Make odoc work with multiple libraries defined in the same dir

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-01-13 20:51:28 +08:00
parent 815c332dc5
commit 6cce747141
5 changed files with 105 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let cmt_file t ~dir (kind : Ml_kind.t) =
| Impl -> Some (Path.relative dir (t.obj_name ^ ".cmt"))
| Intf -> t.intf ~f:(fun _ -> Path.relative dir (t.obj_name ^ ".cmti"))
let odoc_file t ~dir = Path.relative dir (t.obj_name ^ ".odoc")
let odoc_file t ~doc_dir = Path.relative doc_dir (t.obj_name ^ ".odoc")
let cmti_file t ~dir =
match t.intf with

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val cm_source : t -> dir:Path.t -> Cm_kind.t -> Path.t option
val cm_file : t -> dir:Path.t -> Cm_kind.t -> Path.t
val cmt_file : t -> dir:Path.t -> Ml_kind.t -> Path.t option
val odoc_file : t -> dir:Path.t -> Path.t
val odoc_file : t -> doc_dir:Path.t -> Path.t
(** Either the .cmti, or .cmt if the module has no interface *)
val cmti_file : t -> dir:Path.t -> Path.t

View File

@ -9,18 +9,27 @@ let ( ++ ) = Path.relative
let get_odoc sctx = SC.resolve_program sctx "odoc" ~hint:"opam install odoc"
let odoc_ext = ".odoc"
module Mld = struct
type t = {
name : string; (** source file name without the extension. *)
odoc_input_name : string;
odoc_file_name : string;
module Mld : sig
type t
val create : name:string -> t
let odoc_file ~dir {odoc_file_name; _} =
Path.relative dir odoc_file_name
val odoc_file : doc_dir:Path.t -> t -> Path.t
val odoc_input : doc_dir:Path.t -> t -> Path.t
let odoc_input ~dir {odoc_input_name; _} =
Path.relative dir odoc_input_name
val html_filename : t -> string
end = struct
type t = string (** source file name without the extension. *)
let create ~name = name
let odoc_file ~doc_dir t =
Path.relative doc_dir (sprintf "page-%s%s" t odoc_ext)
let odoc_input ~doc_dir t =
Path.relative doc_dir (sprintf "%s-generated.mld" t)
let html_filename t =
sprintf "%s.html" t
module Module_or_mld = struct
@ -28,16 +37,25 @@ module Module_or_mld = struct
| Mld of Mld.t
| Module of Module.t
let odoc_file ~dir = function
| Mld m -> Mld.odoc_file ~dir m
| Module m -> Module.odoc_file ~dir m
let odoc_file ~doc_dir = function
| Mld m -> Mld.odoc_file ~doc_dir m
| Module m -> Module.odoc_file ~doc_dir m
let odoc_input ~dir = function
| Mld m -> Mld.odoc_input ~dir m
let odoc_input ~dir ~doc_dir = function
| Mld m -> Mld.odoc_input ~doc_dir m
| Module m -> Module.cmti_file m ~dir
let html_dir ~doc_dir = function
| Mld _ -> doc_dir
| Module m -> doc_dir ++ String.capitalize_ascii m.obj_name
let html_file ~doc_dir t =
match t with
| Mld m -> html_dir ~doc_dir t ++ Mld.html_filename m
| Module _ -> html_dir ~doc_dir t ++ "index.html"
let module_or_mld_deps (m : Module_or_mld.t) ~dir ~dep_graph ~modules =
let module_or_mld_deps (m : Module_or_mld.t) ~dir ~doc_dir ~dep_graph ~modules =
>>^ fun graph ->
@ -47,46 +65,42 @@ let module_or_mld_deps (m : Module_or_mld.t) ~dir ~dep_graph ~modules = (Utils.find_deps ~dir graph
~f:(fun name ->
let m = Utils.find_module ~dir modules name in
Module.odoc_file m ~dir))
Module.odoc_file m ~doc_dir))
let compile sctx (m : Module_or_mld.t) ~odoc ~dir ~includes ~dep_graph
~modules ~lib_unique_name =
~doc_dir ~modules ~lib_unique_name =
let context = SC.context sctx in
let odoc_file = Module_or_mld.odoc_file m ~dir in
let odoc_file = Module_or_mld.odoc_file m ~doc_dir in
SC.add_rule sctx
(module_or_mld_deps m ~dir ~dep_graph ~modules
(module_or_mld_deps m ~doc_dir ~dir ~dep_graph ~modules
>>> ~context ~dir odoc ~extra_targets:[odoc_file] ~context ~dir:doc_dir odoc
[ A "compile"
; A "-I"; Path dir
; Dyn (fun x -> x)
; As ["--pkg"; lib_unique_name]
; A "-o"; Path odoc_file
; Dep (Module_or_mld.odoc_input m ~dir)
; A "-o"; Target odoc_file
; Dep (Module_or_mld.odoc_input m ~dir ~doc_dir)
(m, odoc_file)
let to_html sctx (m : Module_or_mld.t) odoc_file ~doc_dir ~odoc ~dir ~includes
~lib_unique_name ~(lib : Library.t) =
~(lib : Library.t) =
let context = SC.context sctx in
let to_remove, html_dir, html_file, jbuilder_keep =
let html_dir = Module_or_mld.html_dir ~doc_dir m in
let html_file = Module_or_mld.html_file ~doc_dir m in
let to_remove, jbuilder_keep =
match m with
| Mld m ->
let html_dir = doc_dir ++ lib_unique_name in
let html_file = html_dir ++ ( ^ ".html") in
html_file, html_dir, html_file, []
