
1043 lines
32 KiB

open Import
open Sexp.Of_sexp
(* This file defines the jbuild types as well as the S-expression syntax for the various
supported version of the specification.
[vN] is for the version [N] of the specification and [vjs] is for the rolling
[jane_street] version, when needed.
module Jbuild_version = struct
type t =
| V1
let t =
[ "1", V1
let latest_stable = V1
let invalid_module_name name sexp =
of_sexp_error sexp (sprintf "invalid module name: %S" name)
let module_name sexp =
let name = string sexp in
match name with
| "" -> invalid_module_name name sexp
| s ->
(match s.[0] with
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' -> ()
| _ -> invalid_module_name name sexp);
String.iter s ~f:(function
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '\'' | '_' -> ()
| _ -> invalid_module_name name sexp);
String.capitalize_ascii s
let module_names sexp = String_set.of_list (list module_name sexp)
let invalid_lib_name sexp =
of_sexp_error sexp "invalid library name"
let library_name sexp =
match string sexp with
| "" -> invalid_lib_name sexp
| s ->
if s.[0] = '.' then invalid_lib_name sexp;
String.iter s ~f:(function
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '.' | '0'..'9' -> ()
| _ -> invalid_lib_name sexp);
let file sexp =
match string sexp with
| "." | ".." ->
of_sexp_error sexp "'.' and '..' are not valid filenames"
| fn -> fn
let file_in_current_dir sexp =
match string sexp with
| "." | ".." ->
of_sexp_error sexp "'.' and '..' are not valid filenames"
| fn ->
if Filename.dirname fn <> Filename.current_dir_name then
of_sexp_error sexp "file in current directory expected";
let relative_file sexp =
let fn = file sexp in
if not (Filename.is_relative fn) then
of_sexp_error sexp "relative filename expected";
module Scope = struct
type t =
{ name : string option
; packages : Package.t String_map.t
; root : Path.t
let empty =
{ name = None
; packages = String_map.empty
; root = Path.root
let make = function
| [] -> empty
| pkg :: rest as pkgs ->
let name =
List.fold_left rest ~init:pkg.Package.name ~f:(fun acc pkg ->
min acc pkg.Package.name)
let root = pkg.path in
List.iter rest ~f:(fun pkg -> assert (pkg.Package.path = root));
{ name = Some name
; packages =
String_map.of_alist_exn (List.map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->
pkg.Package.name, pkg))
; root
let package_listing packages =
let longest_pkg = List.longest_map packages ~f:(fun p -> p.Package.name) in
String.concat ~sep:"\n"
(List.map packages ~f:(fun pkg ->
sprintf "- %-*s (because of %s)" longest_pkg pkg.Package.name
(Path.to_string (Path.relative pkg.path (pkg.name ^ ".opam")))))
let default t =
match String_map.values t.packages with
| [pkg] -> Ok pkg
| [] ->
"The current scope defines no packages.\n\
What do you want me to do with this (install ...) stanzas?.\n\
You need to add a <package>.opam file at the root \
of your project so that\n\
I know that you want to install things as part of package <package>."
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
"I can't determine automatically which package this (install ...) \
stanza is for. I have the choice between these ones:\n\
You need to add a (package ...) field in this (install ...) stanza"
(package_listing (String_map.values t.packages)))
let resolve t name =
match String_map.find name t.packages with
| Some pkg ->
Ok pkg
| None ->
if String_map.is_empty t.packages then
Error (sprintf
"You cannot declare items to be installed without \
adding a <package>.opam file at the root of your project.\n\
To declare elements to be installed as part of package %S, \
add a %S file at the root of your project."
