Extracted SC.PP as Preprocessing (#560)

This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-02-28 12:26:34 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8fd3335ee8
commit 45535f7afd
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 419 additions and 417 deletions

View File

@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ let fail ?targets x =
| None -> Fail x
| Some l -> Targets l >>> Fail x
let of_result = function
| Ok x -> return x
| Error e -> fail { fail = fun () -> raise e }
let memoize name t =
Memo { name; t; state = Unevaluated }

View File

@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ val file_exists_opt : Path.t -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b option) t
backtrace *)
val fail : ?targets:Path.t list -> fail -> (_, _) t
val of_result : ('a, exn) Result.t -> (unit, 'a) t
(** [memoize name t] is an arrow that behaves like [t] except that its
result is computed only once. *)
val memoize : string -> (unit, 'a) t -> (unit, 'a) t

View File

@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
(* Preprocess before adding the alias module as it doesn't need
preprocessing *)
let modules =
SC.PP.pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~modules ~scope
Preprocessing.pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~modules ~scope
(SC.Deps.interpret sctx ~scope ~dir
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
SC.Deps.interpret sctx exes.buildable.preprocessor_deps
~scope ~dir
SC.PP.pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind:Required ~modules ~scope
Preprocessing.pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind:Required ~modules ~scope
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| ".js" :: rest -> Js_of_ocaml_rules.setup_separate_compilation_rules
sctx rest
| "_doc" :: rest -> Odoc.gen_rules sctx rest ~dir
| ".ppx" :: rest -> SC.PP.gen_rules sctx rest
| ".ppx" :: rest -> Preprocessing.gen_rules sctx rest
| _ ->
match Path.Map.find stanzas_per_dir dir with
| Some x -> gen_rules x

View File

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
let ppx_exe = SC.PP.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let ppx_exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ type t =
let ppx_flags sctx ~dir:_ ~scope ~src_dir:_ { preprocess; libname; _ } =
match preprocess with
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let exe = SC.PP.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let command =
List.map (Path.to_absolute_filename exe
:: "--as-ppx"
:: SC.PP.cookie_library_name libname
:: Preprocessing.cookie_library_name libname
@ flags)
|> String.concat ~sep:" "

