
250 lines
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(** A augmanted context *)
(** A context augmented with: a lib-db, ...
Super context are used for generating rules.
open! Stdune
open Import
open Dune_file
(** A directory with a jbuild *)
module Dir_with_jbuild : sig
type t =
{ src_dir : Path.t
; ctx_dir : Path.t (** [_build/context-name/src_dir] *)
; stanzas : Stanzas.t
; scope : Scope.t
; kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t
module Installable : sig
type t =
{ dir : Path.t
; scope : Scope.t
; stanza : Stanza.t
; kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t
type t
val create
: context:Context.t
-> ?host:t
-> projects:Dune_project.t list
-> file_tree:File_tree.t
-> packages:Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
-> stanzas:Jbuild_load.Jbuild.t list
-> external_lib_deps_mode:bool
-> build_system:Build_system.t
-> t
val context : t -> Context.t
val stanzas : t -> Dir_with_jbuild.t list
val stanzas_in : t -> dir:Path.t -> Dir_with_jbuild.t option
val packages : t -> Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
val libs_by_package : t -> (Package.t * Lib.Set.t) Package.Name.Map.t
val file_tree : t -> File_tree.t
val artifacts : t -> Artifacts.t
val stanzas_to_consider_for_install : t -> Installable.t list
val cxx_flags : t -> string list
val build_dir : t -> Path.t
val profile : t -> string
val host : t -> t
val build_system : t -> Build_system.t
(** All public libraries of the workspace *)
val public_libs : t -> Lib.DB.t
(** Installed libraries that are not part of the workspace *)
val installed_libs : t -> Lib.DB.t
(** All non-public library names *)
val internal_lib_names : t -> Lib_name.Set.t
(** Compute the ocaml flags based on the directory environment and a
buildable stanza *)
val ocaml_flags
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Buildable.t
-> Ocaml_flags.t
(** Dump a directory environment in a readable form *)
val dump_env : t -> dir:Path.t -> (unit, Dsexp.t list) Build.t
val find_scope_by_dir : t -> Path.t -> Scope.t
val find_scope_by_name : t -> Dune_project.Name.t -> Scope.t
val expand_vars
: t
-> mode:'a String_with_vars.Mode.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t -> ?bindings:Pform.Map.t
-> String_with_vars.t
-> 'a
val expand_vars_string
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> ?bindings:Pform.Map.t
-> String_with_vars.t
-> string
val expand_vars_path
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> ?bindings:Pform.Map.t
-> String_with_vars.t
-> Path.t
val expand_and_eval_set
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> ?bindings:Pform.Map.t
-> Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
-> standard:(unit, string list) Build.t
-> (unit, string list) Build.t
val prefix_rules
: t
-> (unit, unit) Build.t
-> f:(unit -> 'a)
-> 'a
val add_rule
: t
-> ?sandbox:bool
-> ?mode:Dune_file.Rule.Mode.t
-> ?locks:Path.t list
-> ?loc:Loc.t
-> (unit, Action.t) Build.t
-> unit
val add_rule_get_targets
: t
-> ?sandbox:bool
-> ?mode:Dune_file.Rule.Mode.t
-> ?locks:Path.t list
-> ?loc:Loc.t
-> (unit, Action.t) Build.t
-> Path.t list
val add_rules
: t
-> ?sandbox:bool
-> (unit, Action.t) Build.t list
-> unit
val add_alias_deps
: t
-> Build_system.Alias.t
-> ?dyn_deps:(unit, Path.Set.t) Build.t
-> Path.Set.t
-> unit
val add_alias_action
: t
-> Build_system.Alias.t
-> loc:Loc.t option
-> ?locks:Path.t list
-> stamp:_
-> (unit, Action.t) Build.t
-> unit
(** See [Build_system for details] *)
val eval_glob : t -> dir:Path.t -> Re.re -> string list
val load_dir : t -> dir:Path.t -> unit
val on_load_dir : t -> dir:Path.t -> f:(unit -> unit) -> unit
val source_files : t -> src_path:Path.t -> String.Set.t
(** [prog_spec t ?hint name] resolve a program. [name] is looked up in the
workspace, if it is not found in the tree is is looked up in the PATH. If it
is not found at all, the resulting [Prog_spec.t] will either return the
resolved path or a record with details about the error and possibly a hint.
[hint] should tell the user what to install when the program is not found.
val resolve_program
: t
-> ?hint:string
-> loc:Loc.t option
-> string
-> Action.Prog.t
module Libs : sig
(** Make sure all rules produces by [f] record the library
dependencies for [jbuilder external-lib-deps] and depend on the
generation of the .merlin file.
/!\ WARNING /!\: make sure the last function call inside [f] is
fully applied, otherwise the function might end up being executed
after this function has returned. Consider addin a type
annotation to make sure this doesn't happen by mistake.
val with_lib_deps
: t
-> Lib.Compile.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> f:(unit -> 'a)
-> 'a
(** Generate the rules for the [(select ...)] forms in library dependencies *)
val gen_select_rules : t -> dir:Path.t -> Lib.Compile.t -> unit
(** Interpret dependencies written in jbuild files *)
module Deps : sig
(** Evaluates to the actual list of dependencies, ignoring aliases *)
val interpret
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> Dep_conf.t list
-> (unit, Path.t list) Build.t
val interpret_named
: t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> Dep_conf.t Bindings.t
-> (unit, Path.t Bindings.t) Build.t
(** Interpret action written in jbuild files *)
module Action : sig
type targets =
| Static of Path.t list
| Infer
| Alias (** This action is for an alias *)
(** The arrow takes as input the list of actual dependencies *)
val run
: t
-> loc:Loc.t
-> bindings:Pform.Map.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dep_kind:Lib_deps_info.Kind.t
-> targets:targets
-> targets_dir:Path.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Action.Unexpanded.t
-> (Path.t Bindings.t, Action.t) Build.t
module Pkg_version : sig
val set : t -> Package.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t -> (unit, string option) Build.t
module Scope_key : sig
val of_string : t -> string -> string * Lib.DB.t
val to_string : string -> Dune_project.Name.t -> string
val opaque : t -> bool