Still build a Lib.t value for hidden libraries

This makes everything else simpler
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-02-28 18:50:48 +00:00
parent 45535f7afd
commit 17f4567014
4 changed files with 296 additions and 322 deletions

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@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module Error0 = struct
module Hidden = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; info : Info.t
; path : Path.t
; reason : string
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ module Error0 = struct
let to_string = function
| Not_found -> "not found"
| Hidden { info; reason; _ } ->
| Hidden { path; reason; _ } ->
sprintf "in %s is hidden (%s)"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted info.src_dir) reason
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path) reason
let pp ppf t = Format.pp_print_string ppf (to_string t)
@ -231,15 +231,16 @@ type t =
and db =
{ parent : db option
; resolve : string -> (info_or_redirect,
Error0.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result
; table : (string, resolve_status) Hashtbl.t
; resolve : string -> resolve_result
; table : (string, status) Hashtbl.t
; all : string list Lazy.t
and resolve_status =
| Initializing of Id.t
| Done of (t, Error0.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result
and status =
| St_initializing of Id.t (* To detect cycles *)
| St_found of t
| St_not_found
| St_hidden of t * Error0.Library_not_available.Reason.Hidden.t
and error =
| Library_not_available of Error0.Library_not_available.t
@ -247,10 +248,11 @@ and error =
| Dependency_cycle of (Path.t * string) list
| Conflict of conflict
and info_or_redirect =
| Info of Info.t
| Redirect of Loc.t * Path.t * string
| Proxy of t
and resolve_result =
| Not_found
| Found of Info.t
| Hidden of Info.t * string
| Redirect of db option * string
and conflict =
{ lib1 : t * Dep_path.Entry.t list
@ -498,15 +500,17 @@ let already_in_table (info : Info.t) name x =
let to_sexp = Sexp.To_sexp.(pair Path.sexp_of_t string) in
let sexp =
match x with
| Initializing x ->
| St_initializing x ->
Sexp.List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Initializing";
Path.sexp_of_t x.path]
| Done (Ok t) -> List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Ok";
| St_found t ->
List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Found";
Path.sexp_of_t t.src_dir]
| Done (Error Not_found) -> Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Not_found"
| Done (Error (Hidden { info; reason; _ })) ->
| St_not_found ->
Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Not_found"
| St_hidden (_, { path; reason; _ }) ->
List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Hidden";
Path.sexp_of_t info.src_dir; Sexp.atom reason]
Path.sexp_of_t path; Sexp.atom reason]
"Lib_db.DB: resolver returned name that's already in the table"
@ -515,13 +519,21 @@ let already_in_table (info : Info.t) name x =
; "conflicting_with", sexp
let map_find_result ~loc name res : (_, _) result =
match res with
| Ok _ as res -> res
| Error reason ->
Error (Error (Error.Library_not_available { loc; name; reason }))
let result_of_resolve_status = function
| St_initializing _ -> assert false
| St_found x -> Ok x
| St_not_found -> Error Error.Library_not_available.Reason.Not_found
| St_hidden (_, hidden) -> Error (Hidden hidden)
let rec instantiate db name (info : Info.t) ~stack ~hidden =
let id, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name info.src_dir
Option.iter (Hashtbl.find db.table name) ~f:(fun x ->
already_in_table info name x);
(* Add [id] to the table, to detect loops *)
Hashtbl.add db.table name (St_initializing id);
let rec make db name (info : Info.t) (id : Id.t) ~stack =
let requires, pps, resolved_selects =