name (name ^ ".opam"))
Error (sprintf
"The current scope doesn't define package %S.\n\
The only packages for which you can declare \
elements to be installed in this directory are:\n\
(package_listing (String_map.values t.packages))
(hint name (String_map.keys t.packages)))
let package t sexp =
match resolve t (string sexp) with
| Ok p -> p
| Error s -> Loc.fail (Sexp.Ast.loc sexp) "%s" s
let package_field t =
map_validate (field_o "package" string) ~f:(function
| None -> default t
| Some name -> resolve t name)
module Pp : sig
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val compare : t -> t -> int
end = struct
type t = string
let of_string s =
assert (not (String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"-"));
let to_string t = t
let compare = String.compare
module Pp_or_flags = struct
type t =
| PP of Pp.t
| Flags of string list
let of_string s =
if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"-" then
Flags [s]
PP (Pp.of_string s)
let t = function
| Atom (_, s) -> of_string s
| List (_, l) -> Flags (List.map l ~f:string)
let split l =
let pps, flags =
List.partition_map l ~f:(function
| PP pp -> Inl pp
| Flags s -> Inr s)
(pps, List.concat flags)
module Dep_conf = struct
type t =
| File of String_with_vars.t
| Alias of String_with_vars.t
| Alias_rec of String_with_vars.t
| Glob_files of String_with_vars.t
| Files_recursively_in of String_with_vars.t
let t =
let t =
let cstr name f =
cstr name (String_with_vars.t @> nil) f
[ cstr "file" (fun x -> File x)
; cstr "alias" (fun x -> Alias x)
; cstr "alias_rec" (fun x -> Alias_rec x)
; cstr "glob_files" (fun x -> Glob_files x)
; cstr "files_recursively_in" (fun x -> Files_recursively_in x)
fun sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom _ -> File (String_with_vars.t sexp)
| List _ -> t sexp
open Sexp
let sexp_of_t = function
| File t ->
List [Atom "file" ; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t t]
| Alias t ->
List [Atom "alias" ; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t t]
| Alias_rec t ->
List [Atom "alias_rec" ; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t t]
| Glob_files t ->
List [Atom "glob_files" ; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t t]
| Files_recursively_in t ->
List [Atom "files_recursively_in" ; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t t]
module Preprocess = struct
type pps = { pps : Pp.t list; flags : string list }
type t =
| No_preprocessing
| Action of Action.Unexpanded.t
| Pps of pps
let t =
[ cstr "no_preprocessing" nil No_preprocessing
; cstr "action" (Action.Unexpanded.t @> nil) (fun x -> Action x)
; cstr "pps" (list Pp_or_flags.t @> nil) (fun l ->
let pps, flags = Pp_or_flags.split l in
Pps { pps; flags })
let pps = function
| Pps { pps; _ } -> pps
| _ -> []
module Per_module = struct
type 'a t =
| For_all of 'a
| Per_module of 'a String_map.t
let t a sexp =
match sexp with
| List (_, Atom (_, "per_module") :: rest) -> begin
List.concat_map rest ~f:(fun sexp ->
let pp, names = pair a module_names sexp in
List.map (String_set.elements names) ~f:(fun name -> (name, pp)))
|> String_map.of_alist
|> function
| Ok map -> Per_module map
| Error (name, _, _) ->
of_sexp_error sexp (sprintf "module %s present in two different sets" name)
| sexp -> For_all (a sexp)
module Preprocess_map = struct
type t = Preprocess.t Per_module.t
let t = Per_module.t Preprocess.t
let no_preprocessing = Per_module.For_all Preprocess.No_preprocessing
let find module_name (t : t) =
match t with
| For_all pp -> pp
| Per_module map -> String_map.find_default module_name map ~default:No_preprocessing
let default : t = For_all No_preprocessing
module Pp_set = Set.Make(Pp)
let pps : t -> _ = function
| For_all pp -> Preprocess.pps pp
| Per_module map ->
String_map.fold map ~init:Pp_set.empty ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:pp acc ->
Pp_set.union acc (Pp_set.of_list (Preprocess.pps pp)))
|> Pp_set.elements
module Lint = struct
type t = Preprocess_map.t
let t = Preprocess_map.t
let default = Preprocess_map.default
let no_lint = default
let field_oslu name =
field name Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t ~default:Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.standard
module Js_of_ocaml = struct
type t =
{ flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; javascript_files : string list
let t =
(field_oslu "flags" >>= fun flags ->
field "javascript_files" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun javascript_files ->
return { flags; javascript_files })
let default =
{ flags = Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.standard
