
282 lines
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(** Representation and parsing of jbuild files *)
open Import
module Jbuild_version : sig
type t = V1
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val latest_stable : t
module Scope : sig
type t =
{ name : string option (** First package name in alphabetical order. [None] for
the global scope. *)
; packages : Package.t String_map.t
; root : Path.t
val make : Package.t list -> t
val empty : t
(** [resolve t package_name] looks up [package_name] in [t] and returns the
package description if it exists, otherwise it returns an error. *)
val resolve : t -> string -> (Package.t, string) result
(** Ppx preprocessors *)
module Pp : sig
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
module Preprocess : sig
type pps =
{ pps : Pp.t list
; flags : string list
type t =
| No_preprocessing
| Action of Action.Unexpanded.t
| Pps of pps
module Preprocess_map : sig
type t
val no_preprocessing : t
val default : t
(** [find module_name] find the preprocessing specification for a given module *)
val find : string -> t -> Preprocess.t
val pps : t -> Pp.t list
module Lint : sig
type t = Preprocess_map.t
val no_lint : t
module Js_of_ocaml : sig
type t =
{ flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; javascript_files : string list
val default : t
module Lib_dep : sig
type choice =
{ required : String_set.t
; forbidden : String_set.t
; file : string
type select =
{ result_fn : string
; choices : choice list
; loc : Loc.t
type t =
| Direct of string
| Select of select
val to_lib_names : t -> string list
val direct : string -> t
val of_pp : Pp.t -> t
module Lib_deps : sig
type t = Lib_dep.t list
module Dep_conf : sig
type t =
| File of String_with_vars.t
| Alias of String_with_vars.t
| Alias_rec of String_with_vars.t
| Glob_files of String_with_vars.t
| Files_recursively_in of String_with_vars.t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
module Buildable : sig
type t =
{ modules : Ordered_set_lang.t
; libraries : Lib_dep.t list
; preprocess : Preprocess_map.t
; preprocessor_deps : Dep_conf.t list
; lint : Lint.t
; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; ocamlc_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; ocamlopt_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; js_of_ocaml : Js_of_ocaml.t
; (** [true] except for on-demand utops, to avoid generation
[.utop/.merlin] files everywhere. *)
gen_dot_merlin : bool
(** Preprocessing specification used by all modules or [No_preprocessing] *)
val single_preprocess : t -> Preprocess.t
module Public_lib : sig
type t =
{ name : string (** Full public name *)
; package : Package.t (** Package it is part of *)
; sub_dir : string option (** Subdirectory inside the installation directory *)
module Library : sig
module Kind : sig
type t =
| Normal
| Ppx_deriver
| Ppx_rewriter
type t =
{ name : string
; public : Public_lib.t option
; synopsis : string option
; install_c_headers : string list
; ppx_runtime_libraries : string list
; modes : Mode.Dict.Set.t
; kind : Kind.t
; c_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_names : string list
; cxx_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; cxx_names : string list
; library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; self_build_stubs_archive : string option
; virtual_deps : string list
; wrapped : bool
; optional : bool
; buildable : Buildable.t
; dynlink : bool
val has_stubs : t -> bool
val stubs_archive : t -> dir:Path.t -> ext_lib:string -> Path.t
val all_lib_deps : t -> Lib_deps.t
val best_name : t -> string
module Install_conf : sig
type file =
{ src : string
; dst : string option
type t =
{ section : Install.Section.t
; files : file list
; package : Package.t
module Executables : sig
type t =
{ names : string list
; link_executables : bool
; link_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; modes : Mode.Dict.Set.t
; buildable : Buildable.t
module Rule : sig
module Targets : sig
type t =
| Static of string list
| Infer
module Mode : sig
type t =
| Standard
(** Only use this rule if the source files don't exist. *)
| Fallback
(** Silently promote the targets to the source tree. *)
| Promote
(** Same as [Promote] but [jbuilder clean] must delete the file *)
| Promote_but_delete_on_clean
(** Same as [Standard] however this is not a rule stanza, so it is not possible to
add a [(fallback)] field to the rule. *)
| Not_a_rule_stanza
(** Just ignore the source files entirely. This is for cases where the targets are
promoted only in a specific context, such as for .install files. *)
| Ignore_source_files
type t =
{ targets : Targets.t
; deps : Dep_conf.t list
; action : Action.Unexpanded.t
; mode : Mode.t
; locks : String_with_vars.t list
; loc : Loc.t
module Provides : sig
type t =
{ name : string
; file : string
module Alias_conf : sig
type t =
{ name : string
; deps : Dep_conf.t list
; action : Action.Unexpanded.t option
; locks : String_with_vars.t list
; package : Package.t option
module Copy_files : sig
type t =
{ add_line_directive : bool
; glob : String_with_vars.t
module Stanza : sig
type t =
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Provides of Provides.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
module Stanzas : sig
type t = Stanza.t list
type syntax = OCaml | Plain
val parse
: ?default_version:Jbuild_version.t
-> file:Path.t
-> Scope.t
-> Sexp.Ast.t list
-> t
val lib_names : (_ * _ * t) list -> String_set.t