
549 lines
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2017-05-11 17:09:44 +00:00
open Import
2017-06-02 13:32:05 +00:00
open Jbuild
2017-05-11 17:09:44 +00:00
open Build.O
module SC = Super_context
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let (++) = Path.relative
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let lib_unique_name lib =
let name = Lib.name lib in
match Lib.status lib with
| Installed -> assert false
| Public _ -> name
| Private scope_name -> SC.Scope_key.to_string name scope_name
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let pkg_or_lnu lib =
match Lib.package lib with
| Some p -> Package.Name.to_string p
| None -> lib_unique_name lib
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
type target =
| Lib of Lib.t
| Pkg of Package.Name.t
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
open S
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let context = SC.context sctx
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
module Paths = struct
let root = context.Context.build_dir ++ "_doc"
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odocs m =
root ++ (
match m with
| Lib lib -> sprintf "_odoc/lib/%s" (lib_unique_name lib)
| Pkg pkg -> sprintf "_odoc/pkg/%s" (Package.Name.to_string pkg)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let html_root = root ++ "_html"
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let html m =
html_root ++ (
match m with
| Pkg pkg -> Package.Name.to_string pkg
| Lib lib -> pkg_or_lnu lib
2017-05-11 17:09:44 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let gen_mld_dir (pkg : Package.t) =
root ++ "_mlds" ++ (Package.Name.to_string pkg.name)
2017-05-11 17:09:44 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
module Dep = struct
let html_alias m =
Build_system.Alias.doc ~dir:(Paths.html m)
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let alias = Build_system.Alias.make ".odoc-all"
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
let deps requires =
Build.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs ->
Build.path_set (
List.fold_left libs ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc (lib : Lib.t) ->
if Lib.is_local lib then
let dir = Paths.odocs (Lib lib) in
Path.Set.add acc (Build_system.Alias.stamp_file (alias ~dir))
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let alias m = alias ~dir:(Paths.odocs m)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
(* let static_deps t lib = Build_system.Alias.dep (alias t lib) *)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let setup_deps m files = SC.add_alias_deps sctx (alias m) files
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odoc = SC.resolve_program sctx "odoc" ~hint:"opam install odoc"
let odoc_ext = ".odoc"
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
module Mld : sig
type t
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
val create : Path.t -> t
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
val odoc_file : doc_dir:Path.t -> t -> Path.t
val odoc_input : t -> Path.t
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
end = struct
type t = Path.t
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let create p = p
let odoc_file ~doc_dir t =
let t = Filename.chop_extension (Path.basename t) in
Path.relative doc_dir (sprintf "page-%s%s" t odoc_ext)
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odoc_input t = t
let module_deps (m : Module.t) ~doc_dir ~(dep_graphs:Ocamldep.Dep_graphs.t) =
((match m.intf with
| Some _ ->
Ocamldep.Dep_graph.deps_of dep_graphs.intf m
| None ->
(* When a module has no .mli, use the dependencies for the .ml *)
Ocamldep.Dep_graph.deps_of dep_graphs.impl m)
>>^ List.map ~f:(Module.odoc_file ~doc_dir))
let compile_module (m : Module.t) ~obj_dir ~includes:(file_deps, iflags)
~dep_graphs ~doc_dir ~pkg_or_lnu =
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odoc_file = Module.odoc_file m ~doc_dir in
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
SC.add_rule sctx
2018-01-13 12:46:47 +00:00
module_deps m ~doc_dir ~dep_graphs
