findlib support

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2016-11-13 11:13:47 +00:00
parent de3314049f
commit 583b55f527
10 changed files with 199 additions and 23 deletions

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ let modules =
[ "Import"
; "Clflags"
; "Loc"
; "Meta_lexer"
; "Meta"
; "Findlib"
; "Sexp"
; "Sexp_lexer"
; "Future"
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ let modules =
; "Jbuild"
let lexers = [ "sexp_lexer" ]
let lexers = [ "sexp_lexer"; "meta_lexer" ]
let path =
match Sys.getenv "PATH" with

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
open Import
module Preds : sig
type t
val make : string list -> t
val is_subset : t -> subset:t -> bool
val intersects : t -> t -> bool
end = struct
type t = string list
let make l = List.sort l
let rec is_subset t ~subset =
match t, subset with
| _, [] -> true
| [], _ :: _ -> false
| x1 :: l1, x2 :: l2 ->
let d = x1 x2 in
if d = 0 then
is_subset l1 ~subset:l2
else if d < 0 then
is_subset l1 ~subset
is_subset t ~subset:l2
let rec intersects a b =
match a, b with
| [], _ | _, [] -> false
| x1 :: l1, x2 :: l2 ->
let d = x1 x2 in
if d = 0 then
else if d < 0 then
intersects l1 b
intersects a l2
type rule =
{ preds_required : Preds.t
; preds_forbidden : Preds.t
; action : Meta.action
; value : string
type package =
{ name : string
; vars : rule list (* In reverse order of the META file *) String_map.t
let db = Hashtbl.create 1024
let make_rule ((_, preds, action, value) : META.var) =
let preds_required, preds_forbidden =
List.partition_map preds ~f:(function
| P x -> Inl x
| A x -> Inr x)
{ preds_required = Preds.make preds_required
; preds_forbidden = Preds.make preds_forbidden
; action
; value
let acknowledge_meta (meta : META.t) =
let pkgs = META.flatten meta in
List.iter pkgs ~f:(fun (name, vars) ->
let vars =
List.fold_left vars ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc ((vname, _, _, _) as var) ->
let rule = make_rule var in
let rules =
match String_map.find acc vname with
| exception Not_found -> []
| rules -> rules
String_map.add acc ~key:vname ~data:(rule :: rules))
Hashtbl.add db name { name; vars })
let findlib_dir = ref ""
exception Package_not_found of string
let root_pkg s =
match String.index s '.' with
| exception Not_found -> s
| i -> String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:i
let rec get_pkg name =
match Hashtbl.find db pkg with
| exception Not_found ->
let root = root_pkg name in
let fn = !findlib_dir ^/ root ^/ "META" in
if Sys.file_exists fn then begin
acknowledge_meta { name = root; entries = META.load fn };
get_pkg name
end else
raise (Package_not_found name)
| pkg -> pkg
let rec interpret_rules rules ~preds =
match rules with
| [] -> None
| rule :: rules ->
if Preds.is_subset preds ~subset:rule.preds_required &&
not (Preds.intersects preds rule.preds_forbidden) then
match rule.action with
| Set -> Some rule.value
| Add ->
match interpret_rules rules ~preds with
| None -> Some rule.value
| Some v -> Some (v ^ " " rule.value)
interpret_rules rules ~preds
let get_var pkg ~preds var =
match String_map.find pkg.vars var with
| exception Not_found -> None
| rules -> interpret_rules rules ~preds
let query ~pkg ~preds ~var =
get_var (get_pkg pkg) ~preds:(Preds.make preds) var

src/findlib.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(** Findlib database *)
exception Package_not_found of string
val query : pkg:string -> preds:string list -> var:string -> string option

View File

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ include MoreLabels
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
module String_map = Map.Make(String)
type ('a, 'b) either =
| Inl of 'a
| Inr of 'b
module List = struct
include ListLabels
@ -18,6 +22,17 @@ module List = struct
| Some x -> x :: filter_map l ~f
let concat_map l ~f = concat (map l ~f)
let partition_map =
let rec loop l accl accr ~f =
match l with
| [] -> (List.rev accl, List.rev accr)
| x :: l ->
match f x with
| Inl y -> loop l (y :: accl) accr ~f
| Inr y -> loop l accl (y :: accr) ~f
fun l ~f -> loop l [] [] ~f
type ('a, 'b) eq =
@ -46,21 +61,3 @@ let lines_of_file fn =
| line -> loop ic (line :: acc)
with_file_in fn ~f:(fun ic -> loop ic [])
type location =
{ start : Lexing.position
; stop : Lexing.position
let lexeme_loc lb =
{ start = Lexing.lexeme_start lb
; stop = Lexing.lexeme_stop lb
exception File_error of location * string
let file_error ~loc fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> raise (File_error (loc, msg))) fmt
let lex_error lb fmt =
file_error ~loc:(lexeme_loc lb) fmt

View File

@ -2,3 +2,16 @@ type t =
{ start : Lexing.position
; stop : Lexing.position
let of_lexbuf lb =
{ start = Lexing.lexeme_start lb
; stop = Lexing.lexeme_stop lb
exception Error of t * string
let fail t fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> raise (File_error (t, msg))) fmt
let fail_lex lb fmt =
fail (of_lexbuf lb) fmt

View File

@ -2,3 +2,10 @@ type t =
{ start : Lexing.position
; stop : Lexing.position
val of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
exception Error of t * string
val fail : t -> string -> _
val fail_lex : Lexing.lexbuf -> string -> _

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ type t =
and entry =
| Comment of string
| Var of string * predicate list * action * string
| Var of var
| Package of t
and var = string * predicate list * action * string
and action = Set | Add
and predicate =
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ and predicate =
| A of string
module Parse = struct
let error = lex_error
let error = Loc.fail_lex
let next = Meta_lexer.token
@ -93,3 +95,22 @@ end
let load fn =
with_lexbuf_from_file fn ~f:(fun lb ->
Parse.entries lb 0 [])
let flatten t =
let rec loop path acc_vars acc_pkgs entries =
match entries with
| [] -> (List.rev acc_vars, acc_pkgs)
| entry :: rest ->
match entry with
| Comment _ ->
loop path acc_vars acc_pkgs rest
| Var v ->
loop path (v :: acc_vars) acc_pkgs rest
| Package { name; entries } ->
let sub_path = sprintf "%s.%s" path name in
let sub_vars, acc_pkgs = loop sub_path [] acc_pkgs entries in
let acc_pkgs = (sub_path, sub_vars) :: acc_pkgs in
loop path acc_vars acc_pkgs rest
let vars, pkgs = loop [] [] t.entries in
(, vars) :: pkgs

View File

@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ type t =
and entry =
| Comment of string
| Var of string * predicate list * action * string
| Var of var
| Package of t
and var = string * predicate list * action * string
and action = Set | Add
and predicate =
@ -19,3 +21,5 @@ and predicate =
| A of string (** Absent *)
val load : string -> entry list
val flatten : t -> (string * var list) list

View File

@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ rule token = parse
| '=' { Equal }
| "+=" { Plus_equal }
| eof { Eof }
| _ { lex_error lexbuf "invalid character" }
| _ { Loc.fail_lex lexbuf "invalid character" }