
629 lines
20 KiB

open Import
open Build.O
open Jbuild
module SC = Super_context
let pped_path path ~suffix =
(* We need to insert the suffix before the extension as some tools
inspect the extension *)
let base, ext = Path.split_extension path in
Path.extend_basename base ~suffix:(suffix ^ ext)
let pped_module m ~f =
Module.map_files m ~f:(fun kind file ->
let pp_path = pped_path file.path ~suffix:".pp" in
f kind file.path pp_path;
{ file with path = pp_path })
module Driver = struct
module M = struct
module Info = struct
let name = Sub_system_name.make "ppx.driver"
type t =
{ loc : Loc.t
; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; lint_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; main : string
; replaces : (Loc.t * string) list
type Jbuild.Sub_system_info.t += T of t
let loc t = t.loc
(* The syntax of the driver sub-system is part of the main dune
syntax, so we simply don't create a new one.
If we wanted to make the ppx system an extension, then we
would create a new one.
let syntax = Stanza.syntax
open Stanza.Of_sexp
let parse =
(let%map loc = loc
and flags = Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "flags"
and lint_flags = Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "lint_flags"
and main = field "main" string
and replaces = field "replaces" (list (located string)) ~default:[]
{ loc
; flags
; lint_flags
; main
; replaces
(* The [lib] field is lazy so that we don't need to fill it for
hardcoded [t] values used to implement the jbuild style
handling of drivers.
See [Jbuild_driver] below for details. *)
type t =
{ info : Info.t
; lib : Lib.t Lazy.t
; replaces : t list Or_exn.t
let desc ~plural = "ppx driver" ^ if plural then "s" else ""
let desc_article = "a"
let lib t = Lazy.force t.lib
let replaces t = t.replaces
let instantiate ~resolve ~get lib (info : Info.t) =
{ info
; lib = lazy lib
; replaces =
let open Result.O in
(List.map info.replaces
~f:(fun ((loc, name) as x) ->
resolve x >>= fun lib ->
match get ~loc lib with
| None ->
Error (Loc.exnf loc "%S is not a %s" name
(desc ~plural:false))
| Some t -> Ok t))
let to_sexp t =
let open Sexp.To_sexp in
let f x = string (Lib.name (Lazy.force x.lib)) in
((1, 0),
[ "flags" , Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
; "lint_flags" , Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
; "main" , string t.info.main
; "replaces" , list f (Result.ok_exn t.replaces)
include M
include Sub_system.Register_backend(M)
(* Where are we called from? *)
type loc =
| User_file of Loc.t * (Loc.t * Pp.t) list
| Dot_ppx of Path.t * Pp.t list
let make_error loc msg =
match loc with
| User_file (loc, _) -> Error (Loc.exnf loc "%a" Fmt.text msg)
| Dot_ppx (path, pps) ->
Error (Loc.exnf (Loc.in_file (Path.to_string path)) "%a" Fmt.text
"Failed to create on-demand ppx rewriter for %s; %s"
(String.enumerate_and (List.map pps ~f:Pp.to_string))
(String.uncapitalize msg)))
let select libs ~loc =
match select_replaceable_backend libs ~replaces with
| Ok _ as x -> x
| Error No_backend_found ->
let msg =
match libs with
| [] ->
"You must specify at least one ppx rewriter."
| _ ->
List.filter_map libs ~f:(fun lib ->
match Lib.name lib with
| "ocaml-migrate-parsetree" | "ppxlib" | "ppx_driver" as s ->
Some s
| _ -> None)
| [] ->
let pps =
match loc with
| User_file (_, pps) -> List.map pps ~f:snd
| Dot_ppx (_, pps) -> pps
"No ppx driver were found. It seems that %s %s not \
compatible with Dune. Examples of ppx rewriters that \
are compatible with Dune are ones using \
ocaml-migrate-parsetree, ppxlib or ppx_driver."
(String.enumerate_and (List.map pps ~f:Pp.to_string))
(match pps with
| [_] -> "is"
| _ -> "are")
| names ->
"No ppx driver were found.\n\
Hint: Try upgrading or reinstalling %s."
(String.enumerate_and names)
make_error loc msg
| Error (Too_many_backends ts) ->
make_error loc
"Too many incompatible ppx drivers were found: %s."
