
83 lines
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(** Build rules *)
open! Import
type t
val create
: contexts:Context.t list
-> file_tree:File_tree.t
-> rules:Build_interpret.Rule.t list
-> t
val is_target : t -> Path.t -> bool
module Build_error : sig
type t
val backtrace : t -> Printexc.raw_backtrace
val dependency_path : t -> Path.t list
val exn : t -> exn
exception E of t
(** Do the actual build *)
val do_build
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> (unit Future.t, Build_error.t) result
val do_build_exn
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> unit Future.t
(** Return all the library dependencies (as written by the user)
needed to build this request *)
val all_lib_deps
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Build.lib_deps Path.Map.t
(** Return all the library dependencies required to build this
request, by context name *)
val all_lib_deps_by_context
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Build.lib_deps String_map.t
(** List of all buildable targets *)
val all_targets : t -> Path.t list
(** A fully built rule *)
module Rule : sig
module Id : sig
type t
val to_int : t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
type t =
{ id : Id.t
; deps : Path.Set.t
; targets : Path.Set.t
; context : Context.t option
; action : Action.t
(** Return the list of rules used to build the given targets. If
[recursive] is [true], return all the rules needed to build the
given targets and their transitive dependencies. *)
val build_rules
: ?recursive:bool (* default false *)
-> t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Rule.t list Future.t
val all_targets_ever_built
: unit
-> Path.t list
val dump_trace : t -> unit