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2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
open Import
2016-11-12 11:48:24 +00:00
type t =
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
{ name : string
; entries : entry list
2016-11-12 11:48:24 +00:00
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
and entry =
| Comment of string
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
| Rule of rule
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| Package of t
2016-11-12 11:48:24 +00:00
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
and rule =
{ var : string
; predicates : predicate list
; action : action
; value : string
2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
and action = Set | Add
2016-11-12 11:48:24 +00:00
and predicate =
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
| Pos of string
| Neg of string
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
module Parse = struct
2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
let error = Loc.fail_lex
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
let next = Meta_lexer.token
let package_name lb =
match next lb with
| String s ->
if String.contains s '.' then
error lb "'.' not allowed in sub-package names";
| _ -> error lb "package name expected"
let string lb =
2016-11-13 11:27:31 +00:00
match next lb with
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| String s -> s
| _ -> error lb "string expected"
let lparen lb =
match next lb with
| Lparen -> ()
| _ -> error lb "'(' expected"
let action lb =
match next lb with
| Equal -> Set
| Plus_equal -> Add
| _ -> error lb "'=' or '+=' expected"
let rec predicates_and_action lb acc =
match next lb with
| Rparen -> (List.rev acc, action lb)
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
| Name n -> after_predicate lb (Pos n :: acc)
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| Minus ->
let n =
match next lb with
| Name p -> p
| _ -> error lb "name expected"
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
after_predicate lb (Neg n :: acc)
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| _ -> error lb "name, '-' or ')' expected"
2016-11-13 12:37:18 +00:00
and after_predicate lb acc =
match next lb with
| Rparen -> (List.rev acc, action lb)
| Comma -> predicates_and_action lb acc
| _ -> error lb "')' or ',' expected"
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
let rec entries lb depth acc =
match next lb with
| Rparen ->
if depth > 0 then
List.rev acc
error lb "closing parenthesis without matching opening one"
2016-11-13 12:37:18 +00:00
| Eof ->
if depth = 0 then
List.rev acc
error lb "%d closing parentheses missing" depth
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| Name "package" ->
let name = package_name lb in
lparen lb;
2016-11-13 11:27:31 +00:00
let sub_entries = entries lb (depth + 1) [] in
entries lb depth (Package { name; entries = sub_entries } :: acc)
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| Name var ->
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
let predicates, action =
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
match next lb with
| Equal -> ([], Set)
| Plus_equal -> ([], Add)
| Lparen -> predicates_and_action lb []
| _ -> error lb "'=', '+=' or '(' expected"
let value = string lb in
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
entries lb depth (Rule { var; predicates; action; value } :: acc)
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
| _ ->
error lb "'package' or variable name expected"
2016-11-12 11:48:24 +00:00
2016-11-13 10:03:07 +00:00
let load fn =
2016-11-13 10:01:32 +00:00
with_lexbuf_from_file fn ~f:(fun lb ->
Parse.entries lb 0 [])
2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
module Simplified = struct
module Rules = struct
type t =
{ set_rules : rule list
; add_rules : rule list
type t =
{ name : string
; vars : Rules.t String_map.t
; subs : t list
let rec simplify t =
List.fold_right t.entries
{ name = t.name
; vars = String_map.empty
; subs = []
~f:(fun entry (pkg : Simplified.t) ->
2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
match entry with
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
| Comment _ -> pkg
| Package sub ->
{ pkg with subs = simplify sub :: pkg.subs }
| Rule rule ->
let rules =
String_map.find_default rule.var pkg.vars
~default:{ set_rules = []; add_rules = [] }
let rules =
match rule.action with
| Set -> { rules with set_rules = rule :: rules.set_rules }
| Add -> { rules with add_rules = rule :: rules.add_rules }
{ pkg with vars = String_map.add pkg.vars ~key:rule.var ~data:rules })
let builtins =
let rule var predicates action value =
Rule { var; predicates; action; value }
let requires ?(preds=[]) pkgs =
rule "requires" preds Set (String.concat ~sep:" " pkgs)
let version = rule "version" [] Set "[distributed with Ocaml]" in
let directory s = rule "directory" [] Set s in
let archive p s = rule "archive" [Pos p] Set s in
let plugin p s = rule "plugin" [Pos p] Set s in
let archives name =
[ archive "byte" (name ^ ".cma" )
; archive "native" (name ^ ".cmxa")
; plugin "byte" (name ^ ".cma" )
; plugin "native" (name ^ ".cmxs")
2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
let simple name ?dir ?(archive_name=name) deps =
let archives = archives archive_name in
{ name
; entries =
(requires deps ::
version ::
match dir with
| None -> archives
| Some d -> directory d :: archives)
let compiler_libs =
let sub name deps =
Package (simple name deps ~archive_name:("ocaml" ^ name))
{ name = "compiler-libs"
; entries =
[ requires []
; version
; directory "+compiler-libs"
; sub "common" []
; sub "bytecomp" ["compiler-libs.common" ]
; sub "optcomp" ["compiler-libs.common" ]
; sub "toplevel" ["compiler-libs.bytecomp"]
let str = simple "str" [] ~dir:"+" in
let threads =
{ name = "threads"
; entries =
[ version
; requires ~preds:[Pos "mt"; Pos "mt_vm" ] ["threads.vm"]
; requires ~preds:[Pos "mt"; Pos "mt_posix"] ["threads.posix"]
; directory "+"
; rule "type_of_threads" [] Set "posix"
; rule "error" [Neg "mt"] Set "Missing -thread or -vmthread switch"
; rule "error" [Neg "mt_vm"; Neg "mt_posix"] Set "Missing -thread or -vmthread switch"
; Package (simple "vm" ["unix"] ~dir:"+vmthreads" ~archive_name:"threads")
; Package (simple "posix" ["unix"] ~dir:"+threads" ~archive_name:"threads")
let num =
{ name = "num"
; entries =
[ requires ["num.core"]
; version
; Package (simple "core" [] ~dir:"+" ~archive_name:"nums")
List.map [ compiler_libs; str; threads; num ] ~f:(fun t -> t.name, t)
|> String_map.of_alist_exn
let builtin name = String_map.find name builtins