src/preprocessing.ml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
open Import
open Build.O
open Jbuild
module SC = Super_context
let pp_fname fn =
let fn, ext = Filename.split_extension fn in
(* We need to to put the .pp before the .ml so that the compiler realises that
[foo.pp.mli] is the interface for [foo.pp.ml] *)
fn ^ ".pp" ^ ext
let pped_module ~dir (m : Module.t) ~f =
let pped_file (kind : Ml_kind.t) (file : Module.File.t) =
let pp_fname = pp_fname file.name in
f kind (Path.relative dir file.name) (Path.relative dir pp_fname);
{file with name = pp_fname}
{ m with
impl = Option.map m.impl ~f:(pped_file Impl)
; intf = Option.map m.intf ~f:(pped_file Intf)
let migrate_driver_main = "ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main"
let ppx_exe sctx ~key =
Path.relative (SC.build_dir sctx) (".ppx/" ^ key ^ "/ppx.exe")
let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target pps =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let mode = Context.best_mode ctx in
let compiler = Option.value_exn (Context.compiler ctx mode) in
let pps = pps @ [Pp.of_string migrate_driver_main] in
let driver, libs =
let resolved_pps =
Lib.DB.resolve_pps lib_db
(List.map pps ~f:(fun x -> (Loc.none, x)))
(* Extend the dependency stack as we don't have locations at
this point *)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun e ->
Dep_path.prepend_exn e
(Preprocess (pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list :> string list)))
let driver =
match resolved_pps with
| Ok l -> List.last l
| Error _ -> None
Result.bind resolved_pps ~f:Lib.closure
|> Build.of_result)
let libs =
Build.record_lib_deps ~kind:dep_kind
(List.map pps ~f:(fun pp -> Lib_dep.of_pp (Loc.none, pp)))
let libs =
(* Put the driver back at the end, just before migrate_driver_main *)
match driver with
| None -> libs
| Some driver ->
libs >>^ fun libs ->
let libs, drivers =
List.partition_map libs ~f:(fun lib ->
if lib == driver || Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
let user_driver, migrate_driver =
List.partition_map drivers ~f:(fun lib ->
if Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
libs @ user_driver @ migrate_driver
(* Provide a better error for migrate_driver_main given that this
is an implicit dependency *)
let libs =
match Lib.DB.available lib_db migrate_driver_main with
| false ->
Build.fail { fail = fun () ->
die "@{<error>Error@}: I couldn't find '%s'.\n\
I need this library in order to use ppx rewriters.\n\
See the manual for details.\n\
Hint: opam install ocaml-migrate-parsetree"
| true ->
SC.add_rule sctx
(Lib.L.archive_files ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib))
Build.run ~context:ctx (Ok compiler)
[ A "-o" ; Target target
; Dyn (Lib.L.link_flags ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir)
let gen_rules sctx components =
match components with
| [key] ->
let exe = ppx_exe sctx ~key in
let (key, lib_db) =
match String.rsplit2 key ~on:'@' with
| None ->
(key, SC.public_libs sctx)
| Some (key, scope) ->
(key, Scope.libs (SC.find_scope_by_name sctx
(Scope_info.Name.of_string scope)))
let names =
match key with
| "+none+" -> []
| _ -> String.split key ~on:'+'
let names =
match List.rev names with
| [] -> []
| driver :: rest -> List.sort rest ~compare:String.compare @ [driver]
let pps = List.map names ~f:Jbuild.Pp.of_string in
build_ppx_driver sctx pps ~lib_db ~dep_kind:Required ~target:exe
| _ -> ()
let most_specific_db (a : Lib.Status.t) (b : Lib.Status.t) =
match a, b with
| Private x, Private y -> assert (x = y); a
| Private _, _ -> a
| _ , Private _ -> b
| Public , _
| _ , Public -> Public
| Installed, Installed -> Installed
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps =
let driver, names =
match List.rev_map pps ~f:(fun (_loc, pp) -> Pp.to_string pp) with
| [] -> (None, [])
| driver :: rest -> (Some driver, rest)
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let name_and_db name =
match Lib.DB.find (Scope.libs scope) name with
| Error _ ->
(* XXX unknown but assume it's public *)
(name, Lib.Status.Installed)
| Ok lib ->
(Lib.name lib, Lib.status lib)
let driver, driver_db =
match driver with
| None -> (None, Lib.Status.Installed)
| Some driver ->
let name, db = name_and_db driver in
(Some name, db)
let names, db =
List.fold_left names ~init:([], driver_db) ~f:(fun (names, db) lib ->
let name, db' = name_and_db lib in
(name :: names, most_specific_db db db'))
let names = List.sort ~compare:String.compare names in
let names =
match driver with
| None -> names
| Some driver -> names @ [driver]
