
352 lines
11 KiB

open Import
open Fiber.O
type accepted_codes =
| These of int list
| All
let code_is_ok accepted_codes n =
match accepted_codes with
| These set -> List.mem n ~set
| All -> true
type ('a, 'b) failure_mode =
| Strict : ('a, 'a) failure_mode
| Accept : accepted_codes -> ('a, ('a, int) result) failure_mode
let accepted_codes : type a b. (a, b) failure_mode -> accepted_codes = function
| Strict -> These [0]
| Accept (These codes) -> These (0 :: codes)
| Accept All -> All
let map_result
: type a b. (a, b) failure_mode -> int Fiber.t -> f:(unit -> a) -> b Fiber.t
= fun mode t ~f ->
match mode with
| Strict -> t >>| fun _ -> f ()
| Accept _ ->
t >>| function
| 0 -> Ok (f ())
| n -> Error n
type std_output_to =
| Terminal
| File of string
| Opened_file of opened_file
and opened_file =
{ filename : string
; desc : opened_file_desc
; tail : bool
and opened_file_desc =
| Fd of Unix.file_descr
| Channel of out_channel
type purpose =
| Internal_job
| Build_job of Path.t list
module Temp = struct
let tmp_files = ref String_set.empty
let () =
at_exit (fun () ->
let fns = !tmp_files in
tmp_files := String_set.empty;
String_set.iter fns ~f:(fun fn ->
try Sys.force_remove fn with _ -> ()))
let create prefix suffix =
let fn = Filename.temp_file prefix suffix in
tmp_files := String_set.add !tmp_files fn;
let destroy fn =
(try Sys.force_remove fn with Sys_error _ -> ());
tmp_files := String_set.remove !tmp_files fn
module Fancy = struct
let split_prog s =
let len = String.length s in
if len = 0 then
"", "", ""
else begin
let rec find_prog_start i =
if i < 0 then
match s.[i] with
| '\\' | '/' -> (i + 1)
| _ -> find_prog_start (i - 1)
let prog_end =
match s.[len - 1] with
| '"' -> len - 1
| _ -> len
let prog_start = find_prog_start (prog_end - 1) in
let prog_end =
match String.index_from s prog_start '.' with
| exception _ -> prog_end
| i -> i
let before = String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:prog_start in
let after = String.sub s ~pos:prog_end ~len:(len - prog_end) in
let prog = String.sub s ~pos:prog_start ~len:(prog_end - prog_start) in
before, prog, after
let colorize_prog s =
let len = String.length s in
if len = 0 then
let before, prog, after = split_prog s in
before ^ Colors.colorize ~key:prog prog ^ after
let rec colorize_args = function
| [] -> []
| "-o" :: fn :: rest ->
"-o" :: Colors.(apply_string output_filename) fn :: colorize_args rest
| x :: rest -> x :: colorize_args rest
let command_line ~prog ~args ~dir ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
let quote = quote_for_shell in
let prog = colorize_prog (quote prog) in
let s =
String.concat (prog :: colorize_args (List.map args ~f:quote)) ~sep:" "
let s =
match dir with
| None -> s
| Some dir -> sprintf "(cd %s && %s)" dir s
match stdout_to, stderr_to with
| (File fn1 | Opened_file { filename = fn1; _ }),
(File fn2 | Opened_file { filename = fn2; _ }) when fn1 = fn2 ->
sprintf "%s &> %s" s fn1
| _ ->
let s =
match stdout_to with
| Terminal -> s
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } -> sprintf "%s > %s" s fn
match stderr_to with
| Terminal -> s
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } -> sprintf "%s 2> %s" s fn
let pp_purpose ppf = function
| Internal_job ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(internal)"
| Build_job targets ->
let rec split_paths targets_acc ctxs_acc = function
| [] -> List.rev targets_acc, String_set.(to_list (of_list ctxs_acc))
| path :: rest ->
let add_ctx ctx acc = if ctx = "default" then acc else ctx :: acc in
match Utils.analyse_target path with
| Other path ->
split_paths (Path.to_string path :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
| Regular (ctx, filename) ->
split_paths (Path.to_string filename :: targets_acc)
(add_ctx ctx ctxs_acc) rest
| Alias (ctx, name) ->
split_paths (("alias " ^ Path.to_string name) :: targets_acc)
(add_ctx ctx ctxs_acc) rest
let target_names, contexts = split_paths [] [] targets in
let target_names_grouped_by_prefix =
List.map target_names ~f:Filename.split_extension_after_dot
|> String_map.of_list_multi
|> String_map.to_list
let pp_comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "," in
let pp_group ppf (prefix, suffixes) =
match suffixes with
| [] -> assert false
| [suffix] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s" prefix suffix
| _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s{%a}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma Format.pp_print_string)
let pp_contexts ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| ctxs ->
Format.fprintf ppf " @{<details>[%a]@}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma
(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s))
