
52 lines
886 B

(** META file parsing/printing *)
open! Import
type t =
{ name : string
; entries : entry list
and entry =
| Comment of string
| Rule of rule
| Package of t
and rule =
{ var : string
; predicates : predicate list
; action : action
; value : string
and action = Set | Add
and predicate =
| Pos of string
| Neg of string
val load : string -> entry list
module Simplified : sig
module Rules : sig
type t =
{ set_rules : rule list
; add_rules : rule list
type t =
{ name : string
; vars : Rules.t String_map.t
; subs : t list
val simplify : t -> Simplified.t
(** Builtin META files for libraries distributed with the compiler. For when ocamlfind is
not installed. *)
val builtins : stdlib_dir:Path.t -> t String_map.t
val pp : Format.formatter -> entry list -> unit