
867 lines
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open Import
open Jbuild
module A = Action
module Alias = Build_system.Alias
module Dir_with_jbuild = struct
type t =
{ src_dir : Path.t
; ctx_dir : Path.t
; stanzas : Stanzas.t
; scope : Scope.t
; kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t
module Installable = struct
type t =
{ dir : Path.t
; scope : Scope.t
; stanza : Stanza.t
; kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t
module Env_node = struct
type t =
{ dir : Path.t
; inherit_from : t Lazy.t option
; scope : Scope.t
; config : Env.t
; mutable ocaml_flags : Ocaml_flags.t option
type t =
{ context : Context.t
; build_system : Build_system.t
; scopes : Scope.DB.t
; public_libs : Lib.DB.t
; installed_libs : Lib.DB.t
; stanzas : Dir_with_jbuild.t list
; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
; file_tree : File_tree.t
; artifacts : Artifacts.t
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install : Installable.t list
; cxx_flags : string list
; vars : Value.t list String.Map.t
; chdir : (Action.t, Action.t) Build.t
; host : t option
; libs_by_package : (Package.t * Lib.Set.t) Package.Name.Map.t
; env : (Path.t, Env_node.t) Hashtbl.t
let context t = t.context
let stanzas t = t.stanzas
let packages t = t.packages
let libs_by_package t = t.libs_by_package
let artifacts t = t.artifacts
let file_tree t = t.file_tree
let stanzas_to_consider_for_install t = t.stanzas_to_consider_for_install
let cxx_flags t = t.cxx_flags
let build_dir t = t.context.build_dir
let profile t = t.context.profile
let build_system t = t.build_system
let host t = Option.value t.host ~default:t
let internal_lib_names t =
List.fold_left t.stanzas ~init:String.Set.empty
~f:(fun acc { Dir_with_jbuild. stanzas; _ } ->
List.fold_left stanzas ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc -> function
| Library lib ->
(match lib.public with
| None -> acc
| Some { name; _ } -> String.Set.add acc name)
| _ -> acc))
let public_libs t = t.public_libs
let installed_libs t = t.installed_libs
let find_scope_by_dir t dir = Scope.DB.find_by_dir t.scopes dir
let find_scope_by_name t name = Scope.DB.find_by_name t.scopes name
let expand_var_no_root t var = String.Map.find t.vars var
let (expand_vars, expand_vars_path) =
let expand t ~scope ~dir ?(extra_vars=String.Map.empty) s =
String_with_vars.expand ~mode:Single ~dir s ~f:(fun _loc -> function
| "ROOT" -> Some [Value.Path t.context.build_dir]
| "SCOPE_ROOT" -> Some [Value.Path (Scope.root scope)]
| var ->
(match expand_var_no_root t var with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> String.Map.find extra_vars var))
let expand_vars t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s =
expand t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s
|> Value.to_string ~dir
let expand_vars_path t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s =
expand t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s
|> Value.to_path ~error_loc:(String_with_vars.loc s) ~dir
(expand_vars, expand_vars_path)
let expand_and_eval_set t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars set ~standard =
let open Build.O in
let f = expand_vars t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars in
let parse ~loc:_ s = s in
match Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.files set ~f |> String.Set.to_list with
| [] ->
let set =
Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.expand set ~files_contents:String.Map.empty ~f
standard >>^ fun standard ->
Ordered_set_lang.String.eval set ~standard ~parse
| files ->
let paths = List.map files ~f:(Path.relative dir) in
Build.fanout standard (Build.all (List.map paths ~f:Build.read_sexp))
>>^ fun (standard, sexps) ->
let files_contents = List.combine files sexps |> String.Map.of_list_exn in
let set = Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.expand set ~files_contents ~f in
