set.mem name aliases_in_source_tree then
Path.append setup.context.build_dir path
let dir = Path.parent path in
let name = Path.basename path in
Alias (path, Alias.make ~dir name)
File (

View File

@ -130,12 +130,10 @@ Jbuilder doesn't read =<package>.opam= files, however when a
=<package>.opam= is present, Jbuilder will knows that the package
named =<package>= exists. It will know how to construct a
=<package>.install= file in the same directory, to handle installation
via [[][opam]]. In addition, Jbuilder will also know how to build
=<package>.install= at the root of the workspace, for
convenience. Jbuilder also defines the =install= alias, which depends
on all the buildable =<package>.install= at the root of the
workspace. So for instance to build everything that is installable in
a workspace, run:
via [[][opam]]. Jbuilder also defines the recursive =install= alias, which depends
on all the buildable =<package>.install= files in the workspace. So
for instance to build everything that is installable in a workspace,
run at the root:
$ jbuilder build @install

View File

@ -1,39 +1,66 @@
open! Import
type t = Path.t
module Name : sig
type t
val make : Path.t -> t
val path : t -> Path.t
end = struct
type t = Path.t
let make t = t
let path t = t
type t =
{ name : Name.t
; file : Path.t
let aliases_path = Path.(relative root) "_build/.aliases"
let make name ~dir =
if not (Path.is_local dir) then
let of_path path =
if not (Path.is_local path) then
die "Aliases are only supported for local paths!\n\
Tried to reference alias %S in %s"
name (Path.to_string dir);
Path.append aliases_path (Path.relative dir name)
Tried to reference alias %S"
(Path.to_string path);
{ name = Name.make path
; file = Path.append aliases_path path
let dep = Build.path
let make name ~dir = of_path (Path.relative dir name)
let file t = t
let dep t = Build.path t.file
let file t = t.file
let default = make "DEFAULT"
let runtest = make "runtest"
let install = make "install"
let recursive_aliases =
[ default
; runtest
; install
module Store = struct
type nonrec t = (t, Path.Set.t ref) Hashtbl.t
type entry =
{ alias : t
; mutable deps : Path.Set.t
type t = (Name.t, entry) Hashtbl.t
let create () = Hashtbl.create 1024
let add_deps store t deps =
let deps = Path.Set.of_list deps in
match Hashtbl.find store t with
| None -> Hashtbl.add store ~key:t ~data:(ref deps)
| Some r -> r := Path.Set.union deps !r
match Hashtbl.find store with
| None ->
Hashtbl.add store
~data:{ Store.alias = t
; deps = deps
| Some e -> e.deps <- Path.Set.union deps e.deps
type tree = Node of Path.t * tree list
@ -41,19 +68,29 @@ let rec setup_rec_alias store ~make_alias ~prefix ~tree:(Node (dir, children)) =
let alias = make_alias ~dir:(Path.append prefix dir) in
add_deps store alias ( children ~f:(fun child ->
setup_rec_alias store ~make_alias ~prefix ~tree:child));
let setup_rec_aliases store ~prefix ~tree =
List.iter recursive_aliases ~f:(fun make_alias ->
ignore (setup_rec_alias store ~make_alias ~prefix ~tree : t))
ignore (setup_rec_alias store ~make_alias ~prefix ~tree : Path.t))
let rules store ~prefix ~tree =
setup_rec_aliases store ~prefix ~tree;
Hashtbl.fold store ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:alias ~data:deps acc ->
let rules store ~prefixes ~tree =
List.iter prefixes ~f:(fun prefix ->
setup_rec_aliases store ~prefix ~tree);
(* For each alias @_build/blah/../x, add a dependency: @../x --> @_build/blah/../x *)
Hashtbl.fold store ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:{ Store. alias; _ } acc ->
match Path.extract_build_context (Name.path with
| None -> acc
| Some (_, in_src) -> (of_path in_src, alias) :: acc)
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (in_src, in_build_dir) ->
add_deps store in_src [in_build_dir.file]);
Hashtbl.fold store ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:{ Store. alias; deps } acc ->
let open Build.O in
let rule =
(Build.path_set !deps >>>
Build.touch alias)
(Build.path_set deps >>>
Build.touch alias.file)
rule :: acc)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ val make : string -> dir:Path.t -> t
val default : dir:Path.t -> t
val runtest : dir:Path.t -> t
val install : dir:Path.t -> t
val dep : t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
val file : t -> Path.t
@ -19,6 +20,6 @@ type tree = Node of Path.t * tree list
val rules
: Store.t
-> prefix:Path.t
-> prefixes:Path.t list
-> tree:tree
-> Build_interpret.Rule.t list

