
41 lines
1.3 KiB

let inverse = ref false
let command_args = ref []
let logfile = ref "log"
let args =
[ "--", Rest (fun s -> command_args := s :: !command_args),
" command to execute"
; "-inverse", Set inverse,
" check that the command fail instead of checking that it succeed"
; "-log", Set_string logfile,
"FILE set the log file"
let () =
Arg.parse args
(fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "Don't know what to do with %S" s)))
"Usage: run [OPTIONS] -- ARGS";
let command = Array.of_list (List.rev !command_args) in
if Array.length command = 0 then (
Printf.eprintf "Need at least a program to execute!\n";
exit 2
let log = Unix.openfile !logfile [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC] 0o666 in
let pid = Unix.create_process command.(0) command Unix.stdin log log in
Unix.close log;
match snd (Unix.waitpid [] pid) with
| WEXITED 0 ->
if !inverse then (
Printf.eprintf "Command succeeded while it shouldn't, log saved in %s/%s\n%!"
(Sys.getcwd ()) !logfile;
exit 1
| WEXITED _ when !inverse -> ()
| st ->
Printf.eprintf "Command failed, log saved in %s/%s\n%!"
(Sys.getcwd ()) !logfile;
exit (match st with
| WEXITED n -> n
| WSIGNALED n -> 128 + n
| WSTOPPED _ -> assert false)