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open Import
type t =
| String of string
| Dir of Path.t
| Path of Path.t
let sexp_of_t =
let open Sexp.To_sexp in
| String s -> (pair string string) ("string", s)
| Path p -> (pair string Path.sexp_of_t) ("path", p)
| Dir p -> (pair string Path.sexp_of_t) ("dir", p)
let string_of_path ~dir p = Path.reach ~from:dir p
let to_string t ~dir =
match t with
| String s -> s
| Dir p
| Path p -> string_of_path ~dir p
let compare_vals ~dir x y =
match x, y with
| String x, String y ->
String.compare x y
| (Path x | Dir x), (Path y | Dir y) ->
Path.compare x y
| String x, (Path _ | Dir _) ->
String.compare x (to_string ~dir y)
| (Path _ | Dir _), String y ->
String.compare (to_string ~dir x) y
let to_path ?error_loc t ~dir =
match t with
| String s -> Path.relative ?error_loc dir s
| Dir p
| Path p -> p
module L = struct
let to_strings t ~dir = List.map t ~f:(to_string ~dir)
let compare_vals ~dir =
List.compare ~compare:(compare_vals ~dir)
let concat ts ~dir =
List.map ~f:(to_string ~dir) ts
|> String.concat ~sep:" "
let deps_only =
List.filter_map ~f:(function
| Dir _
| String _ -> None
| Path p -> Some p)
let strings = List.map ~f:(fun x -> String x)
let paths = List.map ~f:(fun x -> Path x)
let dirs = List.map ~f:(fun x -> Dir x)