
31 lines
800 B

open Stdune
(** Versioned syntaxes *)
module Version : sig
(** A syntax version.
It is always assumed that a parser with version [(X, Y)] can
read the output produced by a printer at version [(X, Z)] for any
[Z <= Y]. *)
type t = int * int
include Sexp.Sexpable with type t := t
(** Whether the parser can read the data or not *)
val can_read : parser_version:t -> data_version:t -> bool
module Versioned_parser : sig
(** Versioned parser *)
type 'a t
(** Create a versionned parser. There must be exactly one parser per
major version. *)
val make : (Version.t * 'a) list -> 'a t
val last : 'a t -> Version.t * 'a
(** Find a parser that can parse data of this version *)
val find_exn : 'a t -> loc:Loc.t -> data_version:Version.t -> 'a