Ordered_set_lang.String.eval set ~standard ~parse
module Env = struct
open Env_node
let rec get t ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find t.env dir with
| None ->
begin match Path.parent dir with
| None -> raise_notrace Exit
| Some parent ->
let node = get t ~dir:parent in
Hashtbl.add t.env dir node;
| Some node -> node
let get t ~dir =
match get t ~dir with
| node -> node
| exception Exit ->
Exn.code_error "Super_context.Env.get called on invalid directory"
[ "dir", Path.sexp_of_t dir ]
let ocaml_flags t ~dir =
let rec loop t node =
match node.ocaml_flags with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let default =
match node.inherit_from with
| None -> Ocaml_flags.default ~profile:(profile t)
| Some (lazy node) -> loop t node
let flags =
match List.find_map node.config.rules ~f:(fun (pat, cfg) ->
match (pat : Env.pattern), profile t with
| Any, _ -> Some cfg
| Profile a, b -> Option.some_if (a = b) cfg)
| None -> default
| Some cfg ->
~eval:(expand_and_eval_set t ~scope:node.scope ~dir:node.dir
node.ocaml_flags <- Some flags;
loop t (get t ~dir)
let ocaml_flags t ~dir ~scope (x : Buildable.t) =
~default:(Env.ocaml_flags t ~dir)
~eval:(expand_and_eval_set t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars:None)
let dump_env t ~dir =
Ocaml_flags.dump (Env.ocaml_flags t ~dir)
let resolve_program t ?hint bin =
Artifacts.binary ?hint t.artifacts bin
let create
let installed_libs =
Lib.DB.create_from_findlib context.findlib ~external_lib_deps_mode
let internal_libs =
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun { Jbuild_load.Jbuild. dir; stanzas; _ } ->
let ctx_dir = Path.append context.build_dir dir in
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib -> Some (ctx_dir, lib)
| _ -> None))
let scopes, public_libs =
let projects =
List.map projects ~f:(fun (project : Dune_project.t) ->
{ project with root = Path.append context.build_dir project.root })
let stanzas =
List.map stanzas
~f:(fun { Jbuild_load.Jbuild. dir; project; stanzas; kind } ->
let ctx_dir = Path.append context.build_dir dir in
{ Dir_with_jbuild.
src_dir = dir
; ctx_dir
; stanzas
; scope = Scope.DB.find_by_name scopes project.Dune_project.name
; kind
let stanzas_to_consider_for_install =
if not external_lib_deps_mode then
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun { ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind; _ } ->
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
let keep =
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib -> Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs scope) lib.name
| Documentation _
| Install _ -> true
| _ -> false
Option.some_if keep { Installable.
dir = ctx_dir
; scope
; stanza
; kind
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun { ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind; _ } ->
List.map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
{ Installable.
dir = ctx_dir
; scope
; stanza
; kind
let artifacts =
Artifacts.create context ~public_libs stanzas
~f:(fun (d : Dir_with_jbuild.t) -> d.stanzas)
let cxx_flags =
List.filter context.ocamlc_cflags
~f:(fun s -> not (String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"-std="))
let vars =
let ocamlopt =
match context.ocamlopt with
| None -> Path.relative context.ocaml_bin "ocamlopt"
| Some p -> p
let string s = [Value.String s] in
let path p = [Value.Path p] in
let make =
match Bin.make with
| None -> string "make"
| Some p -> path p
let cflags = context.ocamlc_cflags in
let strings = Value.L.strings in
let vars =
[ "-verbose" , []
; "CPP" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags @ ["-E"])
; "PA_CPP" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags
@ ["-undef"; "-traditional";
"-x"; "c"; "-E"])
; "CC" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags)
; "CXX" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cxx_flags)