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_group)
let get_std_output ~default = function
| Terminal -> (default, None)
| File fn ->
let fd = Unix.openfile fn [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC; O_SHARE_DELETE] 0o666 in
(fd, Some (Fd fd))
| Opened_file { desc; tail; _ } ->
let fd =
match desc with
| Fd fd -> fd
| Channel oc -> flush oc; Unix.descr_of_out_channel oc
(fd, Option.some_if tail desc)
let close_std_output = function
| None -> ()
| Some (Fd fd) -> Unix.close fd
| Some (Channel oc) -> close_out oc
let gen_id =
let next = ref (-1) in
fun () -> incr next; !next
let run_internal ?dir ?(stdout_to=Terminal) ?(stderr_to=Terminal) ~env ~purpose
fail_mode prog args =
Scheduler.wait_for_available_job ()
>>= fun scheduler ->
let display = Scheduler.display scheduler in
let dir =
match dir with
| Some "." -> None
| _ -> dir
let id = gen_id () in
let ok_codes = accepted_codes fail_mode in
let command_line = Fancy.command_line ~prog ~args ~dir ~stdout_to ~stderr_to in
if display = Verbose then
Format.eprintf "@{<kwd>Running@}[@{<id>%d@}]: %s@." id
(Colors.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line);
let argv = Array.of_list (prog :: args) in
let output_filename, stdout_fd, stderr_fd, to_close =
match stdout_to, stderr_to with
| (Terminal, _ | _, Terminal) when !Clflags.capture_outputs ->
let fn = Temp.create "jbuilder" ".output" in
let fd = Unix.openfile fn [O_WRONLY; O_SHARE_DELETE] 0 in
(Some fn, fd, fd, Some fd)
| _ ->
(None, Unix.stdout, Unix.stderr, None)
let stdout, close_stdout = get_std_output stdout_to ~default:stdout_fd in
let stderr, close_stderr = get_std_output stderr_to ~default:stderr_fd in
let run () =
Unix.create_process_env prog argv (Env.to_unix env)
Unix.stdin stdout stderr
let pid =
match dir with
| None -> run ()
| Some dir -> Scheduler.with_chdir scheduler ~dir ~f:run
Option.iter to_close ~f:Unix.close;
close_std_output close_stdout;
close_std_output close_stderr;
Scheduler.wait_for_process pid
>>| fun status ->
let output =
match output_filename with
| None -> ""
| Some fn ->
let s = Io.read_file fn in
Temp.destroy fn;
let len = String.length s in
if len > 0 && s.[len - 1] <> '\n' then
s ^ "\n"
Log.command (Scheduler.log scheduler)
let _, progname, _ = Fancy.split_prog prog in
let print fmt = Errors.kerrf ~f:(Scheduler.print scheduler) fmt in
match status with
| WEXITED n when code_is_ok ok_codes n ->
if display = Verbose then begin
if output <> "" then
print "@{<kwd>Output@}[@{<id>%d@}]:\n%s" id output;
if n <> 0 then
"@{<warning>Warning@}: Command [@{<id>%d@}] exited with code %d, \
but I'm ignoring it, hope that's OK.\n" id n
end else if output <> "" ||
(display = Short && purpose <> Internal_job) then begin
let pad = String.make (max 0 (12 - String.length progname)) ' ' in
print "%s@{<ok>%s@} %a\n%s" pad progname Fancy.pp_purpose purpose output
| WEXITED n ->
if display = Verbose then
die "\n@{<kwd>Command@} [@{<id>%d@}] exited with code %d:\n\
@{<prompt>$@} %s\n%s"
id n
(Colors.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line)
(Colors.strip_colors_for_stderr output)
die "@{<error>%12s@} %a @{<error>(exit %d)@}\n\
progname Fancy.pp_purpose purpose n
(Ansi_color.strip command_line)
if display = Verbose then
die "\n@{<kwd>Command@} [@{<id>%d@}] got signal %s:\n\
@{<prompt>$@} %s\n%s"
id (Utils.signal_name n)
(Colors.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line)
(Colors.strip_colors_for_stderr output)
die "@{<error>%12s@} %a @{<error>(got signal %s)@}\n\
progname Fancy.pp_purpose purpose (Utils.signal_name n)
(Ansi_color.strip command_line)
| WSTOPPED _ -> assert false
let run ?dir ?stdout_to ?stderr_to ~env ?(purpose=Internal_job) fail_mode
prog args =
map_result fail_mode
(run_internal ?dir ?stdout_to ?stderr_to ~env ~purpose fail_mode prog args)
let run_capture_gen ?dir ~env ?(purpose=Internal_job) fail_mode prog args ~f =
let fn = Temp.create "jbuild" ".output" in
map_result fail_mode
(run_internal ?dir ~stdout_to:(File fn) ~env ~purpose fail_mode prog args)
~f:(fun () ->
let x = f fn in
Temp.destroy fn;
let run_capture = run_capture_gen ~f:Io.read_file
let run_capture_lines = run_capture_gen ~f:Io.lines_of_file
let run_capture_line ?dir ~env ?(purpose=Internal_job) fail_mode prog args =
run_capture_gen ?dir ~env ~purpose fail_mode prog args ~f:(fun fn ->
match Io.lines_of_file fn with
| [x] -> x
| l ->
let cmdline =
let s = String.concat (prog :: args) ~sep:" " in
match dir with
| None -> s
| Some dir -> sprintf "cd %s && %s" dir s
match l with
| [] ->
die "command returned nothing: %s" cmdline
| _ ->
die "command returned too many lines: %s\n%s"
cmdline (String.concat l ~sep:"\n"))