| Module m ->
let html_dir = doc_dir ++ lib_unique_name ++ String.capitalize_ascii m.obj_name in
let html_file = html_dir ++ "index.html" in
| Mld _ -> html_file, []
| Module _ ->
let jbuilder_keep =
Build.create_file (html_dir ++ Config.jbuilder_keep_fname)
html_dir, html_dir, html_file, [jbuilder_keep]
Build.create_file (html_dir ++ Config.jbuilder_keep_fname) in
html_dir, [jbuilder_keep]
SC.add_rule sctx
(SC.Libs.static_file_deps (dir, lib) ~ext:odoc_ext
(SC.Doc.static_deps sctx (dir, lib)
@ -95,9 +109,9 @@ let to_html sctx (m : Module_or_mld.t) odoc_file ~doc_dir ~odoc ~dir ~includes
:: Build.mkdir html_dir
:: ~context ~dir odoc ~extra_targets:[html_file]
[ A "html"
; A "-I"; Path dir
; A "-I"; Path doc_dir
; Dyn (fun x -> x)
; A "-o"; Path doc_dir
; A "-o"; Path (Path.parent doc_dir)
; Dep odoc_file
:: jbuilder_keep
@ -109,11 +123,11 @@ let all_mld_files sctx ~(lib : Library.t) ~lib_name ~modules ~dir files =
let all_files =
if List.mem "index.mld" ~set:files then files else "index.mld" :: files
let doc_dir = SC.Doc.dir sctx (dir, lib) in all_files ~f:(fun file ->
let name = Filename.chop_extension file in
let odoc_input_name = sprintf "%s-generated.mld" name in
let odoc_file_name = sprintf "page-%s%s" name odoc_ext in
let generated_mld = dir ++ odoc_input_name in
let mld = Mld.create ~name in
let generated_mld = Mld.odoc_input ~doc_dir mld in
let source_mld = dir ++ file in
SC.add_rule sctx
(Build.if_file_exists source_mld
@ -133,20 +147,18 @@ let all_mld_files sctx ~(lib : Library.t) ~lib_name ~modules ~dir files =
(String_map.keys modules |> String.concat ~sep:" "))))
Build.write_file_dyn generated_mld);
{ Mld. name; odoc_file_name; odoc_input_name }
let doc_dir ~context = Path.relative context.Context.build_dir "_doc"
let css_file ~doc_dir = doc_dir ++ "odoc.css"
let toplevel_index ~doc_dir = doc_dir ++ "index.html"
let setup_library_rules sctx (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~modules ~mld_files
~requires ~(dep_graph:Ocamldep.dep_graph) =
let doc_dir = SC.Doc.dir sctx (dir, lib) in
let lib_unique_name = SC.unique_library_name sctx (Internal (dir, lib)) in
let lib_name = Library.best_name lib in
let context = SC.context sctx in
let dep_graph =
Build.memoize "odoc deps"
((* Use the dependency graph given by ocamldep. However, when a module has no
@ -163,8 +175,7 @@ let setup_library_rules sctx (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~modules ~mld_files
let includes =
Build.memoize "includes"
SC.Libs.file_deps sctx ~ext:odoc_ext
>>> SC.Doc.deps sctx
>>^ Lib.include_flags)
let mld_files =
@ -173,17 +184,15 @@ let setup_library_rules sctx (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~modules ~mld_files
let mld_and_odoc_files = mld_files ~f:(fun m ->
compile sctx ~odoc ~dir ~includes ~dep_graph ~modules
~lib_unique_name (Mld m))
~doc_dir ~lib_unique_name (Mld m))
let modules_and_odoc_files = (String_map.values modules) ~f:(fun m ->
compile sctx ~odoc ~dir ~includes ~dep_graph ~modules
~lib_unique_name (Module m))
~doc_dir ~lib_unique_name (Module m))
let inputs_and_odoc_files = modules_and_odoc_files @ mld_and_odoc_files in
SC.Libs.setup_file_deps_alias sctx ~ext:odoc_ext (dir, lib)
( inputs_and_odoc_files ~f:snd);
let doc_dir = doc_dir ~context in
SC.Doc.setup_deps sctx (dir, lib) ( inputs_and_odoc_files ~f:snd);
let modules_and_odoc_files =
if lib.wrapped then
@ -195,17 +204,17 @@ let setup_library_rules sctx (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~modules ~mld_files
let html_files = inputs_and_odoc_files ~f:(fun (m, odoc_file) ->
to_html sctx m odoc_file ~doc_dir ~odoc ~dir ~includes ~lib
to_html sctx m odoc_file ~doc_dir ~odoc ~dir ~includes ~lib)
let doc_root = SC.Doc.root sctx in
SC.add_alias_deps sctx (Build_system.Alias.doc ~dir)
(css_file ~doc_dir
:: toplevel_index ~doc_dir
(css_file ~doc_dir:doc_root
:: toplevel_index ~doc_dir:doc_root
:: html_files)
let setup_css_rule sctx =
let context = SC.context sctx in
let doc_dir = doc_dir ~context in
let doc_dir = SC.Doc.root sctx in
SC.add_rule sctx
( ~context
@ -256,8 +265,7 @@ let setup_toplevel_index_rule sctx =
|} list_items
let context = SC.context sctx in
let doc_dir = doc_dir ~context in
let doc_dir = SC.Doc.root sctx in
SC.add_rule sctx @@ Build.write_file (toplevel_index ~doc_dir) html
let gen_rules sctx ~dir rest =