let key =
match names with
| [] -> "+none+"
| _ -> String.concat names ~sep:"+"
let key =
match db with
| Installed | Public -> key
| Private scope_name ->
sprintf "%s@%s" key (Scope_info.Name.to_string scope_name)
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
ppx_exe sctx ~key
let target_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "@"
let root_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT"
let cookie_library_name lib_name =
match lib_name with
| None -> []
| Some name -> ["--cookie"; sprintf "library-name=%S" name]
(* Generate rules for the reason modules in [modules] and return a
a new module with only OCaml sources *)
let setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir (m : Module.t) =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let refmt =
Artifacts.binary (SC.artifacts sctx) "refmt" ~hint:"opam install reason" in
let rule src target =
let src_path = Path.relative dir src in
Build.run ~context:ctx refmt
[ A "--print"
; A "binary"
; Dep src_path ]
~stdout_to:(Path.relative dir target) in
let to_ml (f : Module.File.t) =
match f.syntax with
| OCaml -> f
| Reason ->
let ml = Module.File.to_ocaml f in
SC.add_rule sctx (rule f.name ml.name);
{ m with
impl = Option.map m.impl ~f:to_ml
; intf = Option.map m.intf ~f:to_ml
let uses_ppx_driver ~pps =
match (List.last pps : (_ * Pp.t) option :> (_ * string) option) with
| Some (_, ("ppx_driver.runner" | "ppxlib.runner")) -> true
| Some _ | None -> false
let promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver fn build =
if not uses_ppx_driver then
[ build
; Build.return
(Action.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".ppx-corrected"))
let lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope = Staged.stage (
let alias = Build_system.Alias.lint ~dir in
let add_alias fn build =
SC.add_alias_action sctx alias build
~stamp:(List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "lint"
; Sexp.To_sexp.(option string) lib_name
; Sexp.atom fn
let lint =
Per_module.map lint ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun ~source:_ ~ast:_ -> ())
| Action action ->
(fun ~source ~ast:_ ->
let action = Action.Unexpanded.Chdir (root_var, action) in
Module.iter source ~f:(fun _ (src : Module.File.t) ->
let src_path = Path.relative dir src.name in
add_alias src.name
(Build.path src_path
>>^ (fun _ -> [src_path])
>>> SC.Action.run sctx
~targets:(Static [])
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
(* This hack is needed until -null is standard:
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then
[ "-null"; "-diff-cmd"; "-" ]
(fun ~source ~ast ->
Module.iter ast ~f:(fun kind src ->
let args =
[ args
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind
; Dep (Path.relative dir src.name)
add_alias src.name
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(Option.value_exn (Module.file ~dir source kind))
(Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx) (Ok ppx_exe) args))
fun ~(source : Module.t) ~ast ->
Per_module.get lint source.name ~source ~ast)
(* Generate rules to build the .pp files and return a new module map
where all filenames point to the .pp files *)
let pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~modules ~lint ~preprocess
~preprocessor_deps ~lib_name ~scope =
let preprocessor_deps =
Build.memoize "preprocessor deps" preprocessor_deps
let lint_module =
Staged.unstage (lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope)
let preprocess =
Per_module.map preprocess ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun m ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir m in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Action action ->
(fun m ->
let ast =
pped_module m ~dir ~f:(fun _kind src dst ->
SC.add_rule sctx
Build.path src
>>^ (fun _ -> [src])
SC.Action.run sctx
Chdir (root_var,
~targets:(Static [dst])
|> setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; A "--dump-ast"
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then ["-diff-cmd"; "-"] else [])
(fun m ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir m in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
pped_module ast ~dir ~f:(fun kind src dst ->
SC.add_rule sctx
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(Option.value_exn (Module.file m ~dir kind))
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok ppx_exe)
[ args
; A "-o"; Target dst
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind; Dep src
String_map.map modules ~f:(fun (m : Module.t) ->
Per_module.get preprocess m.name m)