; javascript_files = [] }
module Lib_dep = struct
type choice =
{ required : String_set.t
; forbidden : String_set.t
; file : string
type select =
{ result_fn : string
; choices : choice list
; loc : Loc.t (* For error messages *)
type t =
| Direct of string
| Select of select
let choice = function
| List (_, l) as sexp ->
let rec loop required forbidden = function
| [Atom (_, "->"); fsexp] ->
let common = String_set.inter required forbidden in
if not (String_set.is_empty common) then
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"library %S is both required and forbidden in this clause"
(String_set.choose common);
{ required
; forbidden
; file = file fsexp
| Atom (_, "->") :: _ | List _ :: _ | [] ->
of_sexp_error sexp "(<[!]libraries>... -> <file>) expected"
| Atom (_, s) :: l ->
let len = String.length s in
if len > 0 && s.[0] = '!' then
let s = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(len - 1) in
loop required (String_set.add s forbidden) l
loop (String_set.add s required) forbidden l
loop String_set.empty String_set.empty l
| sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "(<library-name> <code>) expected"
let t = function
| Atom (_, s) ->
Direct s
| List (loc, Atom (_, "select") :: m :: Atom (_, "from") :: libs) ->
Select { result_fn = file m
; choices = List.map libs ~f:choice
; loc
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error sexp "<library> or (select <module> from <libraries...>) expected"
let to_lib_names = function
| Direct s -> [s]
| Select s ->
List.fold_left s.choices ~init:String_set.empty ~f:(fun acc x ->
String_set.union acc (String_set.union x.required x.forbidden))
|> String_set.elements
let direct s = Direct s
module Lib_deps = struct
type t = Lib_dep.t list
type kind =
| Required
| Optional
| Forbidden
let t sexp =
let t = list Lib_dep.t sexp in
let add kind name acc =
match String_map.find name acc with
| None -> String_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:kind
| Some kind' ->
match kind, kind' with
| Required, Required ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp "library %S is present twice" name
| (Optional|Forbidden), (Optional|Forbidden) ->
| Optional, Required | Required, Optional ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"library %S is present both as an optional and required dependency"
| Forbidden, Required | Required, Forbidden ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"library %S is present both as a forbidden and required dependency"
ignore (
List.fold_left t ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc x ->
match x with
| Lib_dep.Direct s -> add Required s acc
| Select { choices; _ } ->
List.fold_left choices ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc c ->
let acc = String_set.fold c.Lib_dep.required ~init:acc ~f:(add Optional) in
String_set.fold c.forbidden ~init:acc ~f:(add Forbidden)))
: kind String_map.t);
module Buildable = struct
type t =
{ modules : Ordered_set_lang.t
; libraries : Lib_dep.t list
; preprocess : Preprocess_map.t
; preprocessor_deps : Dep_conf.t list
; lint : Preprocess_map.t
; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; ocamlc_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; ocamlopt_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; js_of_ocaml : Js_of_ocaml.t
; gen_dot_merlin : bool
let v1 =
field "preprocess" Preprocess_map.t ~default:Preprocess_map.default
>>= fun preprocess ->
field "preprocessor_deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[]
>>= fun preprocessor_deps ->
(* CR-someday jdimino: remove this. There are still a few Jane Street packages using
this *)
field "lint" Lint.t ~default:Lint.default
>>= fun lint ->
field "modules" (fun s -> Ordered_set_lang.(map (t s)) ~f:String.capitalize_ascii)
>>= fun modules ->
field "libraries" Lib_deps.t ~default:[]
>>= fun libraries ->
field_oslu "flags" >>= fun flags ->
field_oslu "ocamlc_flags" >>= fun ocamlc_flags ->
field_oslu "ocamlopt_flags" >>= fun ocamlopt_flags ->
field "js_of_ocaml" (Js_of_ocaml.t) ~default:Js_of_ocaml.default >>= fun js_of_ocaml ->
{ preprocess
; preprocessor_deps
; lint
; modules
; libraries
; flags
; ocamlc_flags
; ocamlopt_flags
; js_of_ocaml
; gen_dot_merlin = true
let single_preprocess t =
match t.preprocess with
| For_all pp -> pp
| Per_module _ -> No_preprocessing
module Public_lib = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; package : Package.t
; sub_dir : string option
let public_name_field pkgs =
map_validate (field_o "public_name" string) ~f:(function
| None -> Ok None
| Some s ->
match String.split s ~on:'.' with
