
291 lines
9.0 KiB

open Jbuilder
open Import
open Jbuilder_cmdliner.Cmdliner
module Main = Jbuilder.Main
(* Things in src/ don't depend on cmdliner to speed up the bootstrap, so we set this
reference here *)
let () = suggest_function := Jbuilder_cmdliner.Cmdliner_suggest.value
let (>>=) = Future.(>>=)
let create_log = Main.create_log
type common =
{ concurrency: int
; debug_rules: bool
; debug_dep_path: bool
; debug_findlib: bool
; dev_mode: bool
let set_common c =
Clflags.concurrency := c.concurrency;
Clflags.debug_rules := c.debug_rules;
Clflags.debug_dep_path := c.debug_dep_path;
Clflags.debug_findlib := c.debug_findlib;
Clflags.dev_mode := c.dev_mode
let copts_sect = "COMMON OPTIONS"
let help_secs =
[ `S copts_sect
; `P "These options are common to all commands."
; `P "Use `$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help' for help on a single command."
; `S "BUGS"
; `P "Check bug reports at https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/issues"
let common =
let make concurrency debug_rules debug_dep_path debug_findlib dev_mode =
{ concurrency
; debug_rules
; debug_dep_path
; debug_findlib
; dev_mode
let docs = copts_sect in
let concurrency =
Arg.(value & opt int !Clflags.concurrency & info ["j"] ~docs) in
let drules = Arg.(value & flag & info ["drules"] ~docs) in
let ddep_path = Arg.(value & flag & info ["ddep-path"] ~docs) in
let dfindlib = Arg.(value & flag & info ["dfindlib"] ~docs) in
let dev = Arg.(value & flag & info ["dev"] ~docs) in
Term.(const make $ concurrency $ drules $ ddep_path $ dfindlib $ dev)
let installed_libraries =
let doc = "Print out libraries installed on the system." in
let go common =
set_common common;
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Lazy.force Context.default >>= fun ctx ->
let findlib = Findlib.create ctx in
let pkgs = Findlib.all_packages findlib in
let max_len = List.longest_map pkgs ~f:(fun p -> p.name) in
List.iter pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->
let ver =
match pkg.Findlib.version with
| "" -> "n/a"
| v -> v
Printf.printf "%-*s (version: %s)\n" max_len pkg.name ver);
Future.return ())
( Term.(const go
$ common)
, Term.info "installed-libraries" ~doc
let resolve_package_install setup pkg =
match Main.package_install_file setup pkg with
| Ok path -> path
| Error () ->
die "Unknown package %s!%s" pkg (hint pkg (String_map.keys setup.packages))
let build_package pkg =
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Main.setup () >>= fun setup ->
Build_system.do_build_exn setup.build_system
[resolve_package_install setup pkg])
let build_package =
let doc = "Build a single package in release mode." in
let name_ = Arg.info [] ~docv:"PACKAGE-NAME" in
let go common pkg =
set_common common;
build_package pkg
( Term.(const go
$ common
$ Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None name_))
, Term.info "build-package" ~doc ~man:help_secs)
let external_lib_deps packages =
let log = create_log () in
let deps =
Path.Map.fold (Main.external_lib_deps ~log ~packages ()) ~init:String_map.empty
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:deps acc -> Build.merge_lib_deps deps acc)
String_map.iter deps ~f:(fun ~key:n ~data ->
match (data : Build.lib_dep_kind) with
| Required -> Printf.printf "%s\n" n
| Optional -> Printf.printf "%s (optional)\n" n)
let external_lib_deps =
let doc = "Print out external library dependencies." in
let name_ = Arg.info [] ~docv:"PACKAGE-NAME" in
let go common packages =
set_common common;
external_lib_deps packages
( Term.(const go
$ common
$ Arg.(non_empty & pos_all string [] name_))
, Term.info "external-lib-deps" ~doc ~man:help_secs)
type target =
| File of Path.t
| Alias of Path.t * Alias.t
let resolve_targets (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
match user_targets with
| [] -> []
| _ ->
let targets =
List.map user_targets ~f:(fun s ->
if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"@" then
let s = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1) in
let path = Path.relative Path.root s in
if Path.is_root path then