src/preprocessing.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
(** Preprocessing of OCaml source files *)
open! Import
(** Setup pre-processing and linting rules and return the list of
pre-processed modules *)
val pp_and_lint_modules
: Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> lint:Jbuild.Preprocess_map.t
-> preprocess:Jbuild.Preprocess_map.t
-> preprocessor_deps:(unit, Path.t list) Build.t
-> lib_name:string option
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Module.t String_map.t
(** Get a path to a cached ppx driver *)
val get_ppx_driver
: Super_context.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> (Loc.t * Jbuild.Pp.t) list
-> Path.t
(** [cookie_library_name lib_name] is ["--cookie"; lib_name] if [lib_name] is not
[None] *)
val cookie_library_name : string option -> string list
val gen_rules : Super_context.t -> string list -> unit

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ type t =
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install : (Path.t * Scope.t * Stanza.t) list
; cxx_flags : string list
; vars : Action.Var_expansion.t String_map.t
; ppx_dir : Path.t
; chdir : (Action.t, Action.t) Build.t
; host : t option
@ -39,8 +38,9 @@ let artifacts t = t.artifacts
let file_tree t = t.file_tree
let stanzas_to_consider_for_install t = t.stanzas_to_consider_for_install
let cxx_flags t = t.cxx_flags
let build_dir t = t.context.build_dir
let host_sctx t = Option.value t.host ~default:t
let host t = Option.value t.host ~default:t
let public_libs t = t.public_libs
let installed_libs t = t.installed_libs
@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ let create
; artifacts
; cxx_flags
; vars
; ppx_dir = Path.relative context.build_dir ".ppx"
; chdir = Build.arr (fun (action : Action.t) ->
match action with
| Chdir _ -> action
@ -223,11 +222,6 @@ let source_files t ~src_path =
module Libs = struct
open Build.O
let requires_to_build requires =
match requires with
| Ok x -> Build.return x
| Error e -> Build.fail { fail = fun () -> raise e }
let add_select_rules t ~dir resolved_selects =
List.iter resolved_selects ~f:(fun rs ->
let { Lib.Compile.Resolved_select.dst_fn; src_fn } = rs in
@ -245,9 +239,7 @@ module Libs = struct
let requires t ~dir ~has_dot_merlin compile_info =
add_select_rules t ~dir (Lib.Compile.resolved_selects compile_info);
let requires =
requires_to_build (Lib.Compile.requires compile_info)
let requires = Build.of_result (Lib.Compile.requires compile_info) in
let requires =
Build.record_lib_deps (Lib.Compile.user_written_deps compile_info)
~kind:(if Lib.Compile.optional compile_info then
@ -427,7 +419,7 @@ module Action = struct
| Some ("exe" , s) -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (Path.relative dir s)))
| Some ("path" , s) -> Some (path_exp (Path.relative dir s) )
| Some ("bin" , s) -> begin
let sctx = host_sctx sctx in
let sctx = host sctx in
match Artifacts.binary (artifacts sctx) s with
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path)
| Error e ->
@ -445,7 +437,7 @@ module Action = struct
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
| Some ("libexec" , s) -> begin
let sctx = host_sctx sctx in
let sctx = host sctx in
let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
@ -636,7 +628,7 @@ module Action = struct
expand_step2 t ~dir ~dynamic_expansions ~deps_written_by_user ~map_exe
Action.Unresolved.resolve unresolved ~f:(fun prog ->
let sctx = host_sctx sctx in
let sctx = host sctx in
match Artifacts.binary sctx.artifacts prog with
| Ok path -> path
| Error fail -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise fail))
@ -654,373 +646,6 @@ module Action = struct
| fail :: _ -> Build.fail fail >>> build
module PP = struct
open Build.O
let pp_fname fn =
let fn, ext = Filename.split_extension fn in
(* We need to to put the .pp before the .ml so that the compiler realises that
[foo.pp.mli] is the interface for [foo.pp.ml] *)
fn ^ ".pp" ^ ext
let pped_module ~dir (m : Module.t) ~f =
let pped_file (kind : Ml_kind.t) (file : Module.File.t) =
let pp_fname = pp_fname file.name in
f kind (Path.relative dir file.name) (Path.relative dir pp_fname);
{file with name = pp_fname}
{ m with
impl = Option.map m.impl ~f:(pped_file Impl)
; intf = Option.map m.intf ~f:(pped_file Intf)
let migrate_driver_main = "ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main"
let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target pps =
let ctx = sctx.context in
let mode = Context.best_mode ctx in
let compiler = Option.value_exn (Context.compiler ctx mode) in
let pps = pps @ [Pp.of_string migrate_driver_main] in
let driver, libs =
let resolved_pps =
