
223 lines
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open! Import
type var_syntax = Parens | Braces
type item =
| Text of string
| Var of var_syntax * string
type t =
{ items : item list
; loc : Loc.t
; quoted : bool }
module Token = struct
type t =
| String of string
| Open of var_syntax
| Close of var_syntax
let tokenise s =
let len = String.length s in
let sub i j = String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) in
let cons_str i j acc = if i = j then acc else String (sub i j) :: acc in
let rec loop i j =
if j = len
then cons_str i j []
match s.[j] with
| '}' -> cons_str i j (Close Braces :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
| ')' -> cons_str i j (Close Parens :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1))
| '$' when j + 1 < len -> begin
match s.[j + 1] with
| '{' -> cons_str i j (Open Braces :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
| '(' -> cons_str i j (Open Parens :: loop (j + 2) (j + 2))
| _ -> loop i (j + 1)
| _ -> loop i (j + 1)
loop 0 0
let to_string = function
| String s -> s
| Open Braces -> "${"
| Open Parens -> "$("
| Close Braces -> "}"
| Close Parens -> ")"
(* Remark: Consecutive [Text] items are concatenated. *)
let rec of_tokens : Token.t list -> item list = function
| [] -> []
| Open a :: String s :: Close b :: rest when a = b ->
Var (a, s) :: of_tokens rest
| token :: rest ->
let s = Token.to_string token in
match of_tokens rest with
| Text s' :: l -> Text (s ^ s') :: l
| l -> Text s :: l
let items_of_string s = of_tokens (Token.tokenise s)
let t : Sexp.Of_sexp.ast -> t = function
| Atom(loc, A s) -> { items = items_of_string s; loc; quoted = false }
| Quoted_string (loc, s) ->
{ items = items_of_string s; loc; quoted = true }
| List _ as sexp -> Sexp.Of_sexp.of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
let loc t = t.loc
let virt ?(quoted=false) pos s =
{ items = items_of_string s; loc = Loc.of_pos pos; quoted }
let virt_var ?(quoted=false) pos s =
{ items = [Var (Braces, s)]; loc = Loc.of_pos pos; quoted }
let virt_text pos s =
{ items = [Text s]; loc = Loc.of_pos pos; quoted = true }
let sexp_of_var_syntax = function
| Parens -> Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "parens"
| Braces -> Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "braces"
let sexp_of_item =
let open Sexp in function
| Text s -> List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "text" ;
Sexp.atom_or_quoted_string s]
| Var (vs, s) -> List [sexp_of_var_syntax vs ;
Sexp.atom_or_quoted_string s]
let sexp_of_ast t = Sexp.To_sexp.list sexp_of_item t.items
let fold t ~init ~f =
List.fold_left t.items ~init ~f:(fun acc item ->
match item with
| Text _ -> acc
| Var (_, v) -> f acc t.loc v)
let iter t ~f = List.iter t.items ~f:(function
| Text _ -> ()
| Var (_, v) -> f t.loc v)
let vars t = fold t ~init:String.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc _ x -> String.Set.add acc x)
let string_of_var syntax v =
match syntax with
| Parens -> sprintf "$(%s)" v
| Braces -> sprintf "${%s}" v
module type EXPANSION = sig
type t
val is_multivalued : t -> bool
type context
val to_string : context -> t -> string
let concat_rev = function
| [] -> ""
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat (List.rev l) ~sep:""
module Expand = struct
module Full = struct
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
module Partial = struct
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
| Unexpanded of t
module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
let expand ctx t ~f =
match t.items with
| [Var (syntax, v)] when not t.quoted ->
(* Unquoted single var *)
(match f t.loc v with
| Some e -> Expand.Full.Expansion e
| None -> Expand.Full.String (string_of_var syntax v))
| _ ->
Expand.Full.String (List.map t.items ~f:(function
| Text s -> s
| Var (syntax, v) ->
match f t.loc v with
| Some x ->
if not t.quoted && V.is_multivalued x then
Loc.fail t.loc "please quote the string \
containing the list variable %s"
(string_of_var syntax v)
else V.to_string ctx x
| None -> string_of_var syntax v)
|> String.concat ~sep:"")
let partial_expand ctx t ~f =
let commit_text acc_text acc =
let s = concat_rev acc_text in
if s = "" then acc else Text s :: acc
let rec loop acc_text acc items =
match items with
| [] -> begin
match acc with
| [] -> Expand.Partial.String (concat_rev acc_text)
| _ -> Unexpanded { t with items = List.rev (commit_text acc_text acc) }
| Text s :: items -> loop (s :: acc_text) acc items
| Var (syntax, v) as it :: items ->
match f t.loc v with
| None -> loop [] (it :: commit_text acc_text acc) items
| Some x ->
if not t.quoted && V.is_multivalued x then
Loc.fail t.loc "please quote the string containing the \
list variable %s" (string_of_var syntax v)
else loop (V.to_string ctx x :: acc_text) acc items
match t.items with
| [Var (_, v)] when not t.quoted ->
(* Unquoted single var *)
(match f t.loc v with
| Some e -> Expand.Partial.Expansion e
| None -> Expand.Partial.Unexpanded t)
| _ -> loop [] [] t.items
module String_expansion = struct
type t = string
let is_multivalued _ = false
type context = unit
let to_string () (s: string) = s
module S = Expand_to(String_expansion)
let expand t ~f =
match S.expand () t ~f with
| Expand.Full.String s
| Expansion s -> s
let partial_expand t ~f =
match S.partial_expand () t ~f with
| Expand.Partial.Expansion s -> Left s
| String s -> Left s
| Unexpanded s -> Right s
let to_string t =
match t.items with
(* [to_string is only called from action.ml, always on [t]s of this form *)
| [Var (syntax, v)] -> string_of_var syntax v
| items ->
List.map items ~f:(function
| Text s -> s
| Var (syntax, v) -> string_of_var syntax v)
|> String.concat ~sep:""
let sexp_of_t t = Sexp.To_sexp.string (to_string t)
let is_var t ~name =
match t.items with
| [Var (_, v)] -> v = name
| _ -> false