
82 lines
2.6 KiB

(jbuild_version 1)
;; execute this to check the behavior when background jobs take time to finish:
;; $ ./_build/default/bin/main.exe build @test/fail-with-background-jobs-running
((name sleep5)
(action (system "sleep 5"))))
((name sleep1-and-fail)
(action (system "sleep 1; exit 1"))))
((name sleep4-and-fail)
(action (system "sleep 4; exit 1"))))
((name fail-with-background-jobs-running)
(deps ((alias sleep5)
(alias sleep4-and-fail)
(alias sleep1-and-fail)))))
;; execute this to test locks
;; $ ./_build/default/bin/main.exe build -j10 @test/locks
((name locks)
(deps ((glob_files *.{foo,bar})))
(action (bash "\
echo 'expected result: 10'
echo 'without locking:' $(< x)
echo 'with locking: ' $(< y)
rm -f *.{foo,bar} x y"))))
(rule (with-stdout-to incr.ml (echo "\
let fn = Sys.argv.(1) in
let x =
match open_in fn with
| ic ->
let x = int_of_string (input_line ic) in
close_in ic;
| exception _ -> 0
Unix.sleepf 0.2;
Printf.fprintf (open_out fn) \"%d\\n\" (x + 1);
Printf.fprintf (open_out Sys.argv.(2)) \"%g\n%!\" (Sys.time ())
(executable ((name incr) (libraries (unix))))
(rule ((targets (01.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (02.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (03.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (04.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (05.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (06.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (07.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (08.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (09.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (10.foo)) (action (run ./incr.exe x ${@}))))
(rule ((targets (01.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (02.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (03.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (04.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (05.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (06.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (07.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (08.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (09.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
(rule ((targets (10.bar)) (action (run ./incr.exe y ${@})) (locks (m))))
((name runtest-no-deps)
(deps ((alias_rec blackbox-tests/runtest-no-deps)
(alias_rec unit-tests/runtest)))))