
155 lines
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(** Compilation contexts *)
(** jbuild supports two different kind of contexts:
- the default context, which correspond to the environment jbuild is run, i.e. it
takes [ocamlc] and other tools from the [PATH] and the ocamlfind configuration where
it can find it
- opam switch contexts, where one opam switch correspond to one context
each context is built into a sub-directory of Path.build_dir (usually _build):
- _build/default for the default context
- _build/<switch> for other contexts
jbuild is able to build simultaneously against several contexts. In particular this
allow for simple cross-compilation: when an executable running on the host is needed,
it is obtained by looking in another context.
open! Import
module Kind : sig
module Opam : sig
type t =
{ root : string
; switch : string
type t = Default | Opam of Opam.t
module Env_nodes : sig
type t =
{ context: Dune_env.Stanza.t option
; workspace: Dune_env.Stanza.t option
type t =
{ name : string
; kind : Kind.t
; profile : string
; (** [true] if this context is used for the .merlin files *)
merlin : bool
; (** If this context is a cross-compilation context, you need another context for
building tools used for the compilation that run on the host. *)
for_host : t option
; (** [false] if a user explicitly listed this context in the workspace.
Controls whether we add artifacts from this context @install *)
implicit : bool
; (** Directory where artifact are stored, for instance "_build/default" *)
build_dir : Path.t
; (** env node that this context was initialized with *)
env_nodes : Env_nodes.t
; (** [PATH] *)
path : Path.t list
toplevel_path : Path.t option
; (** Ocaml bin directory with all ocaml tools *)
ocaml_bin : Path.t
; ocaml : Path.t
; ocamlc : Path.t
; ocamlopt : Path.t option
; ocamldep : Path.t
; ocamlmklib : Path.t
; (** Environment variables *)
env : Env.t
; findlib : Findlib.t
; findlib_toolchain : string option
; (** Misc *)
arch_sixtyfour : bool
; opam_var_cache : (string, string) Hashtbl.t
; (** Native dynlink *)
natdynlink_supported : bool
; ocaml_config : Ocaml_config.t
; version_string : string
; version : int * int * int
; stdlib_dir : Path.t
; ccomp_type : string
; c_compiler : string
; ocamlc_cflags : string list
; ocamlopt_cflags : string list
; bytecomp_c_libraries : string list
; native_c_libraries : string list
; cc_profile : string list
; architecture : string
; system : string
; ext_obj : string
; ext_asm : string
; ext_lib : string
; ext_dll : string
; ext_exe : string
; os_type : string
; default_executable_name : string
; host : string
; target : string
; flambda : bool
; exec_magic_number : string
; cmi_magic_number : string
; cmo_magic_number : string
; cma_magic_number : string
; cmx_magic_number : string
; cmxa_magic_number : string
; ast_impl_magic_number : string
; ast_intf_magic_number : string
; cmxs_magic_number : string
; cmt_magic_number : string
; which_cache : (string, Path.t option) Hashtbl.t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
(** Compare the context names *)
val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t
val create
: ?merlin:bool
-> ?workspace_env:Dune_env.Stanza.t
-> env:Env.t
-> Workspace.Context.t
-> t list Fiber.t
val which : t -> string -> Path.t option
val opam_config_var : t -> string -> string option Fiber.t
val install_prefix : t -> Path.t Fiber.t
val install_ocaml_libdir : t -> Path.t option Fiber.t
(** Return the compiler needed for this compilation mode *)
val compiler : t -> Mode.t -> Path.t option
(** The best compilation mode for this context *)
val best_mode : t -> Mode.t
(** [\["-g"\]] if [!Clflags.g] and [\[\]] otherwise *)
val cc_g : t -> string list