
294 lines
8.1 KiB

open Import
module Section = struct
type t =
| Lib
| Lib_root
| Libexec
| Libexec_root
| Bin
| Sbin
| Toplevel
| Share
| Share_root
| Etc
| Doc
| Stublibs
| Man
| Misc
let compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t = compare
let to_string = function
| Lib -> "lib"
| Lib_root -> "lib_root"
| Libexec -> "libexec"
| Libexec_root -> "libexec_root"
| Bin -> "bin"
| Sbin -> "sbin"
| Toplevel -> "toplevel"
| Share -> "share"
| Share_root -> "share_root"
| Etc -> "etc"
| Doc -> "doc"
| Stublibs -> "stublibs"
| Man -> "man"
| Misc -> "misc"
let of_string = function
|"lib" -> Some Lib
|"lib_root" -> Some Lib_root
|"libexec" -> Some Libexec
|"libexec_root" -> Some Libexec_root
|"bin" -> Some Bin
|"sbin" -> Some Sbin
|"toplevel" -> Some Toplevel
|"share" -> Some Share
|"share_root" -> Some Share_root
|"etc" -> Some Etc
|"doc" -> Some Doc
|"stublibs" -> Some Stublibs
|"man" -> Some Man
|"misc" -> Some Misc
| _ -> None
let t =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
[ "lib" , Lib
; "lib_root" , Lib_root
; "libexec" , Libexec
; "libexec_root" , Libexec_root
; "bin" , Bin
; "sbin" , Sbin
; "toplevel" , Toplevel
; "share" , Share
; "share_root" , Share_root
; "etc" , Etc
; "doc" , Doc
; "stublibs" , Stublibs
; "man" , Man
; "misc" , Misc
let should_set_executable_bit = function
| Lib
| Lib_root
| Toplevel
| Share
| Share_root
| Etc
| Doc
| Man
| Misc
-> false
| Libexec
| Libexec_root
| Bin
| Sbin
| Stublibs
-> true
module Paths = struct
type t =
{ lib : Path.t
; lib_root : Path.t
; libexec : Path.t
; libexec_root : Path.t
; bin : Path.t
; sbin : Path.t
; toplevel : Path.t
; share : Path.t
; share_root : Path.t
; etc : Path.t
; doc : Path.t
; stublibs : Path.t
; man : Path.t
let make ~package ~destdir ?(libdir=Path.relative destdir "lib") () =
let package = Package.Name.to_string package in
let lib_root = libdir in
let libexec_root = libdir in
let share_root = Path.relative destdir "share" in
let etc_root = Path.relative destdir "etc" in
let doc_root = Path.relative destdir "doc" in
{ lib_root
; libexec_root
; share_root
; bin = Path.relative destdir "bin"
; sbin = Path.relative destdir "sbin"
; man = Path.relative destdir "man"
; toplevel = Path.relative libdir "toplevel"
; stublibs = Path.relative libdir "stublibs"
; lib = Path.relative lib_root package
; libexec = Path.relative libexec_root package
; share = Path.relative share_root package
; etc = Path.relative etc_root package
; doc = Path.relative doc_root package
let get t section =
match section with
| Lib -> t.lib
| Lib_root -> t.lib_root
| Libexec -> t.libexec
| Libexec_root -> t.libexec_root
| Bin -> t.bin
| Sbin -> t.sbin
| Toplevel -> t.toplevel
| Share -> t.share
| Share_root -> t.share_root
| Etc -> t.etc
| Doc -> t.doc
| Stublibs -> t.stublibs
| Man -> t.man
| Misc -> invalid_arg"Install.Paths.get"
module Entry = struct
type t =
{ src : Path.t
; dst : string option
; section : Section.t
let make section ?dst src =
let dst =
if Sys.win32 then
let src_base = Path.basename src in
let dst' =
match dst with
| None -> src_base
| Some s -> s
match Filename.extension src_base with
| ".exe" | ".bc" ->
if Filename.extension dst' <> ".exe" then
Some (dst' ^ ".exe")
| _ -> dst
{ src
; dst
; section
let set_src t src = { t with src }
let relative_installed_path t ~paths =
let main_dir = Section.Paths.get paths t.section in
let dst =
match t.dst with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let dst = Path.basename t.src in
match t.section with
| Man -> begin
match String.rsplit2 dst ~on:'.' with
| None -> dst
| Some (_, sec) -> sprintf "man%s/%s" sec dst
| _ -> dst
Path.relative main_dir dst
let add_install_prefix t ~paths ~prefix =
let opam_will_install_in_this_dir = Section.Paths.get paths t.section in
let i_want_to_install_the_file_as =
Path.append prefix (relative_installed_path t ~paths)
let dst =
Path.reach i_want_to_install_the_file_as
{ t with dst = Some dst }
module SMap = Map.Make(Section)
let files entries =
List.fold_left entries ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc (entry : Entry.t) ->
Path.Set.add acc entry.src)
let group entries =
List.map entries ~f:(fun (entry : Entry.t) -> (entry.section, entry))
|> SMap.of_list_multi
|> SMap.to_list
let gen_install_file entries =
let buf = Buffer.create 4096 in
let pr fmt = Printf.bprintf buf (fmt ^^ "\n") in
List.iter (group entries) ~f:(fun (section, entries) ->
pr "%s: [" (Section.to_string section);
List.iter entries ~f:(fun (e : Entry.t) ->
let src = Path.to_string e.src in
match e.dst with
| None -> pr " %S" src
| Some dst -> pr " %S {%S}" src dst);
pr "]");
Buffer.contents buf
let pos_of_opam_value : OpamParserTypes.value -> OpamParserTypes.pos = function
| Bool (pos, _) -> pos
| Int (pos, _) -> pos
| String (pos, _) -> pos
| Relop (pos, _, _, _) -> pos
| Prefix_relop (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Logop (pos, _, _, _) -> pos
| Pfxop (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Ident (pos, _) -> pos
| List (pos, _) -> pos
| Group (pos, _) -> pos
| Option (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Env_binding (pos, _, _, _) -> pos
let load_install_file path =
let open OpamParserTypes in
let file = Opam_file.load path in
let fail (fname, line, col) fmt =
let pos : Lexing.position =
{ pos_fname = fname
; pos_lnum = line
; pos_bol = 0
; pos_cnum = col
Loc.fail { start = pos; stop = pos } fmt
List.concat_map file.file_contents ~f:(function
| Variable (pos, section, files) -> begin
match Section.of_string section with
| None -> fail pos "Unknown install section"
| Some section -> begin
match files with
| List (_, l) ->
List.map l ~f:(function
| String (_, src) ->
{ Entry.
src = Path.of_string src
; dst = None
; section
| Option (_, String (_, src),
[String (_, dst)]) ->
{ Entry.
src = Path.of_string src
; dst = Some dst
; section
| v ->
fail (pos_of_opam_value v)
"Invalid value in .install file")
| v ->
fail (pos_of_opam_value v)
"Invalid value for install section"
| Section (pos, _) ->
fail pos "Sections are not allowed in .install file")