(String.enumerate_and (List.map ts ~f:(fun t ->
Lib.name (lib t)))))
| Error (Other exn) ->
Error exn
module Jbuild_driver = struct
(* This module is used to implement the jbuild handling of ppx
drivers. It doesn't implement exactly the same algorithm, but it
should be enough for all jbuilder packages out there.
It works as follow: given the list of ppx rewriters specified by
the user, check whether the last one is named [ppxlib.runner] or
[ppx_driver.runner]. If it isn't, assume the driver is
ocaml-migrate-parsetree and use some hard-coded driver
information. If it is, use the corresponding hardcoded driver
information. *)
let make name info : (Pp.t * Driver.t) Lazy.t = lazy (
let info =
let parsing_context =
Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) (0, 0)
Sexp.parse_string ~mode:Single ~fname:"<internal>" info
|> Sexp.Of_sexp.parse Driver.Info.parse parsing_context
(Pp.of_string name,
{ info
; lib = lazy (assert false)
; replaces = Ok []
let omp = make "ocaml-migrate-parsetree" {|
((main Migrate_parsetree.Driver.run_main)
(flags (--dump-ast))
(lint_flags (--null)))
let ppxlib = make "ppxlib" {|
((main Ppxlib.Driver.standalone)
(flags (-diff-cmd - -dump-ast))
(lint_flags (-diff-cmd - -null )))
let ppx_driver = make "ppx_driver" {|
((main Ppx_driver.standalone)
(flags (-diff-cmd - -dump-ast))
(lint_flags (-diff-cmd - -null )))
let drivers =
[ Pp.of_string "ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main" , omp
; Pp.of_string "ppxlib.runner" , ppxlib
; Pp.of_string "ppx_driver.runner" , ppx_driver
let get_driver pps =
let driver =
match List.last pps with
| None -> omp
| Some (_, pp) -> Option.value (List.assoc drivers pp) ~default:omp
snd (Lazy.force driver)
(* For building the driver *)
let analyse_pps pps =
let driver, rev_others =
match List.rev pps with
| [] -> (omp, [])
| pp :: rev_rest as rev_pps ->
match List.assoc drivers pp with
| None -> (omp , rev_pps )
| Some driver -> (driver, rev_rest)
let driver_pp, driver = Lazy.force driver in
(driver, List.rev (driver_pp :: rev_others))
let ppx_exe sctx ~key ~dir_kind =
match (dir_kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t) with
| Dune ->
Path.relative (SC.build_dir sctx) (".ppx/" ^ key ^ "/ppx.exe")
| Jbuild ->
Path.relative (SC.build_dir sctx) (".ppx/jbuild/" ^ key ^ "/ppx.exe")
let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target ~dir_kind pps =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let mode = Context.best_mode ctx in
let compiler = Option.value_exn (Context.compiler ctx mode) in
let jbuild_driver, pps =
match (dir_kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t) with
| Dune -> (None, pps)
| Jbuild ->
let driver, pps = Jbuild_driver.analyse_pps pps in
(Some driver, pps)
let driver_and_libs =
let open Result.O in
Result.map_error ~f:(fun e ->
(* Extend the dependency stack as we don't have locations at
this point *)
Dep_path.prepend_exn e
(Preprocess (pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list :> string list)))
(Lib.DB.resolve_pps lib_db
(List.map pps ~f:(fun x -> (Loc.none, x)))
>>= Lib.closure
>>= fun resolved_pps ->
match jbuild_driver with
| None ->
Driver.select resolved_pps ~loc:(Dot_ppx (target, pps))
>>| fun driver ->
(driver, resolved_pps)
| Some driver ->
Ok (driver, resolved_pps))
(* CR-someday diml: what we should do is build the .cmx/.cmo once
and for all at the point where the driver is defined. *)
let ml = Path.relative (Option.value_exn (Path.parent target)) "ppx.ml" in
SC.add_rule sctx
(Build.of_result_map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (driver, _) ->
Build.return (sprintf "let () = %s ()\n" driver.info.main))
Build.write_file_dyn ml);
SC.add_rule sctx
(Lib_deps.info ~kind:dep_kind (Lib_deps.of_pps pps))
Build.of_result_map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (_, libs) ->
Build.paths (Lib.L.archive_files libs ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib))
Build.run ~context:ctx (Ok compiler)
[ A "-o" ; Target target
; Arg_spec.of_result