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Build.run ~context ~dir:doc_dir odoc
[ A "compile"
; A "-I"; Path doc_dir
; iflags
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
; As ["--pkg"; pkg_or_lnu]
; A "-o"; Target odoc_file
; Dep (Module.cmti_file m ~obj_dir)
(m, odoc_file)
let compile_mld (m : Mld.t) ~includes ~doc_dir ~pkg =
let odoc_file = Mld.odoc_file m ~doc_dir in
SC.add_rule sctx
Build.run ~context ~dir:doc_dir odoc
[ A "compile"
; Dyn (fun x -> x)
; As ["--pkg"; Package.Name.to_string pkg]
; A "-o"; Target odoc_file
; Dep (Mld.odoc_input m)
type odoc =
{ odoc_input: Path.t
; html_dir: Path.t
; html_file: Path.t
; html_alias: Build_system.Alias.t
; typ: [`Module | `Mld]
let odoc_include_flags requires =
Arg_spec.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs ->
let paths =
libs |> List.fold_left ~f:(fun paths lib ->
if Lib.is_local lib then (
Path.Set.add paths (Paths.odocs (Lib lib))
) else (
) ~init:Path.Set.empty in
Arg_spec.S (List.concat_map (Path.Set.to_list paths)
~f:(fun dir -> [Arg_spec.A "-I"; Path dir])))
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let to_html (odoc_file : odoc) ~deps ~requires =
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let to_remove, jbuilder_keep =
match odoc_file.typ with
| `Mld -> odoc_file.html_file, []
| `Module ->
let jbuilder_keep =
Build.create_file (odoc_file.html_dir ++ Config.jbuilder_keep_fname) in
odoc_file.html_dir, [jbuilder_keep]
SC.add_rule sctx
Build.progn (
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Build.remove_tree to_remove
:: Build.mkdir odoc_file.html_dir
:: Build.run ~context ~dir:Paths.html_root
odoc ~extra_targets:[odoc_file.html_file]
[ A "html"
; odoc_include_flags requires
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
; A "-o"; Path Paths.html_root
; Dep odoc_file.odoc_input
:: jbuilder_keep
let css_file = Paths.html_root ++ "odoc.css"
let toplevel_index = Paths.html_root ++ "index.html"
let setup_library_odoc_rules (library : Library.t) ~scope ~modules
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
~requires ~(dep_graphs:Ocamldep.Dep_graph.t Ml_kind.Dict.t) =
let lib =
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Option.value_exn (Lib.DB.find_even_when_hidden (Scope.libs scope)
library.name) in
(* Using the proper package name doesn't actually work since odoc assumes
that a package contains only 1 library *)
let pkg_or_lnu = pkg_or_lnu lib in
let doc_dir = Paths.odocs (Lib lib) in
let obj_dir = Lib.obj_dir lib in
let includes = (Dep.deps requires, odoc_include_flags requires) in
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let modules_and_odoc_files =
List.map (Module.Name.Map.values modules) ~f:(
compile_module ~obj_dir ~includes ~dep_graphs
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
~doc_dir ~pkg_or_lnu)
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
Dep.setup_deps (Lib lib) (List.map modules_and_odoc_files ~f:snd
|> Path.Set.of_list)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let setup_css_rule () =
SC.add_rule sctx
(Build.run ~context
[ A "css"; A "-o"; Path Paths.html_root ])
let sp = Printf.sprintf
let setup_toplevel_index_rule () =
let list_items =
Super_context.packages sctx
|> Package.Name.Map.to_list
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun (name, pkg) ->
let name = Package.Name.to_string name in
let link = sp {|<a href="%s/index.html">%s</a>|} name name in
let version_suffix =
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
match pkg.Package.version_from_opam_file with
| None ->
| Some v ->
sp {| <span class="version">%s</span>|} v
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Some (sp "<li>%s%s</li>" link version_suffix))
let list_items = String.concat ~sep:"\n " list_items in
let html = sp
{|<!DOCTYPE html>
2017-08-21 15:16:14 +00:00
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./odoc.css"/>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
<div class="by-name">
<h2>OCaml package documentation</h2>
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
</html>|} list_items
