
130 lines
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open Import
let map_fname = ref (fun x -> x)
type printer =
{ loc : Loc.t option
; pp : Format.formatter -> unit
; hint : string option
; backtrace : bool
let p =
{ loc = None
; pp = ignore
; hint = None
; backtrace = false
let reporters = ref []
let register f = reporters := f :: !reporters
(* Firt return value is [true] if the backtrace was printed *)
let report_with_backtrace exn =
match List.find_map !reporters ~f:(fun f -> f exn) with
| Some p -> p
| None ->
match exn with
| Loc.Error (loc, msg) ->
let loc =
{ loc with
start = { loc.start with pos_fname = !map_fname loc.start.pos_fname }
let pp ppf = Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}: %s\n" msg in
{ p with loc = Some loc; pp }
| Usexp.Parser.Error e ->
let pos = Usexp.Parser.Error.position e in
let msg = Usexp.Parser.Error.message e in
let pos = { pos with pos_fname = !map_fname pos.pos_fname } in
let loc = { Loc. start = pos; stop = pos } in
{ p with
loc = Some loc
; pp = fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}: %s\n" msg
| Fatal_error msg ->
{ p with pp = fun ppf ->
if msg.[String.length msg - 1] = '\n' then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" msg
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize msg)
| Code_error msg ->
{ p with
backtrace = true
; pp = fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Internal error, please report upstream \
including the contents of _build/log.@}\n\
Description: %s\n"
| Unix.Unix_error (err, func, fname) ->
{ p with pp = fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}: %s: %s: %s\n"
func fname (Unix.error_message err)
| _ ->
{ p with
backtrace = true
; pp = fun ppf ->
let s = Printexc.to_string exn in
if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"File \"" then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" s
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}: exception %s\n" s
let reported = ref String_set.empty
let report exn =
let exn, dependency_path = Dep_path.unwrap_exn exn in
match exn with
| Already_reported -> ()
| _ ->
let backtrace = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
let ppf = err_ppf in
let p = report_with_backtrace exn in
let loc = if p.loc = Some Loc.none then None else p.loc in
Option.iter loc ~f:(fun loc -> Loc.print ppf loc);
p.pp ppf;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
let s = Buffer.contents err_buf in
(* Hash to avoid keeping huge errors in memory *)
let hash = Digest.string s in
if String_set.mem !reported hash then
Buffer.clear err_buf
else begin
reported := String_set.add !reported hash;
if p.backtrace || !Clflags.debug_backtraces then
Format.fprintf ppf "Backtrace:\n%s"
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string backtrace);
let dependency_path =
let dependency_path = Option.value dependency_path ~default:[] in
if !Clflags.debug_dep_path then
(* Only keep the part that doesn't come from the build system *)
let rec drop : Dep_path.Entries.t -> _ = function
| (Path _ | Alias _) :: l -> drop l
| l -> l
match loc with
| None -> drop dependency_path
| Some loc ->
if Filename.is_relative loc.start.pos_fname then
(* If the error points to a local file, no need to print the
dependency stack *)
drop dependency_path
if dependency_path <> [] then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n" Dep_path.Entries.pp
(List.rev dependency_path);
Option.iter p.hint ~f:(fun s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Hint: try: %s\n" s);
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
let s = Buffer.contents err_buf in
Buffer.clear err_buf;
print_to_console s