
161 lines
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open Import
open Build.O
open! No_io
module SC = Super_context
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This signature describes the input of the functor [Run], which follows. *)
type stanza =
module type PARAMS = sig
(* [sctx] is the super context. It stores all the informations about the
current build context. The current compiler can be obtained via
[(SC.context sctx).ocamlc]. *)
val sctx: SC.t
(* [dir] is the directory inside [_build/<context>/...] where the build
happens. If the [(menhir ...)] stanza appears in [src/jbuild], then [dir]
is of the form [_build/<context>/src], e.g., [_build/default/src]. *)
val dir: Path.t
(* [scope] represents the scope this stanza is part of. Dune allows building
multiple projects at once and splits the source tree into one scope per
project. *)
val scope: Scope.t
(* [stanza] is the [(menhir ...)] stanza, as found in the [jbuild] file. *)
val stanza: stanza
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This functor is where [(menhir ...)] stanzas are desugared. *)
module Run (P : PARAMS) = struct
open P
let context =
SC.context sctx
(* If [m] is a (short) module name, such as "myparser", then [source dir m]
is the corresponding source file, and [targets dir m] is the list of
targets that Menhir must build. *)
let source m =
Path.relative dir (m ^ ".mly")
let targets m =
List.map ~f:(Path.relative dir) [m ^ ".ml"; m ^ ".mli"]
let sources ms =
List.map ~f:source ms
(* Expand special variables, such as %{root}, in the stanza's flags. *)
let flags =
sctx ~scope ~dir stanza.flags ~standard:(Build.return [])
(* Find the menhir binary. *)
let menhir_binary =
SC.resolve_program sctx "menhir" ~hint:"opam install menhir"
(* [menhir args] generates a Menhir command line (a build action). *)
type args =
string list Arg_spec.t list
let menhir (args : args) =
flags >>> Build.run menhir_binary ~dir ~context args
let rule : (unit, Action.t) Build.t -> unit =
SC.add_rule sctx ~mode:stanza.mode ~loc:stanza.loc
(* If there is no [base] clause, then a stanza that mentions several modules
is equivalent to a list of stanzas, each of which mentions one module, so
Menhir must be invoked once per module, separately. If there is a [base]
clause, then the stanza describes a multi-module parser, so Menhir must
be invoked once. In either case, we are able to reformulate the input in
the form of a list of stanzas, each of which has a [base] clause. *)
(* The current concrete name for [base] clauses is [merge_into], but I would
like to change it in the future. *)
let stanzas : stanza list =
match stanza.merge_into with
| None ->
List.map ~f:(fun m ->
{ stanza with modules = [ m ]; merge_into = Some m }
) stanza.modules
| Some _ ->
[ stanza ]
(* [process stanza] converts a Menhir stanza into a rule, which it installs. *)
(* Reminder (from arg_spec.mli):
[Deps] is for command line arguments that are dependencies.
[As] is for command line arguments
that are neither dependencies nor targets.
[Hidden_targets] is for targets that are *not* command line arguments.
[Dyn (fun flags -> As flags)]
indicates that any flags that appear in the stanza
must be transmitted to Menhir.
let process (stanza : stanza) =
let base : string = Option.value_exn stanza.merge_into in
let args : args =
[ Dyn (fun flags -> As flags)
; Deps (sources stanza.modules)
; As [ "--base" ; base ]
; Hidden_targets (targets base)
rule (menhir args)
(* The main side effect. *)
let () =
List.iter ~f:process stanzas
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The final glue. *)
let targets (stanza : Jbuild.Menhir.t) =
let f m = [m ^ ".ml"; m ^ ".mli"] in
match stanza.merge_into with
| Some m -> f m
| None -> List.concat_map stanza.modules ~f
let module_names (stanza : Jbuild.Menhir.t) =
match stanza.merge_into with
| Some m -> [Module.Name.of_string m]
| None -> List.map stanza.modules ~f:Module.Name.of_string
let gen_rules cctx stanza =
let module R = Run(struct
let sctx = Compilation_context.super_context cctx
let dir = Compilation_context.dir cctx
let scope = Compilation_context.scope cctx
let stanza = stanza
end) in