Lib.DB.resolve_pps lib_db
(List.map pps ~f:(fun x -> (Loc.none, x)))
(* Extend the dependency stack as we don't have locations at
this point *)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun e ->
Dep_path.prepend_exn e
(Preprocess (pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list :> string list)))
let driver =
match resolved_pps with
| Ok l -> List.last l
| Error _ -> None
Result.bind resolved_pps ~f:Lib.closure
|> Libs.requires_to_build)
let libs =
Build.record_lib_deps ~kind:dep_kind
(List.map pps ~f:(fun pp -> Lib_dep.of_pp (Loc.none, pp)))
let libs =
(* Put the driver back at the end, just before migrate_driver_main *)
match driver with
| None -> libs
| Some driver ->
libs >>^ fun libs ->
let libs, drivers =
List.partition_map libs ~f:(fun lib ->
if lib == driver || Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
let user_driver, migrate_driver =
List.partition_map drivers ~f:(fun lib ->
if Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
libs @ user_driver @ migrate_driver
(* Provide a better error for migrate_driver_main given that this
is an implicit dependency *)
let libs =
match Lib.DB.available lib_db migrate_driver_main with
| false ->
Build.fail { fail = fun () ->
die "@{<error>Error@}: I couldn't find '%s'.\n\
I need this library in order to use ppx rewriters.\n\
See the manual for details.\n\
Hint: opam install ocaml-migrate-parsetree"
| true ->
add_rule sctx
(Lib.L.archive_files ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib))
Build.run ~context:ctx (Ok compiler)
[ A "-o" ; Target target
; Dyn (Lib.L.link_flags ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir)
let gen_rules sctx components =
match components with
| [key] ->
let ppx_dir = Path.relative sctx.ppx_dir key in
let exe = Path.relative ppx_dir "ppx.exe" in
let (key, lib_db) =
match String.rsplit2 key ~on:'@' with
| None ->
(key, sctx.public_libs)
| Some (key, scope) ->
(key, Scope.libs (find_scope_by_name sctx
(Scope_info.Name.of_string scope)))
let names =
match key with
| "+none+" -> []
| _ -> String.split key ~on:'+'
let names =
match List.rev names with
| [] -> []
| driver :: rest -> List.sort rest ~compare:String.compare @ [driver]
let pps = List.map names ~f:Jbuild.Pp.of_string in
build_ppx_driver sctx pps ~lib_db ~dep_kind:Required ~target:exe
| _ -> ()
let most_specific_db (a : Lib.Status.t) (b : Lib.Status.t) =
match a, b with
| Private x, Private y -> assert (x = y); a
| Private _, _ -> a
| _ , Private _ -> b
| Public , _
| _ , Public -> Public
| Installed, Installed -> Installed
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps =
let driver, names =
match List.rev_map pps ~f:(fun (_loc, pp) -> Pp.to_string pp) with
| [] -> (None, [])
| driver :: rest -> (Some driver, rest)
let sctx = host_sctx sctx in
let name_and_db name =
match Lib.DB.find (Scope.libs scope) name with
| Error _ ->
(* XXX unknown but assume it's public *)
(name, Lib.Status.Installed)
| Ok lib ->
(Lib.name lib, Lib.status lib)
let driver, driver_db =
match driver with
| None -> (None, Lib.Status.Installed)
| Some driver ->
let name, db = name_and_db driver in
(Some name, db)
let names, db =
List.fold_left names ~init:([], driver_db) ~f:(fun (names, db) lib ->
let name, db' = name_and_db lib in
(name :: names, most_specific_db db db'))
let names = List.sort ~compare:String.compare names in
let names =
match driver with
| None -> names
| Some driver -> names @ [driver]
let key =
match names with
| [] -> "+none+"
| _ -> String.concat names ~sep:"+"
let key =
match db with
| Installed | Public -> key
| Private scope_name ->
sprintf "%s@%s" key (Scope_info.Name.to_string scope_name)
let sctx = host_sctx sctx in
let ppx_dir = Path.relative sctx.ppx_dir key in
Path.relative ppx_dir "ppx.exe"
let target_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "@"
let root_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT"
let cookie_library_name lib_name =
match lib_name with
| None -> []
| Some name -> ["--cookie"; sprintf "library-name=%S" name]
(* Generate rules for the reason modules in [modules] and return a
a new module with only OCaml sources *)
let setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir (m : Module.t) =
let ctx = sctx.context in
let refmt =
Artifacts.binary sctx.artifacts "refmt" ~hint:"opam install reason" in
let rule src target =
let src_path = Path.relative dir src in
Build.run ~context:ctx refmt
[ A "--print"
; A "binary"
; Dep src_path ]
~stdout_to:(Path.relative dir target) in
let to_ml (f : Module.File.t) =
match f.syntax with
| OCaml -> f
| Reason ->
let ml = Module.File.to_ocaml f in
add_rule sctx (rule f.name ml.name);
