
83 lines
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(** Utilities that can't go in [Import] *)
open! Import
(** Return the absolute path to the shell and the argument to pass it
(-c or /c). Raise in case in cannot be found. *)
val system_shell_exn : needed_to:string -> Path.t * string
(** Same as [system_shell_exn] but for bash *)
val bash_exn : needed_to:string -> Path.t
(** Convert a signal number to a name: INT, TERM, ... *)
val signal_name : int -> string
(** Nice description of a target *)
val describe_target : Path.t -> string
(** Return the directory where the object files for the given
library should be stored. *)
val library_object_directory
: dir:Path.t
-> string
-> Path.t
(** Return the directory where the object files for the given
executable should be stored. *)
val executable_object_directory
: dir:Path.t
-> string
-> Path.t
type target_kind =
| Regular of string (* build context *) * Path.t
| Alias of string (* build context *) * Path.t
| Other of Path.t
(** Return the name of an alias from its stamp file *)
val analyse_target : Path.t -> target_kind
(** Raise an error about a program not found in the PATH or in the tree *)
val program_not_found
: ?context:string
-> ?hint:string
-> string
-> _
(** Raise an error about a library not found *)
val library_not_found : ?context:string -> ?hint:string -> string -> _
(** [\["-g"\]] if [!Clflags.g] and [\[\]] otherwise *)
val g : unit -> string list
val install_file
: package:Package.Name.t
-> findlib_toolchain:string option
-> string
module type Persistent_desc = sig
type t
val name : string
val version : int
(** Persistent value stored on disk *)
module Persistent(D : Persistent_desc) : sig
val to_out_string : D.t -> string
val dump : Path.t -> D.t -> unit
val load : Path.t -> D.t option
(** Digest files with caching *)
module Cached_digest : sig
(** Digest the contents of the following file *)
val file : Path.t -> Digest.t
(** Clear the following digest from the cache *)
val remove : Path.t -> unit
(** Dump/load the cache to/from the disk *)
val dump : unit -> unit
val load : unit -> unit