die "@ on the command line must be followed by a valid alias name"
let dir = Path.parent path in
let name = Path.basename path in
Alias (path, Alias.make ~dir name)
File (
let path = Path.relative Path.root s in
if Path.is_in_build_dir path then
else if Path.is_local path &&
not (Build_system.is_target setup.build_system path) &&
not (Path.exists path) then
Path.append setup.context.build_dir path
Printf.printf "Building the following targets:\n";
List.iter targets ~f:(function
| File path ->
Printf.printf "- %s\n" (Path.to_string path)
| Alias (path, _) ->
Printf.printf "- alias %s\n" (Path.to_string path));
flush stdout;
List.map targets ~f:(function
| File path -> path
| Alias (_, alias) -> Alias.file alias)
let build_targets =
let doc = "Build targets." in
let name_ = Arg.info [] ~docv:"TARGET" in
let go common targets =
set_common common;
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Main.setup () >>= fun setup ->
let targets = resolve_targets setup targets in
Build_system.do_build_exn setup.build_system targets) in
( Term.(const go
$ common
$ Arg.(non_empty & pos_all string [] name_))
, Term.info "build" ~doc ~man:help_secs)
let runtest =
let doc = "Run tests." in
let name_ = Arg.info [] ~docv:"DIR" in
let go common dirs =
set_common common;
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Main.setup () >>= fun setup ->
let dirs = List.map dirs ~f:Path.(relative root) in
let targets =
List.map dirs ~f:(fun dir ->
let dir =
if Path.is_in_build_dir dir then
Path.append setup.context.build_dir dir
Alias.file (Alias.runtest ~dir))
Build_system.do_build_exn setup.build_system targets) in
( Term.(const go
$ common
$ Arg.(value & pos_all string ["."] name_))
, Term.info "runtest" ~doc ~man:help_secs)
let opam_installer (setup : Main.setup) =
match Context.which setup.context "opam-installer" with
| None ->
die "\
Sorry, you need the opam-installer tool to be able to install or
uninstall packages.
I couldn't find the opam-installer binary :-("
| Some fn -> fn
let get_prefix (setup : Main.setup) ~from_command_line =
match from_command_line with
| Some p -> Future.return (Path.of_string p)
| None -> Context.install_prefix setup.context
let install_uninstall ~what =
let doc = sprintf "%s packages using opam-installer." (String.capitalize what) in
let name_ = Arg.info [] ~docv:"PACKAGE" in
let go common prefix pkgs =
set_common common;
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Main.setup () >>= fun setup ->
let opam_installer = opam_installer setup in
let install_files, missing_install_files =
List.partition_map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->
let fn = resolve_package_install setup pkg in
if Path.exists fn then
Inl fn
Inr pkg)
if missing_install_files <> [] then begin
die "The <package>.install files for these packages are missing:\n\
You need to run: jbuilder build %s"
(String.concat ~sep:"\n"
(List.map missing_install_files ~f:(sprintf "- %s")))
(String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map pkgs ~f:(sprintf "%s.install")))
get_prefix setup ~from_command_line:prefix >>= fun prefix ->
(List.map install_files ~f:(fun path ->
Future.run (Path.to_string opam_installer)
[ sprintf "-%c" what.[0]
; "--prefix"
; Path.to_string prefix
; Path.to_string path
( Term.(const go
$ common
$ Arg.(value & opt (some dir) None & info ["prefix"])
$ Arg.(value & pos_all string [] name_))
, Term.info what ~doc ~man:help_secs)
let install = install_uninstall ~what:"install"
let uninstall = install_uninstall ~what:"uninstall"
let all =
[ installed_libraries
; build_package
; external_lib_deps
; build_targets
; runtest
; install
; uninstall
let default =
let doc = "fast, portable and opinionated build system for OCaml" in
( Term.(ret @@ const @@ `Help (`Pager, None))
, Term.info "jbuilder" ~doc)
let () =
Ansi_color.setup_err_formatter_colors ();
match Term.eval_choice default all ~catch:false with
| `Error _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 0
with exn ->
Format.eprintf "%a@?" (Main.report_error ?map_fname:None) exn;
exit 1