136 lines
4.1 KiB
136 lines
4.1 KiB
open Ctypes
include T
module L = G.P(Bindings)
module GT = G.U
let request_type_standard = GT.request_type_standard |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let request_type_class = GT.request_type_class |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let request_type_vendor = GT.request_type_vendor |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let request_type_reserved = GT.request_type_reserved |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let endpoint_direction_in = GT.endpoint_direction_in |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let endpoint_direction_out = GT.endpoint_direction_out |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let recipient_device = GT.libusb_recipient_device |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let recipient_interface = GT.libusb_recipient_interface |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let recipient_endpoint = GT.libusb_recipient_endpoint |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let recipient_other = GT.libusb_recipient_other |> Signed.Int64.to_int
let string_of_error = function
| Success -> "Success"
| Number n -> Printf.sprintf "Positive number: %d" n
| e -> L.error_name e
let description_of_error = function
| Success -> "Success"
| Number n -> Printf.sprintf "Positive number: %d" n
| e -> L.error_description e
let init_libusb () =
match L.init null with
| Success -> Ok ()
| Number _ -> assert false
| e -> Error e
let exit_libusb () = L.exit null
let get_version () =
let sv = !@ (L.get_version ()) in
major = getf sv GT.version_major |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
minor = getf sv GT.version_minor |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
micro = getf sv GT.version_micro |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
nano = getf sv GT.version_nano |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
rc = getf sv GT.version_rc;
describe = getf sv GT.version_describe;
type device = GT.device structure ptr
let get_device_list () =
let dl =
from_voidp GT.device null
|> allocate (ptr GT.device)
|> allocate (ptr (ptr GT.device)) in
match L.get_device_list null dl with
| Success ->
L.free_device_list !@dl 0;
Ok []
| Number nb_devices ->
let l = CArray.from_ptr !@dl nb_devices
|> CArray.to_list in
L.free_device_list !@dl 0;
Ok l
| err -> Error err
let unref_device d = L.unref_device d
type device_handle = GT.device_handle structure ptr
let open_device ?(unref=true) d =
let h = from_voidp GT.device_handle null
|> allocate (ptr GT.device_handle) in
match L.open_device d h with
| Success ->
if unref then unref_device d;
Ok !@h
| Number _ -> assert false
| e -> Error e
let close_device h = L.close_device h
let get_device_descriptor d =
let desc = make GT.device_descriptor in
match L.get_device_descriptor d (addr desc) with
| Success ->
Ok {
id_vendor = getf desc GT.device_descriptor_idvendor |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
id_product = getf desc GT.device_descriptor_idproduct |> Unsigned.UInt16.to_int;
i_manufacturer = getf desc GT.device_descriptor_imanufacturer |> Unsigned.UInt8.to_int;
i_product = getf desc GT.device_descriptor_iproduct |> Unsigned.UInt8.to_int;
| Number _ -> assert false
| e -> Error e
let get_string_descriptor d i =
i <= 0
Error Error_not_found
let sz = Unsigned.UInt8.(to_int max_int) in
let strptr = allocate_n char ~count:sz in
match L.get_string_descriptor_ascii d (Unsigned.UInt8.of_int i) strptr sz with
| Success -> assert false
| Number n -> Ok (string_from_ptr strptr ~length:n |> String.trim)
| e -> Error e
let is_vendor v d =
match get_device_descriptor d with
| Ok dd -> dd.id_vendor = v
| _ -> false
let is_product p d =
match get_device_descriptor d with
| Ok dd -> dd.id_product = p
| _ -> false
let filter_devices f dl =
let keep, unref = List.partition f dl in
List.iter unref_device unref;
let control_transfer ~device_handle ~request_type ~request ~value ~index ~buffer ~timeout =
let sz = Bigarray.Array1.dim buffer in
(Unsigned.UInt8.of_int request_type)
(Unsigned.UInt8.of_int request)
(Unsigned.UInt16.of_int value)
(Unsigned.UInt16.of_int index)
(bigarray_start array1 buffer)
(Unsigned.UInt16.of_int sz)
(Unsigned.UInt.of_int timeout)