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(** A augmanted context *)
(** A context augmented with: a lib-db, ...
Super context are used for generating rules.
open Import
open Jbuild
(** A directory with a jbuild *)
module Dir_with_jbuild : sig
type t =
{ src_dir : Path.t
; ctx_dir : Path.t (** [_build/context-name/src_dir] *)
; stanzas : Stanzas.t
; scope : Scope.t
type t
val create
: context:Context.t
-> aliases:Alias.Store.t
-> dirs_with_dot_opam_files:Path.Set.t
-> file_tree:File_tree.t
-> packages:Package.t String_map.t
-> stanzas:(Path.t * Scope.t * Stanzas.t) list
-> filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps:bool
-> t
val context : t -> Context.t
val aliases : t -> Alias.Store.t
val stanzas : t -> Dir_with_jbuild.t list
val packages : t -> Package.t String_map.t
val file_tree : t -> File_tree.t
val artifacts : t -> Artifacts.t
val stanzas_to_consider_for_install : t -> (Path.t * Stanza.t) list
val cxx_flags : t -> string list
val expand_vars : t -> dir:Path.t -> String_with_vars.t -> string
val add_rule : t -> ?sandbox:bool -> (unit, Action.t) Build.t -> unit
val add_rules : t -> ?sandbox:bool -> (unit, Action.t) Build.t list -> unit
val rules : t -> Build_interpret.Rule.t list
val sources_and_targets_known_so_far : t -> src_path:Path.t -> String_set.t
(** [prog_spec t ?hint ?in_the_tree name] resolve a program. If [in_the_tree] is [true]
(the default), [name] is looked up in the workspace. Otherwise, or if it is not found
in the tree is is looked up in the PATH. If it is not found at all, the resulting
[Prog_spec.t] will fail when evaluated.
[hint] should tell the user what to install when the program is not found.
val resolve_program
: t
-> ?hint:string
-> ?in_the_tree:bool (* default true *)
-> string
-> _ Build.Prog_spec.t
module Libs : sig
val find : t -> from:Path.t -> string -> Lib.t option
val load_requires : t -> dir:Path.t -> item:string -> (unit, Lib.t list) Build.t
val load_runtime_deps : t -> dir:Path.t -> item:string -> (unit, Lib.t list) Build.t
val lib_is_available : t -> from:Path.t -> string -> bool
(** Add rules for (select ...) forms *)
val add_select_rules : t -> dir:Path.t -> Lib_deps.t -> unit
(** Returns the closed list of dependencies for a dependency list in a stanza. The
second arrow is the same as the first one but with an added dependency on the
.merlin. *)
val requires
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> item:string (** Library name or first exe name *)
-> libraries:Lib_deps.t
-> preprocess:Preprocess_map.t
-> virtual_deps:string list
-> (unit, Lib.t list) Build.t * (unit, Lib.t list) Build.t
(** Setup the rules for ppx runtime dependencies *)
val setup_runtime_deps
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> item:string (** Library name or first exe name *)
-> libraries:Lib_deps.t
-> ppx_runtime_libraries:string list
-> unit
(** [file_deps ~ext] is an arrow that record dependencies on all the files with
extension [ext] of the libraries given as input. *)
val file_deps : t -> ext:string -> (Lib.t list, Lib.t list) Build.t
(** Same as [file_deps] but for a single known library *)
val static_file_deps : ext:string -> Lib.Internal.t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
(** Setup the alias that depends on all files with a given extension for a library *)
val setup_file_deps_alias : t -> Lib.Internal.t -> ext:string -> Path.t list -> unit
(** Setup an alias that depend on all files with the given extensions.
To depend on this alias, use [~ext:"ext1-and-ext2-...-extn"]
val setup_file_deps_group_alias : t -> Lib.Internal.t -> exts:string list -> unit
(** Interpret dependencies written in jbuild files *)
module Deps : sig
(** Evaluates to the actual list of dependencies, ignoring aliases *)
val interpret : t -> dir:Path.t -> Dep_conf.t list -> (unit, Path.t list) Build.t
(** Interpret action written in jbuild files *)
module Action : sig
type targets =
| Static of Path.t list
| Infer
(** The arrow takes as input the list of actual dependencies *)
val run
: t
-> Action.Unexpanded.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> targets:targets
-> scope:Scope.t
-> (Path.t list, Action.t) Build.t
(** Preprocessing stuff *)
module PP : sig
(** Setup pre-processing rules and return the list of pre-processed modules *)
val pped_modules
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> preprocess:Preprocess_map.t
-> preprocessor_deps:Dep_conf.t list
-> lib_name:string option
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Module.t String_map.t
(** Get a path to a cached ppx driver *)
val get_ppx_driver
: t
-> Pp.t list
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Build.lib_dep_kind
-> Path.t
(** [cookie_library_name lib_name] is ["--cookie"; lib_name] if [lib_name] is not
[None] *)
val cookie_library_name : string option -> string list
val expand_and_eval_set
: dir:Path.t
-> Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
-> standard:string list
-> (unit, string list) Build.t
module Pkg_version : sig
val set : t -> Package.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t