; "ocaml_bin" , path context.ocaml_bin
; "OCAML" , path context.ocaml
; "OCAMLC" , path context.ocamlc
; "OCAMLOPT" , path ocamlopt
; "ocaml_version" , string context.version_string
; "ocaml_where" , string (Path.to_string context.stdlib_dir)
; "ARCH_SIXTYFOUR" , string (string_of_bool context.arch_sixtyfour)
; "MAKE" , make
; "null" , string (Path.to_string Config.dev_null)
; "ext_obj" , string context.ext_obj
; "ext_asm" , string context.ext_asm
; "ext_lib" , string context.ext_lib
; "ext_dll" , string context.ext_dll
; "ext_exe" , string context.ext_exe
let vars =
vars @
List.map (Ocaml_config.to_list context.ocaml_config) ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
("ocaml-config:" ^ k,
match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> strings (x.prog :: x.args)))
match String.Map.of_list vars with
| Ok x -> x
| Error _ -> assert false
let t =
{ context
; host
; build_system
; scopes
; public_libs
; installed_libs
; stanzas
; packages
; file_tree
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install
; artifacts
; cxx_flags
; vars
; chdir = Build.arr (fun (action : Action.t) ->
match action with
| Chdir _ -> action
| _ -> Chdir (context.build_dir, action))
; libs_by_package =
Lib.DB.all public_libs
|> Lib.Set.to_list
|> List.map ~f:(fun lib ->
(Option.value_exn (Lib.package lib), lib))
|> Package.Name.Map.of_list_multi
|> Package.Name.Map.merge packages ~f:(fun _name pkg libs ->
let pkg = Option.value_exn pkg in
let libs = Option.value libs ~default:[] in
Some (pkg, Lib.Set.of_list libs))
; env = Hashtbl.create 128
List.iter stanzas
~f:(fun { Dir_with_jbuild. ctx_dir; scope; stanzas; _ } ->
List.iter stanzas ~f:(function
| Env config ->
let inherit_from =
if ctx_dir = Scope.root scope then
Some (lazy (Env.get t ~dir:(Path.parent_exn ctx_dir)))
Hashtbl.add t.env ctx_dir
{ dir = ctx_dir
; inherit_from = inherit_from
; scope = scope
; config = config
; ocaml_flags = None
| _ -> ()));
if not (Hashtbl.mem t.env context.build_dir) then
Hashtbl.add t.env context.build_dir
{ Env_node.
dir = context.build_dir
; inherit_from = None
; scope = Scope.DB.find_by_dir scopes context.build_dir
; config = { loc = Loc.none; rules = [] }
; ocaml_flags = None
let prefix_rules t prefix ~f =
Build_system.prefix_rules t.build_system prefix ~f
let add_rule t ?sandbox ?mode ?locks ?loc build =
let build = Build.O.(>>>) build t.chdir in
Build_system.add_rule t.build_system
(Build_interpret.Rule.make ?sandbox ?mode ?locks ?loc
~context:(Some t.context) build)
let add_rule_get_targets t ?sandbox ?mode ?locks ?loc build =
let build = Build.O.(>>>) build t.chdir in
let rule =
Build_interpret.Rule.make ?sandbox ?mode ?locks ?loc
~context:(Some t.context) build
Build_system.add_rule t.build_system rule;
List.map rule.targets ~f:Build_interpret.Target.path
let add_rules t ?sandbox builds =
List.iter builds ~f:(add_rule t ?sandbox)
let add_alias_deps t alias ?dyn_deps deps =
Alias.add_deps t.build_system alias ?dyn_deps deps
let add_alias_action t alias ?locks ~stamp action =
Alias.add_action t.build_system ~context:t.context alias ?locks ~stamp action
let eval_glob t ~dir re = Build_system.eval_glob t.build_system ~dir re
let load_dir t ~dir = Build_system.load_dir t.build_system ~dir
let on_load_dir t ~dir ~f = Build_system.on_load_dir t.build_system ~dir ~f
let source_files t ~src_path =
match File_tree.find_dir t.file_tree src_path with
| None -> String.Set.empty
| Some dir -> File_tree.Dir.files dir
module Libs = struct
open Build.O
let gen_select_rules t ~dir compile_info =
List.iter (Lib.Compile.resolved_selects compile_info) ~f:(fun rs ->
let { Lib.Compile.Resolved_select.dst_fn; src_fn } = rs in
let dst = Path.relative dir dst_fn in
add_rule t
(match src_fn with
| Ok src_fn ->
let src = Path.relative dir src_fn in
Build.copy_and_add_line_directive ~src ~dst
| Error e ->
Build.fail ~targets:[dst]
{ fail = fun () ->