View File

@ -366,6 +366,30 @@ module Libs = struct
Alias.dep (lib_files_alias lib ~ext)
module Doc = struct
let root t = Path.relative t.context.Context.build_dir "_doc"
let dir t lib =
let name = unique_library_name t (Lib.Internal lib) in
Path.relative (root t) name
let alias t ((_, lib) as ilib) =
let doc_dir = dir t ilib in
Alias.make (sprintf "odoc-%s%s-all" ".odoc") ~dir:doc_dir
let deps t =
Build.dyn_paths (Build.arr (
List.fold_left ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc (lib : Lib.t) ->
match lib with
| External _ -> acc
| Internal lib -> (Alias.stamp_file (alias t lib)) :: acc
let static_deps t lib = Alias.dep (alias t lib)
let setup_deps t lib files = add_alias_deps t (alias t lib) files
module Deps = struct
open Build.O
open Dep_conf

View File

@ -164,6 +164,18 @@ module Deps : sig
-> (unit, Path.t list) Build.t
module Doc : sig
val root : t -> Path.t
val dir : t -> Lib.Internal.t -> Path.t
val deps : t -> (Lib.t list, Lib.t list) Build.t
val static_deps : t -> Lib.Internal.t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
val setup_deps : t -> Lib.Internal.t -> Path.t list -> unit
(** Interpret action written in jbuild files *)
module Action : sig
type targets =