(Result.map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (_driver, libs) ->
Lib.L.compile_and_link_flags ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir
; Dep ml
let get_rules sctx key ~dir_kind =
let exe = ppx_exe sctx ~key ~dir_kind in
let (key, lib_db) = SC.Scope_key.of_string sctx key in
let names =
match key with
| "+none+" -> []
| _ -> String.split key ~on:'+'
let names =
match List.rev names with
| [] -> []
| driver :: rest -> List.sort rest ~compare:String.compare @ [driver]
let pps = List.map names ~f:Jbuild.Pp.of_string in
build_ppx_driver sctx pps ~lib_db ~dep_kind:Required ~target:exe ~dir_kind
let gen_rules sctx components =
match components with
| [key] -> get_rules sctx key ~dir_kind:Dune
| ["jbuild"; key] -> get_rules sctx key ~dir_kind:Jbuild
| _ -> ()
let ppx_driver_exe sctx libs ~dir_kind =
let names =
let names = List.rev_map libs ~f:Lib.name in
match (dir_kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t) with
| Dune -> List.sort names ~compare:String.compare
| Jbuild ->
match names with
| last :: others -> List.sort others ~compare:String.compare @ [last]
| [] -> []
let scope_for_key =
List.fold_left libs ~init:None ~f:(fun acc lib ->
let scope_for_key =
match Lib.status lib with
| Private scope_name -> Some scope_name
| Public _ | Installed -> None
match acc, scope_for_key with
| Some a, Some b -> assert (a = b); acc
| Some _, None -> acc
| None , Some _ -> scope_for_key
| None , None -> None)
let key =
match names with
| [] -> "+none+"
| _ -> String.concat names ~sep:"+"
let key =
match scope_for_key with
| None -> key
| Some scope_name -> SC.Scope_key.to_string key scope_name
ppx_exe sctx ~key ~dir_kind
module Compat_ppx_exe_kind = struct
type t =
| Dune
| Jbuild of string option
let get_compat_ppx_exe sctx ~name ~kind =
match (kind : Compat_ppx_exe_kind.t) with
| Dune ->
ppx_exe sctx ~key:name ~dir_kind:Dune
| Jbuild driver ->
(* We know both [name] and [driver] are public libraries, so we
don't add the scope key. *)
let key =
match driver with
| None -> name
| Some d -> sprintf "%s+%s" name d
ppx_exe sctx ~key ~dir_kind:Jbuild
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope ~dir_kind pps =
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let open Result.O in
match (dir_kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t) with
| Dune ->
Lib.DB.resolve_pps (Scope.libs scope) pps
>>= fun libs ->
Lib.closure libs
Driver.select ~loc:(User_file (loc, pps))
>>= fun driver ->
Ok (ppx_driver_exe sctx libs ~dir_kind, driver)
| Jbuild ->
let driver = Jbuild_driver.get_driver pps in
Lib.DB.resolve_pps (Scope.libs scope) pps
>>= fun libs ->
Ok (ppx_driver_exe sctx libs ~dir_kind, driver)
let target_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "targets"
let workspace_root_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "workspace_root"
let cookie_library_name lib_name =
match lib_name with
| None -> []
| Some name -> ["--cookie"; sprintf "library-name=%S" name]
(* Generate rules for the reason modules in [modules] and return a
a new module with only OCaml sources *)
let setup_reason_rules sctx (m : Module.t) =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let refmt =
Artifacts.binary (SC.artifacts sctx) "refmt" ~hint:"opam install reason" in
let rule src target =
Build.run ~context:ctx refmt
[ A "--print"
; A "binary"
; Dep src
Module.map_files m ~f:(fun _ f ->
match f.syntax with
| OCaml -> f
| Reason ->
let path =
let base, ext = Path.split_extension f.path in
let suffix =
match ext with
| ".re" -> ".re.ml"
| ".rei" -> ".re.mli"
| _ ->
(Path.to_string (Path.drop_build_context_exn f.path)))
"Unknown file extension for reason source file: %S"
Path.extend_basename base ~suffix
let ml = Module.File.make OCaml path in
SC.add_rule sctx (rule f.path ml.path);
let promote_correction fn build ~suffix =
[ build
; Build.return
(Action.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix))
let lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope ~dir_kind =
Staged.stage (
let alias = Build_system.Alias.lint ~dir in
let add_alias fn build =