raise (Lib.Error (No_solution_found_for_select e))
let with_lib_deps t compile_info ~dir ~f =
let prefix =
Build.record_lib_deps (Lib.Compile.user_written_deps compile_info)
~kind:(if Lib.Compile.optional compile_info then
let prefix =
if t.context.merlin then
Build.path (Path.relative dir ".merlin-exists")
prefix_rules t prefix ~f
let lib_files_alias ~dir ~name ~ext =
Alias.make (sprintf "lib-%s%s-all" name ext) ~dir
let setup_file_deps_alias t ~dir ~ext lib files =
add_alias_deps t
(lib_files_alias ~dir ~name:(Library.best_name lib) ~ext) files
let setup_file_deps_group_alias t ~dir ~exts lib =
setup_file_deps_alias t lib ~dir
~ext:(String.concat exts ~sep:"-and-")
(List.map exts ~f:(fun ext ->
(lib_files_alias ~dir ~name:(Library.best_name lib) ~ext))
|> Path.Set.of_list)
let file_deps t libs ~ext =
List.rev_map libs ~f:(fun (lib : Lib.t) ->
if Lib.is_local lib then
(lib_files_alias ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib) ~name:(Lib.name lib) ~ext)
Build_system.stamp_file_for_files_of t.build_system
~dir:(Lib.obj_dir lib) ~ext)
module Deps = struct
open Build.O
open Dep_conf
let make_alias t ~scope ~dir s =
let loc = String_with_vars.loc s in
Alias.of_user_written_path ~loc ((expand_vars_path t ~scope ~dir s))
let dep t ~scope ~dir = function
| File s ->
let path = expand_vars_path t ~scope ~dir s in
Build.path path
>>^ fun () -> [path]
| Alias s ->
Alias.dep (make_alias t ~scope ~dir s)
>>^ fun () -> []
| Alias_rec s ->
Alias.dep_rec ~loc:(String_with_vars.loc s) ~file_tree:t.file_tree
(make_alias t ~scope ~dir s)
>>^ fun () -> []
| Glob_files s -> begin
let loc = String_with_vars.loc s in
let path = expand_vars_path t ~scope ~dir s in
match Glob_lexer.parse_string (Path.basename path) with
| Ok re ->
let dir = Path.parent_exn path in
Build.paths_glob ~loc ~dir (Re.compile re)
>>^ Path.Set.to_list
| Error (_pos, msg) ->
Loc.fail (String_with_vars.loc s) "invalid glob: %s" msg
| Files_recursively_in s ->
let path = expand_vars_path t ~scope ~dir s in
Build.files_recursively_in ~dir:path ~file_tree:t.file_tree
>>^ Path.Set.to_list
| Package p ->
let pkg = Package.Name.of_string (expand_vars t ~scope ~dir p) in
Alias.dep (Alias.package_install ~context:t.context ~pkg)
>>^ fun () -> []
| Universe ->
Build.path Build_system.universe_file
>>^ fun () -> []
let interpret t ~scope ~dir l =
Build.all (List.map l ~f:(dep t ~scope ~dir))
>>^ List.concat
module Pkg_version = struct
open Build.O
module V = Vfile_kind.Make(struct type t = string option end)
(functor (C : Sexp.Combinators) -> struct
let t = C.option C.string
let spec sctx (p : Package.t) =
let fn =
Path.relative (Path.append sctx.context.build_dir p.path)
(sprintf "%s.version.sexp" (Package.Name.to_string p.name))
Build.Vspec.T (fn, (module V))
let read sctx p = Build.vpath (spec sctx p)
let set sctx p get =
let spec = spec sctx p in
add_rule sctx (get >>> Build.store_vfile spec);
Build.vpath spec
module Scope_key = struct
let of_string sctx key =
match String.rsplit2 key ~on:'@' with
| None ->
(key, public_libs sctx)
| Some (key, scope) ->
( key
, Scope.libs (find_scope_by_name sctx (Dune_project.Name.decode scope)))
let to_string key scope =
sprintf "%s@%s" key (Dune_project.Name.encode scope)
let parse_bang var : bool * string =
let len = String.length var in
if len > 0 && var.[0] = '!' then
(true, String.sub var ~pos:1 ~len:(len - 1))
(false, var)
module Action = struct
open Build.O
module U = Action.Unexpanded
type targets =
| Static of Path.t list
| Infer
| Alias
type resolved_forms =
{ (* Failed resolutions *)
mutable failures : fail list
; (* All "name" for ${lib:name:...}/${lib-available:name} forms *)
mutable lib_deps : Build.lib_deps
; (* Static deps from ${...} variables. For instance ${exe:...} *)
mutable sdeps : Path.Set.t
; (* Dynamic deps from ${...} variables. For instance ${read:...} *)
mutable ddeps : (unit, Value.t list) Build.t String.Map.t