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
SC.add_rule sctx @@ Build.write_file toplevel_index html
let html_alias pkg =
Build_system.Alias.doc ~dir:(
Path.append context.build_dir pkg.Package.path
let libs_of_pkg ~pkg =
match Package.Name.Map.find (SC.libs_by_package sctx) pkg with
| None -> Lib.Set.empty
| Some (_, libs) -> libs
let load_all_odoc_rules_pkg ~pkg =
let pkg_libs = libs_of_pkg ~pkg in
SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Paths.odocs (Pkg pkg));
Lib.Set.iter pkg_libs ~f:(fun lib ->
SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Paths.odocs (Lib lib)));
let create_odoc ~target odoc_input =
let html_alias = Dep.html_alias target in
let html_base = Paths.html target in
match target with
| Lib _ ->
let html_dir =
html_base ++ (
Path.basename odoc_input
|> Filename.chop_extension
|> Stdune.String.capitalize
) in
{ odoc_input
; html_dir
; html_file = html_dir ++ "index.html"
; typ = `Module
; html_alias
| Pkg _ ->
{ odoc_input
; html_dir = html_base
; html_file = html_base ++ sprintf "%s.html" (
Path.basename odoc_input
|> Filename.chop_extension
|> String.drop_prefix ~prefix:"page-"
|> Option.value_exn
; typ = `Mld
; html_alias
let setup_pkg_html_rules =
let loaded = Package.Name.Table.create ~default_value:false in
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odoc_glob =
Re.compile (Re.seq [Re.(rep1 any) ; Re.str ".odoc" ; Re.eos]) in
fun ~pkg ~libs ->
if not (Package.Name.Table.get loaded pkg) then begin
Package.Name.Table.set loaded ~key:pkg ~data:true;
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let odocs =
let odocs target =
let dir = Paths.odocs target in
SC.eval_glob sctx ~dir odoc_glob
|> List.map ~f:(fun d -> create_odoc (Path.relative dir d) ~target)
List.concat (
odocs (Pkg pkg)
:: (List.map libs ~f:(fun lib -> odocs (Lib lib)))
) in
let html_files =
let closure =
match Lib.closure libs with
| Ok closure -> closure
| Error _ ->
(* CR diml for rgrinberg: this branch needs a comment, I
don't understand why we fallback to not taking the
transitive closure in case of error. *)
let deps = Dep.deps (Ok closure) in
List.map odocs ~f:(to_html ~deps ~requires:(Ok closure)) in
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
List.iter (
Dep.html_alias (Pkg pkg)
:: List.map ~f:(fun lib -> Dep.html_alias (Lib lib)) libs
) ~f:(fun alias ->
SC.add_alias_deps sctx alias
(Path.Set.of_list [ css_file
; toplevel_index
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
List.combine odocs html_files
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (odoc, html) ->
SC.add_alias_deps sctx odoc.html_alias (Path.Set.singleton html)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let gen_rules ~dir:_ rest =
match rest with
| ["_html"] ->
setup_css_rule ();
setup_toplevel_index_rule ()
| "_mlds" :: _pkg :: _
| "_odoc" :: "pkg" :: _pkg :: _ ->
() (* rules were already setup lazily in gen_rules *)
| "_odoc" :: "lib" :: lib :: _ ->
let lib, lib_db = SC.Scope_key.of_string sctx lib in
begin match Lib.DB.find lib_db lib with
| Error _ -> ()
| Ok lib -> SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib)
| "_html" :: lib_unique_name_or_pkg :: _ ->
let setup_html_rules pkg =
setup_pkg_html_rules ~pkg ~libs:(
Lib.Set.to_list (load_all_odoc_rules_pkg ~pkg)
) in
(* TODO we can be a better with the error handling in the case where
lib_unique_name_or_pkg is neither a valid pkg or lnu *)
let lib, lib_db = SC.Scope_key.of_string sctx lib_unique_name_or_pkg in
begin match Lib.DB.find lib_db lib with
| Error _ -> ()
| Ok lib -> Option.iter (Lib.package lib) ~f:setup_html_rules
(Package.Name.Map.find (SC.packages sctx)
(Package.Name.of_string lib_unique_name_or_pkg))
~f:(fun pkg -> setup_html_rules pkg.name)
| _ -> ()
let setup_package_aliases (pkg : Package.t) =
let alias = html_alias pkg in
SC.add_alias_deps sctx alias (
Dep.html_alias (Pkg pkg.name)
:: (libs_of_pkg ~pkg:pkg.name
|> Lib.Set.to_list
|> List.map ~f:(fun lib -> Dep.html_alias (Lib lib)))
|> List.map ~f:Build_system.Alias.stamp_file
|> Path.Set.of_list
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let entry_modules ~(pkg : Package.t) ~entry_modules_by_lib =