| [] -> assert false
| pkg :: rest ->
match Scope.resolve pkgs pkg with
| Ok pkg ->
Ok (Some
{ package = pkg
; sub_dir = if rest = [] then None else Some (String.concat rest ~sep:"/")
; name = s
| Error _ as e -> e)
module Library = struct
module Kind = struct
type t =
| Normal
| Ppx_deriver
| Ppx_rewriter
let t =
[ "normal" , Normal
; "ppx_deriver" , Ppx_deriver
; "ppx_rewriter" , Ppx_rewriter
type t =
{ name : string
; public : Public_lib.t option
; synopsis : string option
; install_c_headers : string list
; ppx_runtime_libraries : string list
; modes : Mode.Dict.Set.t
; kind : Kind.t
; c_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_names : string list
; cxx_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; cxx_names : string list
; library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; self_build_stubs_archive : string option
; virtual_deps : string list
; wrapped : bool
; optional : bool
; buildable : Buildable.t
; dynlink : bool
let v1 pkgs =
(Buildable.v1 >>= fun buildable ->
field "name" library_name >>= fun name ->
Public_lib.public_name_field pkgs >>= fun public ->
field_o "synopsis" string >>= fun synopsis ->
field "install_c_headers" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun install_c_headers ->
field "ppx_runtime_libraries" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun ppx_runtime_libraries ->
field_oslu "c_flags" >>= fun c_flags ->
field_oslu "cxx_flags" >>= fun cxx_flags ->
field "c_names" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun c_names ->
field "cxx_names" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun cxx_names ->
field_oslu "library_flags" >>= fun library_flags ->
field_oslu "c_library_flags" >>= fun c_library_flags ->
field "virtual_deps" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun virtual_deps ->
field "modes" Mode.Dict.Set.t ~default:Mode.Dict.Set.all >>= fun modes ->
field "kind" Kind.t ~default:Kind.Normal >>= fun kind ->
field "wrapped" bool ~default:true >>= fun wrapped ->
field_b "optional" >>= fun optional ->
field "self_build_stubs_archive" (option string) ~default:None >>= fun self_build_stubs_archive ->
field_b "no_dynlink" >>= fun no_dynlink ->
{ name
; public
; synopsis
; install_c_headers
; ppx_runtime_libraries
; modes
; kind
; c_names
; c_flags
; cxx_names
; cxx_flags
; library_flags
; c_library_flags
; self_build_stubs_archive
; virtual_deps
; wrapped
; optional
; buildable
; dynlink = not no_dynlink
let has_stubs t =
match t.c_names, t.cxx_names, t.self_build_stubs_archive with
| [], [], None -> false
| _ -> true
let stubs_archive t ~dir ~ext_lib =
Path.relative dir (sprintf "lib%s_stubs%s" t.name ext_lib)
let all_lib_deps t =
List.map t.virtual_deps ~f:(fun s -> Lib_dep.Direct s) @ t.buildable.libraries
let best_name t =
match t.public with
| None -> t.name
| Some p -> p.name
module Install_conf = struct
type file =
{ src : string
; dst : string option
let file sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom (_, src) -> { src; dst = None }
| List (_, [Atom (_, src); Atom (_, "as"); Atom (_, dst)]) ->
{ src; dst = Some dst }
| _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp
"invalid format, <name> or (<name> as <install-as>) expected"
type t =
{ section : Install.Section.t
; files : file list
; package : Package.t
let v1 pkgs =
(field "section" Install.Section.t >>= fun section ->
field "files" (list file) >>= fun files ->
Scope.package_field pkgs >>= fun package ->
{ section
; files
; package
module Executables = struct
type t =
{ names : string list
; link_executables : bool
; link_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; modes : Mode.Dict.Set.t
; buildable : Buildable.t
let common_v1 pkgs names public_names ~multi =
Buildable.v1 >>= fun buildable ->
field "link_executables" bool ~default:true >>= fun link_executables ->
field_oslu "link_flags" >>= fun link_flags ->
map_validate (field "modes" Mode.Dict.Set.t ~default:Mode.Dict.Set.all)
~f:(fun modes ->
if Mode.Dict.Set.is_empty modes then
Error "No compilation mode defined."
Ok modes)
>>= fun modes ->
let t =
{ names
; link_executables
; link_flags
; modes
; buildable
let to_install =
let ext = if modes.native then ".exe" else ".bc" in
List.map2 names public_names
~f:(fun name pub ->
match pub with
| None -> None
| Some pub -> Some ({ Install_conf. src = name ^ ext; dst = Some pub }))
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun x -> x)
match to_install with
| [] ->
(field_o "package" Sexp.Ast.loc >>= function
| None -> return (t, None)
| Some loc ->
Loc.warn loc "This field is useless without a (public_name%s ...) field."