resolve_user_deps db info.requires ~pps:info.pps ~stack
@ -534,9 +546,8 @@ let rec make db name (info : Info.t) (id : Id.t) ~stack =
let requires = map_error requires in
let ppx_runtime_deps = map_error ppx_runtime_deps in
let resolve (loc, name) =
find_internal db name ~loc ~stack
let resolve (loc, name) = resolve_dep db name ~loc ~stack in
let t =
{ loc = info.loc
; name = name
; unique_id = id.unique_id
@ -556,85 +567,89 @@ let rec make db name (info : Info.t) (id : Id.t) ~stack =
; resolved_selects = resolved_selects
; optional = info.optional
; user_written_deps = Info.user_written_deps info
; sub_systems = Sub_system.instantiate_many info.sub_systems id ~resolve
; sub_systems = Sub_system.instantiate_many info.sub_systems id
and find db name =
match Hashtbl.find db.table name with
| Some (Initializing _) -> assert false
| Some (Done x) -> x
| None -> resolve_name db name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
let res =
let hidden =
match hidden with
| None ->
(info.optional &&
not (Result.is_ok t.requires && Result.is_ok t.ppx_runtime_deps))
"optional with unavailable dependencies"
| Some _ -> hidden
match hidden with
| None -> St_found t
| Some reason ->
St_hidden (t, { name; path = t.src_dir; reason })
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:res;
and find_internal db name ~loc ~stack : (_, _) result =
and find db name : (t, Error.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result =
result_of_resolve_status (find_internal db name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty)
and find_even_when_hidden db name =
match find_internal db name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty with
| St_initializing _ -> assert false
| St_found t -> Some t
| St_not_found -> None
| St_hidden (t, _) -> Some t
and find_internal db name ~stack : status =
match Hashtbl.find db.table name with
| Some (Initializing init) ->
Error (Dep_stack.dependency_cycle stack init)
| Some (Done x) -> map_find_result ~loc name x
| None -> map_find_result ~loc name (resolve_name db name ~stack)
| Some x -> x
| None -> resolve_name db name ~stack
and resolve_dep db name ~loc ~stack : (t, exn) result =
match find_internal db name ~stack with
| St_initializing id ->
Error (Dep_stack.dependency_cycle stack id)
| St_found t ->
Ok t
| St_not_found ->
Error (Error (Library_not_available { loc; name; reason = Not_found }))
| St_hidden (_, hidden) ->
Error (Error (Library_not_available { loc; name; reason = Hidden hidden }))
and resolve_name db name ~stack =
match db.resolve name with
| Ok (Proxy t) ->
let res = Ok t in
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Ok (Redirect (loc, path, name')) ->
let init, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name path
Hashtbl.add db.table name (Initializing init);
let res =
match find_internal db name' ~loc ~stack with
| Ok _ as res -> res
| Error _ ->
match Hashtbl.find db.table name' with
| Some (Done res) -> res
| _ -> assert false
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Ok (Info info) ->
let id, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name info.src_dir
Option.iter (Hashtbl.find db.table name) ~f:(fun x ->
already_in_table info name x);
(* Add [id] to the table, to detect loops *)
Hashtbl.add db.table name (Initializing id);
let t = make db name info id ~stack in
let res =
if not info.optional ||
(Result.is_ok t.requires && Result.is_ok t.ppx_runtime_deps) then
Ok t
{ name
; info
; reason = "optional with unavailable dependencies"
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Error reason as res ->
| Redirect (db', name') -> begin
let db' = Option.value db' ~default:db in
match find_internal db' name' ~stack with
| St_initializing _ as x -> x
| x ->
Hashtbl.add db.table name x;
| Found info ->