libs_of_pkg ~pkg:pkg.name
|> Lib.Set.to_list
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun l ->
if Lib.is_local l then (
Some (l, entry_modules_by_lib l)
) else (
|> Lib.Map.of_list_exn
let default_index entry_modules =
let b = Buffer.create 512 in
Lib.Map.to_list entry_modules
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun (x, _) (y, _) ->
String.compare (Lib.name x) (Lib.name y))
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (lib, modules) ->
Printf.bprintf b "{1 Library %s}\n" (Lib.name lib);
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Buffer.add_string b (
match modules with
| [ x ] ->
"The entry point of this library is the module:\n{!module-%s}.\n"
(Module.Name.to_string (Module.name x))
| _ ->
"This library exposes the following toplevel modules:\n\
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun x y ->
Module.Name.compare (Module.name x) (Module.name y))
|> List.map ~f:(fun m -> Module.Name.to_string (Module.name m))
|> String.concat ~sep:" ")
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
Buffer.contents b
let check_mlds_no_dupes ~pkg ~mlds =
List.map mlds ~f:(fun mld -> (Path.basename mld, mld))
|> String_map.of_list
| Ok m -> m
| Error (_, p1, p2) ->
die "Package %s has two mld's with the same basename %s, %s"
(Package.Name.to_string pkg.Package.name)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted p1)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted p2)
let setup_package_odoc_rules ~pkg ~mlds ~entry_modules_by_lib =
let mlds = check_mlds_no_dupes ~pkg ~mlds in
let mlds =
if String_map.mem mlds "index" then
let entry_modules = entry_modules ~pkg ~entry_modules_by_lib in
let gen_mld = Paths.gen_mld_dir pkg ++ "index.mld" in
SC.add_rule sctx (
Build.write_file gen_mld (default_index entry_modules)
String_map.add mlds "index" gen_mld in
let odocs = List.map (String_map.values mlds) ~f:(fun mld ->
(Mld.create mld)
~doc_dir:(Paths.odocs (Pkg pkg.name))
~includes:(Build.arr (fun _ -> Arg_spec.As []))
) in
Dep.setup_deps (Pkg pkg.name) (Path.Set.of_list odocs)
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
let init ~modules_by_lib ~mlds_of_dir =
let docs_by_package =
let map = lazy (
SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Jbuild.Stanza.Documentation (d : Jbuild.Documentation.t) ->
Some (d.package.name, (w.ctx_dir, d))
| _ ->
|> Package.Name.Map.of_list_multi
) in
fun (p : Package.t) ->
Option.value (Package.Name.Map.find (Lazy.force map) p.name) ~default:[]
let modules_by_lib =
let module M = Map.Make(
type t = Path.t * string
let compare (d1, l1) (d2, l2) =
match Path.compare d1 d2 with
| Ordering.Eq -> String.compare l1 l2
| o -> o
end) in
let lib_to_library = lazy (
SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Jbuild.Stanza.Library (l : Library.t) ->
Some ((w.ctx_dir, Library.best_name l), l)
| _ ->
|> M.of_list_exn
) in
fun lib ->
let dir = Lib.src_dir lib in
let library = Option.value_exn (
M.find (Lazy.force lib_to_library) (dir, Lib.name lib)
) in
modules_by_lib ~dir library
SC.packages sctx
|> Package.Name.Map.iter ~f:(fun (pkg : Package.t) ->
let rules = lazy (
docs_by_package pkg
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (dir, doc) -> mlds_of_dir doc ~dir)
) in
List.iter [ Paths.odocs (Pkg pkg.name)
; Paths.gen_mld_dir pkg ]
~f:(fun dir ->
SC.on_load_dir sctx ~dir ~f:(fun () -> Lazy.force rules));
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00
(* setup @doc to build the correct html for the package *)
setup_package_aliases pkg;
(Build_system.Alias.private_doc ~dir:context.build_dir)
(SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Jbuild.Stanza.Library (l : Jbuild.Library.t) ->
begin match l.public with
| Some _ -> None
| None ->
let scope = SC.find_scope_by_dir sctx w.ctx_dir in
Some (Option.value_exn (
Lib.DB.find_even_when_hidden (Scope.libs scope) l.name)
| (_ : Jbuild.Stanza.t) -> None
|> List.map ~f:(fun (lib : Lib.t) ->
Build_system.Alias.stamp_file (Dep.alias (Lib lib)))
|> Path.Set.of_list
2018-03-16 05:24:45 +00:00