SC.add_alias_action sctx alias build
~stamp:(List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "lint"
; Sexp.To_sexp.(option string) lib_name
; Path.sexp_of_t fn
let lint =
Per_module.map lint ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun ~source:_ ~ast:_ -> ())
| Action (loc, action) ->
(fun ~source ~ast:_ ->
let action = Action.Unexpanded.Chdir (workspace_root_var, action) in
Module.iter source ~f:(fun _ (src : Module.File.t) ->
let bindings = Pform.Map.input_file src.path in
add_alias src.path
(Build.path src.path
>>^ (fun _ -> Jbuild.Bindings.empty)
>>> SC.Action.run sctx
~targets:(Static [])
| Pps { loc; pps; flags } ->
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
let corrected_suffix = ".lint-corrected" in
let driver_and_flags =
let open Result.O in
get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope ~dir_kind pps
>>| fun (exe, driver) ->
let bindings =
Pform.Map.singleton "corrected-suffix"
(Values [String corrected_suffix])
Build.memoize "ppx flags"
(SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx driver.info.lint_flags
~standard:(Build.return [])))
(fun ~source ~ast ->
Module.iter ast ~f:(fun kind src ->
add_alias src.path
(promote_correction ~suffix:corrected_suffix
(Option.value_exn (Module.file source kind))
(Build.of_result_map driver_and_flags ~f:(fun (exe, flags) ->
flags >>>
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok exe)
[ args
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind
; Dep src.path
; Dyn (fun x -> As x)
fun ~(source : Module.t) ~ast ->
Per_module.get lint source.name ~source ~ast)
type t = (Module.t -> lint:bool -> Module.t) Per_module.t
let dummy = Per_module.for_all (fun m ~lint:_ -> m)
let make sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~preprocess
~preprocessor_deps ~lib_name ~scope ~dir_kind =
let preprocessor_deps =
Build.memoize "preprocessor deps" preprocessor_deps
let lint_module =
Staged.unstage (lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope
Per_module.map preprocess ~f:(function
| Preprocess.No_preprocessing ->
(fun m ~lint ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx m in
if lint then lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Action (loc, action) ->
(fun m ~lint ->
let ast =
pped_module m ~f:(fun _kind src dst ->
let bindings = Pform.Map.input_file src in
SC.add_rule sctx
Build.path src
>>^ (fun _ -> Jbuild.Bindings.empty)
SC.Action.run sctx
Chdir (workspace_root_var,
~targets:(Static [dst])
|> setup_reason_rules sctx in
if lint then lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Pps { loc; pps; flags } ->
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
let corrected_suffix = ".ppx-corrected" in
let driver_and_flags =
let open Result.O in
get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope ~dir_kind pps >>| fun (exe, driver) ->
let bindings =
Pform.Map.singleton "corrected-suffix"
(Values [String corrected_suffix])
Build.memoize "ppx flags"
(SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx driver.info.flags
~standard:(Build.return [])))
(fun m ~lint ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx m in
if lint then lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
pped_module ast ~f:(fun kind src dst ->
SC.add_rule sctx
(promote_correction ~suffix:corrected_suffix
(Option.value_exn (Module.file m kind))
(preprocessor_deps >>^ ignore
Build.of_result_map driver_and_flags
~f:(fun (exe, flags) ->
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok exe)
[ args
; A "-o"; Target dst
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind; Dep src
; Dyn (fun x -> As x)
let pp_modules t ?(lint=true) modules =
Module.Name.Map.map modules ~f:(fun (m : Module.t) ->
Per_module.get t m.name m ~lint)
let pp_module_as t ?(lint=true) name m =
Per_module.get t name m ~lint
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope ~dir_kind pps =
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let open Result.O in
Lib.DB.resolve_pps (Scope.libs scope) pps
>>| fun libs ->
ppx_driver_exe sctx libs ~dir_kind