{ m with
impl = Option.map m.impl ~f:to_ml
; intf = Option.map m.intf ~f:to_ml
let uses_ppx_driver ~pps =
match (List.last pps : (_ * Pp.t) option :> (_ * string) option) with
| Some (_, ("ppx_driver.runner" | "ppxlib.runner")) -> true
| Some _ | None -> false
let promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver fn build =
if not uses_ppx_driver then
[ build
; Build.return
(A.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".ppx-corrected"))
let lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope = Staged.stage (
let alias = Alias.lint ~dir in
let add_alias fn build =
Alias.add_action sctx.build_system alias build
~stamp:(List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "lint"
; Sexp.To_sexp.(option string) lib_name
; Sexp.atom fn
let lint =
Per_module.map lint ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun ~source:_ ~ast:_ -> ())
| Action action ->
(fun ~source ~ast:_ ->
let action = Action.U.Chdir (root_var, action) in
Module.iter source ~f:(fun _ (src : Module.File.t) ->
let src_path = Path.relative dir src.name in
add_alias src.name
(Build.path src_path
>>^ (fun _ -> [src_path])
>>> Action.run sctx
~targets:(Static [])
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
(* This hack is needed until -null is standard:
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then
[ "-null"; "-diff-cmd"; "-" ]
(fun ~source ~ast ->
Module.iter ast ~f:(fun kind src ->
let args =
[ args
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind
; Dep (Path.relative dir src.name)
add_alias src.name
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(Option.value_exn (Module.file ~dir source kind))
(Build.run ~context:sctx.context (Ok ppx_exe) args))
fun ~(source : Module.t) ~ast ->
Per_module.get lint source.name ~source ~ast)
(* Generate rules to build the .pp files and return a new module map
where all filenames point to the .pp files *)
let pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~modules ~lint ~preprocess
~preprocessor_deps ~lib_name ~scope =
let preprocessor_deps =
Build.memoize "preprocessor deps" preprocessor_deps
let lint_module =
Staged.unstage (lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope)
let preprocess =
Per_module.map preprocess ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun m ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir m in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Action action ->
(fun m ->
let ast =
pped_module m ~dir ~f:(fun _kind src dst ->
add_rule sctx
Build.path src
>>^ (fun _ -> [src])
Action.run sctx
Chdir (root_var,
~targets:(Static [dst])
|> setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; A "--dump-ast"
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then ["-diff-cmd"; "-"] else [])
(fun m ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir m in
lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
pped_module ast ~dir ~f:(fun kind src dst ->
add_rule sctx
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(Option.value_exn (Module.file m ~dir kind))
Build.run ~context:sctx.context
(Ok ppx_exe)
[ args
; A "-o"; Target dst
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind; Dep src
String_map.map modules ~f:(fun (m : Module.t) ->
Per_module.get preprocess m.name m)
module Eval_strings = Ordered_set_lang.Make(struct
type t = string
let name t = t

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ val file_tree : t -> File_tree.t
val artifacts : t -> Artifacts.t
val stanzas_to_consider_for_install : t -> (Path.t * Scope.t * Stanza.t) list
val cxx_flags : t -> string list
val build_dir : t -> Path.t
val host : t -> t
(** All public libraries of the workspace *)
val public_libs : t -> Lib.DB.t
@ -192,36 +194,6 @@ module Action : sig
-> (Path.t list, Action.t) Build.t
(** Preprocessing stuff *)
module PP : sig
(** Setup pre-processing and linting rules and return the list of
pre-processed modules *)
val pp_and_lint_modules
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> lint:Preprocess_map.t
-> preprocess:Preprocess_map.t
-> preprocessor_deps:(unit, Path.t list) Build.t
-> lib_name:string option
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Module.t String_map.t
(** Get a path to a cached ppx driver *)
val get_ppx_driver
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> (Loc.t * Pp.t) list
-> Path.t
(** [cookie_library_name lib_name] is ["--cookie"; lib_name] if [lib_name] is not
[None] *)
val cookie_library_name : string option -> string list
val gen_rules : t -> string list -> unit
module Pkg_version : sig
val set : t -> Package.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t