
64 lines
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(** Management of syntaxes *)
open Stdune
module Version : sig
(** A syntax version.
It is always assumed that a parser with version [(X, Y)] can
read the output produced by a printer at version [(X, Z)] for any
[Z <= Y]. *)
type t = int * int
include Sexp.Sexpable with type t := t
val to_string : t -> string
(** Whether the parser can read the data or not *)
val can_read : parser_version:t -> data_version:t -> bool
type t
(** [create ~name ~desc supported_versions] defines a new
syntax. [supported_version] is the list of the last minor version
of each supported major version. [desc] is used to describe what
this syntax represent in error messages. *)
val create : name:string -> desc:string -> Version.t list -> t
(** Return the name of the syntax. *)
val name : t -> string
(** Check that the given version is supported and raise otherwise. *)
val check_supported : t -> Loc.t * Version.t -> unit
val greatest_supported_version : t -> Version.t
(** {1 S-expression parsing} *)
(** {2 High-level functions} *)
(** Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was deleted in the
given version *)
val deleted_in : t -> Version.t -> (unit, _) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
(** Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was renamed in the
given version *)
val renamed_in : t -> Version.t -> to_:string -> (unit, _) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
(** Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was introduced in the
given version *)
val since : t -> Version.t -> (unit, _) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
(** {2 Low-level functions} *)
val set
: t
-> Version.t
-> ('a, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
-> ('a, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
val get_exn : t -> (Version.t, 'k) Sexp.Of_sexp.parser
val key : t -> Version.t Univ_map.Key.t