instantiate db name info ~stack ~hidden:None
| Not_found ->
let res =
match db.parent with
| None -> res
| Some db ->
let res' = find db name in
match res' with
| Ok _ -> res'
| Error _ ->
if reason = Not_found then
| None -> St_not_found
| Some db -> find_internal db name ~stack
Hashtbl.add db.table name (Done res);
Hashtbl.add db.table name res;
| Hidden (info, hidden) ->
match db.parent with
| None -> St_not_found
| Some db -> find_internal db name ~stack
| St_found _ as x ->
Hashtbl.add db.table name x;
| _ ->
instantiate db name info ~stack ~hidden:(Some hidden)
and available_internal db name ~stack =
match find_internal db name ~loc:Loc.none ~stack with
match resolve_dep db name ~loc:Loc.none ~stack with
| Ok _ -> true
| Error _ -> false
@ -642,7 +657,7 @@ and resolve_simple_deps db names ~stack =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> Ok (List.rev acc)
| (loc, name) :: names ->
find_internal db name ~loc ~stack >>= fun x ->
resolve_dep db name ~loc ~stack >>= fun x ->
loop (x :: acc) names
loop [] names
@ -654,7 +669,7 @@ and resolve_complex_deps db deps ~stack =
match (dep : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct (loc, name) ->
let res =
find_internal db name ~loc ~stack >>| fun x -> [x]
resolve_dep db name ~loc ~stack >>| fun x -> [x]
(res, acc_selects)
| Select { result_fn; choices; loc } ->
@ -805,45 +820,6 @@ module Compile = struct
; sub_systems = t.sub_systems
let for_hidden db hidden =
let { Error.Library_not_available.Reason.Hidden. name; info; _ } =
let error =
Error (Library_not_available
{ loc = info.loc
; name
; reason = Hidden hidden
let resolved_selects =
match info.requires with
| Simple _ -> []
| Complex deps ->
List.filter deps ~f:(fun dep ->
match (dep : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct _ -> false
| Select _ -> true)
|> resolve_complex_deps db ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
|> snd
let resolve (loc, name) =
find_internal db name ~loc ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
{ direct_requires = Error error
; requires = Error error
; pps = Error error
; resolved_selects = resolved_selects
; optional = info.optional
; user_written_deps = Info.user_written_deps info
; sub_systems = Sub_system.instantiate_many info.sub_systems
{ Id. unique_id = gen_unique_id ()
; name
; path = info.src_dir
let direct_requires t = t.direct_requires
let requires t = t.requires
let resolved_selects t = t.resolved_selects
@ -860,11 +836,12 @@ end
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module DB = struct
module Info_or_redirect = struct
type nonrec t = info_or_redirect =
| Info of Info.t
| Redirect of Loc.t * Path.t * string
| Proxy of t
module Resolve_result = struct
type t = resolve_result =
| Not_found
| Found of Info.t
| Hidden of Info.t * string
| Redirect of db option * string
type t = db
@ -882,57 +859,60 @@ module DB = struct
let info = Info.of_library_stanza ~dir conf in
match conf.public with
| None ->
[(, Info_or_redirect.Info info)]
[(, Resolve_result.Found info)]
| Some p ->
if = then
[(, Info info)]
[(, Found info)]
[ , Info info
;, Redirect (conf.buildable.loc, dir,
[ , Found info
;, Redirect (None,
|> String_map.of_list
|> function
| Ok x -> x
| Error (name, x, y) ->
let pr : Info_or_redirect.t -> string = function
| Info info -> Loc.to_file_colon_line info.loc
| Redirect (loc, _, _) -> Loc.to_file_colon_line loc
| Proxy t -> Loc.to_file_colon_line t.loc
| Error (name, _, _) ->
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun (_, (conf : Jbuild.Library.t)) ->
if name = ||
match conf.public with
| None -> false
| Some p -> name =
then Some conf.buildable.loc
else None)
| [] | [_] -> assert false
| loc1 :: loc2 :: _ ->
die "Library %S is defined twice:\n\
- %s\n\
- %s"
(pr x)
(pr y)
(Loc.to_file_colon_line loc1)
