
343 lines
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open Import
(** {1 Generals} *)
(** Representation of a library *)
type t
(** For libraries defined in the workspace, this is the [public_name] if
present or the [name] if not. *)
val name : t -> string
(* CR-someday diml: this should be [Path.t list], since some libraries
have multiple source directories because of [copy_files]. *)
(** Directory where the source files for the library are located. *)
val src_dir : t -> Path.t
(** Directory where the object files for the library are located. *)
val obj_dir : t -> Path.t
(** Same as [Path.is_local (obj_dir t)] *)
val is_local : t -> bool
val synopsis : t -> string option
val kind : t -> Jbuild.Library.Kind.t
val archives : t -> Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
val plugins : t -> Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
val jsoo_runtime : t -> Path.t list
(** A unique integer identifier. It is only unique for the duration of
the process *)
val unique_id : t -> int
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Status : sig
type t =
| Installed
| Public of Package.t
| Private of Dune_project.Name.t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val status : t -> Status.t
val package : t -> Package.Name.t option
(** Operations on list of libraries *)
module L : sig
type nonrec t = t list
val include_paths : t -> stdlib_dir:Path.t -> Path.Set.t
val include_flags : t -> stdlib_dir:Path.t -> _ Arg_spec.t
val c_include_flags : t -> stdlib_dir:Path.t -> _ Arg_spec.t
val link_flags : t -> mode:Mode.t -> stdlib_dir:Path.t -> _ Arg_spec.t
val compile_and_link_flags
: compile:t
-> link:t
-> mode:Mode.t
-> stdlib_dir:Path.t
-> _ Arg_spec.t
(** All the library archive files (.a, .cmxa, _stubs.a, ...) that
should be linked in when linking an executable. *)
val archive_files : t -> mode:Mode.t -> ext_lib:string -> Path.t list
val jsoo_runtime_files : t -> Path.t list
val remove_dups : t -> t
(** {1 Raw library descriptions} *)
(** Information about a library *)
module Info : sig
module Deps : sig
type t =
| Simple of (Loc.t * string) list
| Complex of Jbuild.Lib_dep.t list
(** Raw description of a library, where dependencies are not
resolved. *)
type t =
{ loc : Loc.t
; kind : Jbuild.Library.Kind.t
; status : Status.t
; src_dir : Path.t
; obj_dir : Path.t
; version : string option
; synopsis : string option
; archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; plugins : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; foreign_archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t (** [.a/.lib/...] files *)
; jsoo_runtime : Path.t list
; requires : Deps.t
; ppx_runtime_deps : (Loc.t * string) list
; pps : (Loc.t * Jbuild.Pp.t) list
; optional : bool
; virtual_deps : (Loc.t * string) list
; sub_systems : Jbuild.Sub_system_info.t Sub_system_name.Map.t
val of_library_stanza : dir:Path.t -> Jbuild.Library.t -> t
val of_findlib_package : Findlib.Package.t -> t
(** {1 Errors} *)
module Error : sig
module Library_not_available : sig
module Reason : sig
module Hidden : sig
type t =
{ name : string
; path : Path.t
; reason : string
type t =
| Not_found
| Hidden of Hidden.t
val to_string : t -> string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type nonrec t =
{ loc : Loc.t (** For names coming from Jbuild files *)
; name : string
; reason : Reason.t
module No_solution_found_for_select : sig
type t = { loc : Loc.t }
module Conflict : sig
(** When two libraries in a transitive closure conflict *)
type nonrec t =
{ lib1 : t * Dep_path.Entry.t list
; lib2 : t * Dep_path.Entry.t list
module Overlap : sig
(** A conflict that doesn't prevent compilation, but that we still
consider as an error to avoid surprises. *)
type nonrec t =
{ in_workspace : t
; installed : t * Dep_path.Entry.t list
module Private_deps_not_allowed : sig
type nonrec t =
{ private_dep : t
; pd_loc : Loc.t
type t =
| Library_not_available of Library_not_available.t
| No_solution_found_for_select of No_solution_found_for_select.t
| Dependency_cycle of (Path.t * string) list
| Conflict of Conflict.t
| Overlap of Overlap.t
| Private_deps_not_allowed of Private_deps_not_allowed.t
exception Error of Error.t
(** Raise a error about a library that is not available *)
val not_available
: loc:Loc.t
-> Error.Library_not_available.Reason.t
-> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4
-> 'a
(** {1 Compilation contexts} *)
(** See {!Sub_system} *)
type sub_system = ..