View File

@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ let obj_name_of_basename fn =
module type Params = sig
val context : Context.t
val file_tree : File_tree.t
val tree : Alias.tree
val stanzas : (Path.t * Jbuild_types.Stanza.t list) list
val packages : Package.t String_map.t
val filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps : bool
val alias_store : Alias.Store.t
module Gen(P : Params) = struct
@ -264,12 +264,9 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
module Alias = struct
include Alias
let store = Store.create ()
let add_deps t deps = add_deps store t deps
let rules () = rules store ~prefix:ctx.build_dir ~tree:P.tree
let add_deps t deps = add_deps P.alias_store t deps
let all_rules = ref []
let known_targets_by_dir_so_far = ref Path.Map.empty
@ -1679,38 +1676,40 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
install_file pkg.Package.path
let () =
let install_alias = Alias.make ~dir:ctx.build_dir "install" in
let global_install_alias = Alias.make ~dir:Path.root "install" in
let is_default = Path.basename ctx.build_dir = "default" in
String_map.iter P.packages ~f:(fun ~key:pkg ~data:{ Package.path; _ } ->
String_map.iter P.packages ~f:(fun ~key:pkg ~data:{ Package.path = src_path; _ } ->
let install_fn = pkg ^ ".install" in
let in_source_dir = Path.relative path install_fn in
let orig = Path.append ctx.build_dir in_source_dir in
let at_root_of_build_context = Path.relative ctx.build_dir install_fn in
if not (Path.is_root path) then
add_rule (Build.copy ~src:orig ~dst:at_root_of_build_context);
Alias.add_deps install_alias [at_root_of_build_context];
let ctx_path = Path.append ctx.build_dir src_path in
let ctx_install_alias = Alias.install ~dir:ctx_path in
let ctx_install_file = Path.relative ctx_path install_fn in
Alias.add_deps ctx_install_alias [ctx_install_file];
if is_default then begin
add_rule (Build.copy ~src:orig ~dst:in_source_dir);
let at_root = Path.relative Path.root install_fn in
if not (Path.is_root path) then
add_rule (Build.copy ~src:orig ~dst:at_root);
Alias.add_deps global_install_alias [at_root]
let src_install_alias = Alias.install ~dir:src_path in
let src_install_file = Path.relative src_path install_fn in
add_rule (Build.copy ~src:ctx_install_file ~dst:src_install_file);
Alias.add_deps src_install_alias [src_install_file]
let gen ~context ~file_tree ~tree ~stanzas ~packages
?(filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps=true) () =
let module M =
let context = context
let file_tree = file_tree
let tree = tree
let stanzas = stanzas
let packages = packages
let filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps =
let gen ~contexts ~file_tree ~tree ~stanzas ~packages
?(filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps=true) () =
let alias_store = Alias.Store.create () in
let rules =
List.concat_map contexts ~f:(fun context ->
let module M =
let context = context
let file_tree = file_tree
let stanzas = stanzas
let packages = packages
let filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps =
let alias_store = alias_store
M.Alias.rules () @ !M.all_rules
Alias.rules alias_store ~prefixes:(Path.root :: contexts ~f:(fun c -> c.Context.build_dir)) ~tree
@ rules

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
open Import
val gen
: context:Context.t
: contexts:Context.t list
-> file_tree:File_tree.t
-> tree:Alias.tree
-> stanzas:(Path.t * Jbuild_types.Stanza.t list) list

View File

@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ let setup ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps () =
| Some c -> return c)
>>= fun default_context ->
let rules =
List.concat_map contexts ~f:(fun context ->
Gen_rules.gen ~context ~file_tree ~tree ~stanzas ~packages
?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps ())
Gen_rules.gen ~contexts ~file_tree ~tree ~stanzas ~packages
?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps ()
let build_system = Build_system.create ~file_tree ~rules in
return { build_system