
32 lines
656 B

open! Import
type t
val create
: Context.t
-> 'a list
-> f:('a -> Jbuild.Stanza.t list)
-> t
(** A named artifact that is looked up in the PATH if not found in the tree
If the name is an absolute path, it is used as it.
val binary
: t
-> ?hint:string
-> string
-> Action.Prog.t
(** [file_of_lib t ~from name] a named artifact that is looked up in the given library.
[name] is expected to be of the form "<lib>:<file>". Raises immediately if it is not
the case. Returns "<lib>" as well as the resolved artifact.
val file_of_lib
: t
-> loc:Loc.t
-> from:Path.t
-> string
-> string * (Path.t, fail) result