(** For compiling a library or executable *)
module Compile : sig
type t
(** Return the list of dependencies needed for compiling this library *)
val requires : t -> L.t Or_exn.t
(** Dependencies listed by the user + runtime dependencies from ppx *)
val direct_requires : t -> L.t Or_exn.t
module Resolved_select : sig
type t =
{ src_fn : (string, Error.No_solution_found_for_select.t) result
; dst_fn : string
(** Resolved select forms *)
val resolved_selects : t -> Resolved_select.t list
(** Transitive closure of all used ppx rewriters *)
val pps : t -> L.t Or_exn.t
val optional : t -> bool
val user_written_deps : t -> Jbuild.Lib_deps.t
(** Sub-systems used in this compilation context *)
val sub_systems : t -> sub_system list
(** {1 Library name resolution} *)
(** Collection of libraries organized by names *)
module DB : sig
type lib = t
(** A database allow to resolve library names *)
type t
module Resolve_result : sig
type nonrec t =
| Not_found
| Found of Info.t
| Hidden of Info.t * string
| Redirect of t option * string
(** Create a new library database. [resolve] is used to resolve
library names in this database.
When a library is not found, it is looked up in the parent
database if any.
[all] returns the list of names of libraries available in this database.
val create
: ?parent:t
-> resolve:(string -> Resolve_result.t)
-> all:(unit -> string list)
-> unit
-> t
(** Create a database from a list of library stanzas *)
val create_from_library_stanzas
: ?parent:t
-> (Path.t * Jbuild.Library.t) list
-> t
val create_from_findlib
: ?external_lib_deps_mode:bool
-> Findlib.t
-> t
val find : t -> string -> (lib, Error.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result
val find_many
: t
-> string list
-> lib list Or_exn.t
val find_even_when_hidden : t -> string -> lib option
val available : t -> string -> bool
(** Retreive the compile informations for the given library. Works
for libraries that are optional and not available as well. *)
val get_compile_info : t -> ?allow_overlaps:bool -> string -> Compile.t
val resolve : t -> Loc.t * string -> lib Or_exn.t
(** Resolve libraries written by the user in a jbuild file. The
resulting list of libraries is transitively closed and sorted by
order of dependencies.
This function is for executables stanzas. *)
val resolve_user_written_deps
: t
-> ?allow_overlaps:bool
-> Jbuild.Lib_dep.t list
-> pps:(Loc.t * Jbuild.Pp.t) list
-> Compile.t
val resolve_pps
: t
-> (Loc.t * Jbuild.Pp.t) list
-> L.t Or_exn.t
(** Return the list of all libraries in this database. If
[recursive] is true, also include libraries in parent databases
recursively. *)
val all : ?recursive:bool -> t -> Set.t
end with type lib := t
(** {1 Transitive closure} *)
val closure : L.t -> L.t Or_exn.t
(** {1 Sub-systems} *)
module Sub_system : sig
type lib = t
type t = sub_system = ..
module type S = sig
module Info : Jbuild.Sub_system_info.S
type t
type sub_system += T of t
val instantiate
: resolve:(Loc.t * string -> lib Or_exn.t)
-> get:(lib -> t option)
-> lib
-> Info.t
-> t
val to_sexp : (t -> Syntax.Version.t * Sexp.t) option
module Register(M : S) : sig
(** Get the instance of the subsystem for this library *)
val get : lib -> M.t option
val dump_config : lib -> (Syntax.Version.t * Sexp.t) Sub_system_name.Map.t
end with type lib := t
(** {1 Dependencies for META files} *)
module Meta : sig
val requires : t -> String.Set.t
val ppx_runtime_deps : t -> String.Set.t
val ppx_runtime_deps_for_deprecated_method : t -> String.Set.t