(if multi then "s" else "");
return (t, None))
| files ->
Scope.package_field pkgs >>= fun package ->
return (t, Some { Install_conf. section = Bin; files; package })
let public_name sexp =
match string sexp with
| "-" -> None
| s -> Some s
let v1_multi pkgs =
(field "names" (list string) >>= fun names ->
map_validate (field_o "public_names" (list public_name)) ~f:(function
| None -> Ok (List.map names ~f:(fun _ -> None))
| Some public_names ->
if List.length public_names = List.length names then
Ok public_names
Error "The list of public names must be of the same \
length as the list of names")
>>= fun public_names ->
common_v1 pkgs names public_names ~multi:true)
let v1_single pkgs =
(field "name" string >>= fun name ->
field_o "public_name" string >>= fun public_name ->
common_v1 pkgs [name] [public_name] ~multi:false)
module Rule = struct
module Targets = struct
type t =
| Static of string list (* List of files in the current directory *)
| Infer
module Mode = struct
type t =
| Standard
| Fallback
| Promote
| Promote_but_delete_on_clean
| Not_a_rule_stanza
type t =
{ targets : Targets.t
; deps : Dep_conf.t list
; action : Action.Unexpanded.t
; mode : Mode.t
; locks : String_with_vars.t list
; loc : Loc.t
let v1 sexp =
match sexp with
| List (_, (Atom _ :: _)) ->
{ targets = Infer
; deps = []
; action = Action.Unexpanded.t sexp
; mode = Standard
; locks = []
; loc = Loc.none
| _ ->
(field "targets" (list file_in_current_dir) >>= fun targets ->
field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[] >>= fun deps ->
field "action" Action.Unexpanded.t >>= fun action ->
field "locks" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[] >>= fun locks ->
field_b "fallback" >>= fun fallback ->
return { targets = Static targets
; deps
; action
; mode = if fallback then Fallback else Standard
; locks
; loc = Loc.none
let ocamllex_v1 loc names =
let module S = String_with_vars in
List.map names ~f:(fun name ->
let src = name ^ ".mll" in
let dst = name ^ ".ml" in
{ targets = Static [dst]
; deps = [File (S.virt_text __POS__ src)]
; action =
(S.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT",
Run (S.virt_text __POS__ "ocamllex",
[ S.virt_text __POS__ "-q"
; S.virt_text __POS__ "-o"
; S.virt_var __POS__ "@"
; S.virt_var __POS__"<"
; mode = Not_a_rule_stanza
; locks = []
; loc
let ocamlyacc_v1 loc names =
let module S = String_with_vars in
List.map names ~f:(fun name ->
let src = name ^ ".mly" in
{ targets = Static [name ^ ".ml"; name ^ ".mli"]
; deps = [File (S.virt_text __POS__ src)]
; action =
(S.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT",
Run (S.virt_text __POS__ "ocamlyacc",
[S.virt_var __POS__ "<"]))
; mode = Not_a_rule_stanza
; locks = []
; loc
module Menhir = struct
type t =
{ merge_into : string option
; flags : String_with_vars.t list
; modules : string list
let v1 =
(field_o "merge_into" string >>= fun merge_into ->
field "flags" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[] >>= fun flags ->
field "modules" (list string) >>= fun modules ->
{ merge_into
; flags
; modules
let v1_to_rule loc t =
let module S = String_with_vars in
let targets n = [n ^ ".ml"; n ^ ".mli"] in
match t.merge_into with
| None ->
List.map t.modules ~f:(fun name ->
let src = name ^ ".mly" in
{ Rule.
targets = Static (targets name)
; deps = [Dep_conf.File (S.virt_text __POS__ src)]
; action =
(S.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT",
Run (S.virt_text __POS__ "menhir",
t.flags @ [S.virt_var __POS__ "<"]))
; mode = Not_a_rule_stanza
; locks = []
; loc
| Some merge_into ->
let mly m = S.virt_text __POS__ (m ^ ".mly") in
[{ Rule.
