
295 lines
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This document gives simple usage examples of dune. You can also look at
`examples <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/tree/master/example>`__ for complete
examples of projects using dune.
Building a hello world program
In a directory of your choice, write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
;; This declares the hello_world executable implemented by hello_world.ml
(name hello_world))
This ``hello_world.ml`` file:
.. code:: ocaml
print_endline "Hello, world!"
And build it with:
.. code:: bash
dune build hello_world.exe
The executable will be built as ``_build/default/hello_world.exe``. Note that
native code executables will have the ``.exe`` extension on all platforms
(including non-Windows systems). The executable can ran with: ``$ dune exec
Building a hello world program using Lwt
In a directory of your choice, write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name hello_world)
(libraries lwt.unix))
This ``hello_world.ml`` file:
.. code:: ocaml
Lwt_main.run (Lwt_io.printf "Hello, world!\n")
And build it with:
.. code:: bash
dune build hello_world.exe
The executable will be built as ``_build/default/hello_world.exe``
Building a hello world program using Core and Jane Street PPXs
Write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name hello_world)
(libraries core)
(preprocess (pps ppx_jane)))
This ``hello_world.ml`` file:
.. code:: ocaml
open Core
let () =
Sexp.to_string_hum [%sexp ([3;4;5] : int list)]
|> print_endline
And build it with:
.. code:: bash
dune build hello_world.exe
The executable will be built as ``_build/default/hello_world.exe``
Defining a library using Lwt and ocaml-re
Write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name mylib)
(public_name mylib)
(libraries re lwt))
The library will be composed of all the modules in the same directory.
Outside of the library, module ``Foo`` will be accessible as
``Mylib.Foo``, unless you write an explicit ``mylib.ml`` file.
You can then use this library in any other directory by adding ``mylib``
to the ``(libraries ...)`` field.
Setting the OCaml compilation flags globally
Write this ``dune`` file at the root of your project:
.. code:: scheme
(flags (:standard -w +42)))
(flags (:standard -O3))))
`dev` and `release` correspond to build profiles. The build profile
can be selected from the command line with `--profile foo` or from a
`dune-workspace` file by writing:
.. code:: scheme
(profile foo)
Using cppo
Add this field to your ``library`` or ``executable`` stanzas:
.. code:: scheme
(preprocess (action (run %{bin:cppo} -V OCAML:%{ocaml_version} %{input-file})))
Additionally, if you are include a ``config.h`` file, you need to
declare the dependency to this file via:
.. code:: scheme
(preprocessor_deps config.h)
Using the .cppo.ml style like the ocamlbuild plugin
Write this in your ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(targets foo.ml)
(deps (:first-dep foo.cppo.ml) <other files that foo.ml includes>)
(action (run %{bin:cppo} %{first-dep} -o %{targets})))
Defining a library with C stubs
Assuming you have a file called ``mystubs.c``, that you need to pass
``-I/blah/include`` to compile it and ``-lblah`` at link time, write
this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name mylib)
(public_name mylib)
(libraries re lwt)
(c_names mystubs)
(c_flags (-I/blah/include))
(c_library_flags (-lblah)))
Defining a library with C stubs using pkg-config
Same context as before, but using ``pkg-config`` to query the
compilation and link flags. Write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name mylib)
(public_name mylib)
(libraries re lwt)
(c_names mystubs)
(c_flags (:include c_flags.sexp))
(c_library_flags (:include c_library_flags.sexp)))
(targets c_flags.sexp c_library_flags.sexp)
(deps (:discover config/discover.exe))
(action (run %{discover} -ocamlc %{OCAMLC})))
Then create a ``config`` subdirectory and write this ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name discover)
(libraries base stdio configurator))
as well as this ``discover.ml`` file:
.. code:: ocaml
module C = Configurator.V1
let () =
C.main ~name:"foo" (fun c ->
let default : C.Pkg_config.package_conf =
{ libs = ["-lgst-editing-services-1.0"]
; cflags = []
let conf =
match C.Pkg_config.get c with
| None -> default
| Some pc ->
match (C.Pkg_config.query pc ~package:"gst-editing-services-1.0") with
| None -> default
| Some deps -> deps
C.Flags.write_sexp "c_flags.sexp" conf.cflags;
C.Flags.write_sexp "c_library_flags.sexp" conf.libs)
Using a custom code generator
To generate a file ``foo.ml`` using a program from another directory:
.. code:: scheme
(targets foo.ml)
(deps (:gen ../generator/gen.exe))
(action (run %{gen} -o %{targets})))
Defining tests
Write this in your ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(test (name my_test_program))
And run the tests with:
.. code:: bash
dune runtest
It will run the test program (the main module is ``my_test_program.ml``) and
error if it exits with a nonzero code.
In addition, if a ``my_test_program.expected`` file exists, it will be compared
to the standard output of the test program and the differences will be
displayed. It is possible to replace the ``.expected`` file with the last output
.. code:: bash
dune promote
Building a custom toplevel
A toplevel is simply an executable calling ``Topmain.main ()`` and linked with
the compiler libraries and ``-linkall``. Moreover, currently toplevels can only
be built in bytecode.
As a result, write this in your ``dune`` file:
.. code:: scheme
(name mytoplevel)
(libraries compiler-libs.toplevel mylib)
(link_flags (-linkall))
(modes byte))
And write this in ``mytoplevel.ml``
.. code:: ocaml
let () = Topmain.main ()