let add_lib_dep acc lib kind =
acc.lib_deps <- String.Map.add acc.lib_deps lib kind
let add_fail acc fail =
acc.failures <- fail :: acc.failures;
let add_ddep acc ~key dep =
acc.ddeps <- String.Map.add acc.ddeps key dep;
let path_exp path = [Value.Path path]
let str_exp str = [Value.String str]
let map_exe sctx =
match sctx.host with
| None -> (fun exe -> exe)
| Some host ->
fun exe ->
match Path.extract_build_context_dir exe with
| Some (dir, exe) when dir = sctx.context.build_dir ->
Path.append host.context.build_dir exe
| _ -> exe
let parse_lib_file ~loc s =
match String.lsplit2 s ~on:':' with
| None ->
Loc.fail loc "invalid ${lib:...} form: %s" s
| Some x -> x
let expand_step1 sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope ~targets_written_by_user
~map_exe ~extra_vars t =
let acc =
{ failures = []
; lib_deps = String.Map.empty
; sdeps = Path.Set.empty
; ddeps = String.Map.empty
let expand loc key var = function
| Some ("exe" , s) -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (Path.relative dir s)))
| Some ("path" , s) -> Some (path_exp (Path.relative dir s) )
| Some ("bin" , s) -> begin
let sctx = host sctx in
match Artifacts.binary (artifacts sctx) s with
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path)
| Error e ->
add_fail acc ({ fail = fun () -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise e })
(* "findlib" for compatibility with Jane Street packages which are not yet updated
to convert "findlib" to "lib" *)
| Some (("lib"|"findlib"), s) -> begin
let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
Artifacts.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~lib:lib_dep ~file
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path)
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
| Some ("libexec" , s) -> begin
let sctx = host sctx in
let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
Artifacts.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~lib:lib_dep ~file
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
| Ok path ->
if not Sys.win32 || Filename.extension s = ".exe" then begin
Some (path_exp path)
end else begin
let path_exe = Path.extend_basename path ~suffix:".exe" in
let dep =
Build.if_file_exists path_exe
~then_:(Build.path path_exe >>^ fun _ -> path_exp path_exe)
~else_:(Build.path path >>^ fun _ -> path_exp path)
add_ddep acc ~key dep
| Some ("lib-available", lib) ->
add_lib_dep acc lib Optional;
Some (str_exp (string_of_bool (
Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs scope) lib)))
| Some ("version", s) -> begin
match Package.Name.Map.find (Scope.project scope).packages
(Package.Name.of_string s) with
| Some p ->
let x =
Pkg_version.read sctx p >>^ function
| None -> [Value.String ""]
| Some s -> [String s]
add_ddep acc ~key x
| None ->
add_fail acc { fail = fun () ->
Loc.fail loc "Package %S doesn't exist in the current project." s
| Some ("read", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.contents path
>>^ fun s -> [Value.String s]
add_ddep acc ~key data
| Some ("read-lines", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.lines_of path
>>^ Value.L.strings
add_ddep acc ~key data
| Some ("read-strings", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.strings path
>>^ Value.L.strings
add_ddep acc ~key data
| _ ->
match expand_var_no_root sctx var with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> String.Map.find extra_vars var
let t =
U.partial_expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f:(fun loc key ->
let has_bang, var = parse_bang key in
if has_bang then
Loc.warn loc "The use of the variable prefix '!' is deprecated, \
simply use '${%s}'@." var;
match var with
| "ROOT" -> Some (path_exp sctx.context.build_dir)
| "SCOPE_ROOT" -> Some (path_exp (Scope.root scope))
| "@" -> begin
match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> Loc.fail loc "You cannot use ${@} with inferred rules."
