
92 lines
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(** dune-project files *)
open Import
module Kind : sig
type t =
| Dune
| Jbuilder
module Name : sig
(** Invariants:
- Named s -> s <> "" and s does not contain '.' or '/'
- Anonymous p -> p is a local path in the source tree
type t = private
| Named of string
| Anonymous of Path.t
val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t
(** Convert to a string that is suitable for human readable messages *)
val to_string_hum : t -> string
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
(** Convert to/from an encoded string that is suitable to use in filenames *)
val encode : t -> string
val decode : string -> t
module Project_file : sig
type t
(* CR-soon diml: make this abstract *)
type t = private
{ kind : Kind.t
; name : Name.t
; root : Path.Local.t
; version : string option
; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
; stanza_parser : Stanza.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t
; project_file : Project_file.t
module Lang : sig
(** [register id stanzas_parser] register a new language. Users will
select this language by writing:
{[ (lang <name> <version>) ]}
as the first line of their [dune-project] file. [stanza_parsers]
defines what stanzas the user can write in [dune] files. *)
val register : Syntax.t -> Stanza.Parser.t list -> unit
module Extension : sig
(** [register id parser] registers a new extension. Users will
enable this extension by writing:
{[ (using <name> <version> <args>) ]}
in their [dune-project] file. [parser] is used to describe
what [<args>] might be. *)
val register : Syntax.t -> Stanza.Parser.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t -> unit
(** Load a project description from the following directory. [files]
is the set of files in this directory. *)
val load : dir:Path.t -> files:String.Set.t -> t option
(** Read the [name] file from a dune-project file *)
val read_name : Path.t -> string option
(** "dune-project" *)
val filename : string
(** Represent the scope at the root of the workspace when the root of
the workspace contains no [dune-project] or [<package>.opam] files. *)
val anonymous : t Lazy.t
(** Check that the dune-project file exists and create it otherwise. *)
val ensure_project_file_exists : t -> unit
(** Append the following text to the project file *)
val append_to_project_file : t -> string -> unit
(** Set the project we are currently parsing dune files for *)
val set : t -> ('a, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser -> ('a, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
val get_exn : unit -> (t, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser