
73 lines
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(** Configuration parameters *)
open! Import
(** Local installation directory *)
val local_install_dir : context:string -> Path.t
val local_install_bin_dir : context:string -> Path.t
val local_install_man_dir : context:string -> Path.t
val local_install_lib_dir : context:string -> package:string -> Path.t
val dev_null : Path.t
(** When this file is present in a directory jbuilder will delete
nothing in it if it knows to generate this file. *)
val jbuilder_keep_fname : string
(** Are we running inside an emacs shell? *)
val inside_emacs : bool
(** Are we running insinde Dune? *)
val inside_dune : bool
val default_build_profile : string
(** Jbuilder configuration *)
module Display : sig
type t =
| Progress (** Single interactive status line *)
| Short (** One line per command *)
| Verbose (** Display all commands fully *)
| Quiet (** Only display errors *)
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val all : (string * t) list
module Concurrency : sig
type t =
| Fixed of int
| Auto
val of_string : string -> (t, string) result
val to_string : t -> string
module type S = sig
type 'a field
type t =
{ display : Display.t field
; concurrency : Concurrency.t field
include S with type 'a field = 'a
module Partial : S with type 'a field := 'a option
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val merge : t -> Partial.t -> t
val default : t
val user_config_file : Path.t
val load_user_config_file : unit -> t
val load_config_file : Path.t -> t
(** Set display mode to [Quiet] if it is [Progress], the output is not
a tty and we are not running inside emacs. *)
val adapt_display : t -> output_is_a_tty:bool -> t