| Alias -> Loc.fail loc "You cannot use ${@} in aliases."
| Static l -> Some (Value.L.paths l)
| _ ->
match String.lsplit2 var ~on:':' with
| Some ("path-no-dep", s) ->
Some (path_exp (Path.relative dir s))
| x ->
let exp = expand loc key var x in
Option.iter exp ~f:(fun vs ->
acc.sdeps <- Path.Set.union (Path.Set.of_list
(Value.L.paths_only vs)) acc.sdeps;
(t, acc)
let expand_step2 ~dir ~dynamic_expansions ~deps_written_by_user ~map_exe t =
U.Partial.expand t ~dir ~map_exe ~f:(fun loc key ->
match String.Map.find dynamic_expansions key with
| Some _ as opt -> opt
| None ->
let _, var = parse_bang key in
match var with
| "<" ->
(match deps_written_by_user with
| [] ->
Loc.warn loc "Variable '<' used with no explicit \
[Value.String ""]
| dep :: _ ->
[Path dep])
| "^" -> Some (Value.L.paths deps_written_by_user)
| _ -> None)
let run sctx ~loc ?(extra_vars=String.Map.empty)
t ~dir ~dep_kind ~targets:targets_written_by_user ~scope
: (Path.t list, Action.t) Build.t =
let map_exe = map_exe sctx in
if targets_written_by_user = Alias then begin
match Action.Infer.unexpanded_targets t with
| [] -> ()
| x :: _ ->
let loc = String_with_vars.loc x in
Loc.warn loc "Aliases must not have targets, this target will be ignored.\n\
This will become an error in the future.";
let t, forms =
expand_step1 sctx t ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope
~targets_written_by_user ~map_exe ~extra_vars
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets } =
match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:true
| Static targets_written_by_user ->
let targets_written_by_user = Path.Set.of_list targets_written_by_user in
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets } =
Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:false
(* CR-someday jdimino: should this be an error or not?
It's likely that what we get here is what the user thinks
of as temporary files, even though they might conflict with
actual targets. We need to tell jbuilder about such things,
so that it can report better errors.
let missing = Path.Set.diff targets targets_written_by_user in
if not (Path.Set.is_empty missing) then
Loc.warn (Loc.in_file (Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir))
"Missing targets in user action:\n%s"
(List.map (Path.Set.elements missing) ~f:(fun target ->
sprintf "- %s" (Utils.describe_target target))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n");
{ deps; targets = Path.Set.union targets targets_written_by_user }
| Alias ->
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets = _ } =
Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:false
{ deps; targets = Path.Set.empty }
let targets = Path.Set.to_list targets in
List.iter targets ~f:(fun target ->
if Path.parent_exn target <> dir then
Loc.fail loc
"This action has targets in a different directory than the current \
one, this is not allowed by Jbuilder at the moment:\n%s"
(List.map targets ~f:(fun target ->
sprintf "- %s" (Utils.describe_target target))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"));
let build =
Build.record_lib_deps_simple forms.lib_deps
Build.path_set (Path.Set.union deps forms.sdeps)
Build.arr (fun paths -> ((), paths))
let ddeps = String.Map.to_list forms.ddeps in
Build.first (Build.all (List.map ddeps ~f:snd))
>>^ (fun (vals, deps_written_by_user) ->
let dynamic_expansions =
List.fold_left2 ddeps vals ~init:String.Map.empty
~f:(fun acc (var, _) value -> String.Map.add acc var value)
let unresolved =
expand_step2 t ~dir ~dynamic_expansions ~deps_written_by_user ~map_exe
Action.Unresolved.resolve unresolved ~f:(fun prog ->
let sctx = host sctx in
match Artifacts.binary sctx.artifacts prog with
| Ok path -> path
| Error fail -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise fail))
Build.dyn_path_set (Build.arr (fun action ->
let { Action.Infer.Outcome.deps; targets = _ } =
Action.Infer.infer action
Build.action_dyn () ~dir ~targets
match forms.failures with
| [] -> build
| fail :: _ -> Build.fail fail >>> build