(Loc.to_file_colon_line loc2)
create () ?parent
~resolve:(fun name ->
match String_map.find map name with
| None -> Error Not_found
| Some x -> Ok x)
| None -> Not_found
| Some x -> x)
~all:(fun () -> String_map.keys map)
let create_from_findlib findlib =
create ()
~resolve:(fun name ->
match Findlib.find findlib name with
| Ok pkg -> Ok (Info_or_redirect.Info (Info.of_findlib_package pkg))
| Ok pkg -> Found (Info.of_findlib_package pkg)
| Error e ->
match e with
| Not_found -> Error Not_found
| Not_found -> Not_found
| Hidden pkg ->
{ name = pkg
; info = Info.of_findlib_package pkg
; reason = "unsatisfied 'exist_if'"
Hidden (Info.of_findlib_package pkg,
"unsatisfied 'exist_if'"))
~all:(fun () ->
Findlib.all_packages findlib
let find = find
let find_even_when_hidden = find_even_when_hidden
let resolve t (loc, name) =
match find t name with
@ -956,12 +936,11 @@ module DB = struct
let available t name = available_internal t name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
let get_compile_info t name =
match find t name with
| Error Not_found ->
match find_even_when_hidden t name with
| None ->
Sexp.code_error "Lib.DB.get_compile_info got library that doesn't exist"
[ "name", Sexp.To_sexp.string name ]
| Error (Hidden hidden) -> Compile.for_hidden t hidden
| Ok lib -> Compile.for_lib lib
| Some lib -> Compile.for_lib lib
let resolve_user_written_deps t deps ~pps =
let res, pps, resolved_selects =

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ module Error : sig
module Hidden : sig
type t =
{ name : string
; info : Info.t
; path : Path.t
; reason : string
@ -203,11 +203,12 @@ module DB : sig
(** A database allow to resolve library names *)
type t
module Info_or_redirect : sig
module Resolve_result : sig
type nonrec t =
| Info of Info.t
| Redirect of Loc.t * Path.t * string
| Proxy of lib
| Not_found
| Found of Info.t
| Hidden of Info.t * string
| Redirect of t option * string
(** Create a new library database. [resolve] is used to resolve
@ -220,9 +221,7 @@ module DB : sig
val create
: ?parent:t
-> resolve:(string ->
(Info_or_redirect.t, Error.Library_not_available.Reason.t)
-> resolve:(string -> Resolve_result.t)
-> all:(unit -> string list)
-> unit
-> t
@ -241,6 +240,8 @@ module DB : sig
-> string list
-> (lib list, exn) result
val find_even_when_hidden : t -> string -> lib option
val available : t -> string -> bool
(** Retreive the compile informations for the given library. Works

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@ -212,22 +212,18 @@ let setup_library_rules sctx (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~scope ~modules ~mld_files
~requires ~(dep_graphs:Ocamldep.Dep_graph.t Ml_kind.Dict.t) =
let doc_dir = Doc.dir sctx lib in
let obj_dir, lib_unique_name =
let obj_dir, name, status =
match Lib.DB.find (Scope.libs scope) with
| Error Not_found -> assert false
| Error (Hidden { name; info; _ }) ->
(info.obj_dir, name, info.status)
| Ok lib ->
(Lib.obj_dir lib, lib, Lib.status lib)
let lib =
Option.value_exn (Lib.DB.find_even_when_hidden (Scope.libs scope)
let name =
match status with
let name = lib in
match Lib.status lib with
| Installed -> assert false
| Public -> name
| Private scope_name ->
sprintf "%s@%s" name (Scope_info.Name.to_string scope_name)
(obj_dir, name)
(Lib.obj_dir lib, name)
let odoc = get_odoc sctx in
let includes =

View File

@ -81,14 +81,12 @@ module DB = struct
~resolve:(fun name ->
match String_map.find public_libs name with
| None -> Error Not_found
| None -> Not_found
| Some scope_name ->
let scope =
Option.value_exn (Scope_name_map.find !by_name_cell scope_name)
match Lib.DB.find scope.db name with
| Error _ as res -> res
| Ok t -> Ok (Proxy t))
Redirect (Some scope.db, name))
~all:(fun () -> String_map.keys public_libs)
let by_name =