targets = Static (targets merge_into)
; deps = List.map ~f:(fun m -> Dep_conf.File (mly m)) t.modules
; action =
(S.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT",
Run (S.virt_text __POS__ "menhir",
[ [ S.virt_text __POS__ "--base"
; S.virt_var __POS__ ("path-no-dep:" ^ merge_into)
; t.flags
; [ S.virt_var __POS__ "^" ]
; mode = Not_a_rule_stanza
; locks = []
; loc
module Provides = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; file : string
(* let v1 sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom (_, s) ->
{ name = s
; file =
match String.lsplit2 s ~on:':' with
| None -> s
| Some (_, s) -> s
| List (_, [Atom (_, s); List (_, [Atom (_, "file"); Atom (_, file)])]) ->
{ name = s
; file
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error sexp "[<name>] or [<name> (file <file>)] expected"*)
module Alias_conf = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; deps : Dep_conf.t list
; action : Action.Unexpanded.t option
; locks : String_with_vars.t list
; package : Package.t option
let v1 pkgs =
(field "name" string >>= fun name ->
field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[] >>= fun deps ->
field_o "package" (Scope.package pkgs) >>= fun package ->
field_o "action" Action.Unexpanded.t >>= fun action ->
field "locks" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[] >>= fun locks ->
{ name
; deps
; action
; package
; locks
module Copy_files = struct
type t = { add_line_directive : bool
; glob : String_with_vars.t
let v1 = String_with_vars.t
module Stanza = struct
type t =
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Provides of Provides.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
module Stanzas = struct
type t = Stanza.t list
type syntax = OCaml | Plain
open Stanza
let rules l = List.map l ~f:(fun x -> Rule x)
let execs (exe, install) =
match install with
| None -> [Executables exe]
| Some i -> [Executables exe; Install i]
exception Include_loop of Path.t * (Loc.t * Path.t) list
let rec v1 pkgs ~file ~include_stack : Stanza.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t =
[ cstr "library" (Library.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Library x])
; cstr "executable" (Executables.v1_single pkgs @> nil) execs
; cstr "executables" (Executables.v1_multi pkgs @> nil) execs
; cstr_loc "rule" (Rule.v1 @> nil) (fun loc x -> [Rule { x with loc }])
; cstr_loc "ocamllex" (list string @> nil) (fun loc x -> rules (Rule.ocamllex_v1 loc x))
; cstr_loc "ocamlyacc" (list string @> nil) (fun loc x -> rules (Rule.ocamlyacc_v1 loc x))
; cstr_loc "menhir" (Menhir.v1 @> nil) (fun loc x -> rules (Menhir.v1_to_rule loc x))
; cstr "install" (Install_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Install x])
; cstr "alias" (Alias_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Alias x])
; cstr "copy_files" (Copy_files.v1 @> nil)
(fun glob -> [Copy_files {add_line_directive = false; glob}])
; cstr "copy_files#" (Copy_files.v1 @> nil)
(fun glob -> [Copy_files {add_line_directive = true; glob}])
(* Just for validation and error messages *)
; cstr "jbuild_version" (Jbuild_version.t @> nil) (fun _ -> [])
; cstr_loc "include" (relative_file @> nil) (fun loc fn ->
let include_stack = (loc, file) :: include_stack in
let dir = Path.parent file in
let file = Path.relative dir fn in
if not (Path.exists file) then
Loc.fail loc "File %s doesn't exist."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted file);
if List.exists include_stack ~f:(fun (_, f) -> f = file) then
raise (Include_loop (file, include_stack));
let sexps = Sexp.load ~fname:(Path.to_string file) ~mode:Many in
parse pkgs sexps ~default_version:Jbuild_version.V1 ~file ~include_stack)
and select
: Jbuild_version.t
-> Scope.t
-> file:Path.t
-> include_stack:(Loc.t * Path.t) list
-> Stanza.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t = function
| V1 -> v1
and parse ~default_version ~file ~include_stack pkgs sexps =
let versions, sexps =
List.partition_map sexps ~f:(function
| List (loc, [Atom (_, "jbuild_version"); ver]) ->
Inl (Jbuild_version.t ver, loc)
| sexp -> Inr sexp)
let version =
match versions with
| [] -> default_version
| [(v, _)] -> v
| _ :: (_, loc) :: _ ->
Loc.fail loc "jbuild_version specified too many times"
List.concat_map sexps ~f:(select version pkgs ~file ~include_stack)
let parse ?(default_version=Jbuild_version.latest_stable) ~file pkgs sexps =
parse pkgs sexps ~default_version ~include_stack:[] ~file
| Include_loop (_, []) -> assert false
| Include_loop (file, last :: rest) ->
let loc = fst (Option.value (List.last rest) ~default:last) in
let line_loc (loc, file) =
sprintf "%s:%d"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
Loc.fail loc
"Recursive inclusion of jbuild files detected:\n\
File %s is included from %s%s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
(line_loc last)
(String.concat ~sep:""
(List.map rest ~f:(fun x ->
"\n--> included from %s"
(line_loc x))))
let lib_names ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:String_set.empty ~f:(fun acc (_, _, stanzas) ->
List.fold_left stanzas ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc -> function
| Stanza.Library lib ->
String_set.add lib.name
(match lib.public with
| None -> acc
| Some { name; _ } -> String_set.add name acc)
| _ -> acc))