
134 lines
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open Import
module Name = struct
type t = string
let t = Sexp.atom
let add_suffix = (^)
let compare = compare
let of_string = String.capitalize
let to_string x = x
let pp = Format.pp_print_string
let pp_quote fmt x = Format.fprintf fmt "%S" x
module Set = String.Set
module Map = String.Map
module Top_closure = Top_closure.String
module Syntax = struct
type t = OCaml | Reason
module File = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; syntax : Syntax.t
let to_ocaml t =
match t.syntax with
| OCaml -> Exn.code_error "to_ocaml: can only convert reason Files"
["t.name", Sexp.To_sexp.string t.name]
| Reason ->
{ syntax = OCaml
; name =
let base, ext = Filename.split_extension t.name in
base ^ ".re" ^
(match Filename.extension t.name with
| ".re" -> ".ml"
| ".rei" -> ".mli"
| _ -> Exn.code_error "to_ocaml: unrecognized extension"
[ "name", Sexp.To_sexp.string t.name
; "ext", Sexp.To_sexp.string ext ])
type t =
{ name : Name.t
; impl : File.t option
; intf : File.t option
; obj_name : string
let name t = t.name
let make ?impl ?intf ?obj_name name =
let file : File.t =
match impl, intf with
| None, None ->
Exn.code_error "Module.make called with no files"
[ "name", Sexp.To_sexp.string name
; "impl", Sexp.To_sexp.(option unknown) impl
; "intf", Sexp.To_sexp.(option unknown) intf
| Some file, _
| _, Some file -> file
let obj_name =
match obj_name with
| Some s -> s
| None ->
let fn = file.name in
match String.index fn '.' with
| None -> fn
| Some i -> String.sub fn ~pos:0 ~len:i
{ name
; impl
; intf
; obj_name
let real_unit_name t = Name.of_string (Filename.basename t.obj_name)
let has_impl t = Option.is_some t.impl
let file t ~dir (kind : Ml_kind.t) =
let file =
match kind with
| Impl -> t.impl
| Intf -> t.intf
Option.map file ~f:(fun f -> Path.relative dir f.name)
let obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext = Path.relative obj_dir (t.obj_name ^ ext)
let cm_source t ~dir kind = file t ~dir (Cm_kind.source kind)
let cm_file_unsafe t ~obj_dir kind =
obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext:(Cm_kind.ext kind)
let cm_file t ~obj_dir (kind : Cm_kind.t) =
match kind with
| (Cmx | Cmo) when not (has_impl t) -> None
| _ -> Some (cm_file_unsafe t ~obj_dir kind)
let cmt_file t ~obj_dir (kind : Ml_kind.t) =
match kind with
| Impl -> Option.map t.impl ~f:(fun _ -> obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext:".cmt" )
| Intf -> Option.map t.intf ~f:(fun _ -> obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext:".cmti")
let odoc_file t ~doc_dir = obj_file t ~obj_dir:doc_dir~ext:".odoc"
let cmti_file t ~obj_dir =
match t.intf with
| None -> obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext:".cmt"
| Some _ -> obj_file t ~obj_dir ~ext:".cmti"
let iter t ~f =
Option.iter t.impl ~f:(f Ml_kind.Impl);
Option.iter t.intf ~f:(f Ml_kind.Intf)
let with_wrapper t ~libname =
{ t with obj_name = sprintf "%s__%s" libname t.name }
let map_files t ~f =
{ t with
impl = Option.map t.impl ~f:(f Ml_kind.Impl)
; intf = Option.map t.intf ~f:(f Ml_kind.Intf)