
131 lines
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open! Stdune
open! Import
module Outputs : module type of struct include Action_intf.Outputs end
module Diff_mode : module type of struct include Action_intf.Diff_mode end
(** result of the lookup of a program, the path to it or information about the
failure and possibly a hint how to fix it *)
module Prog : sig
module Not_found : sig
type t =
{ context : string
; program : string
; hint : string option
; loc : Loc.t option
val raise : t -> _
type t = (Path.t, Not_found.t) result
include Action_intf.Ast
with type program := Prog.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
include Action_intf.Helpers
with type program := Prog.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
with type t := t
val dparse : t Dsexp.Of_sexp.t
module For_shell : sig
include Action_intf.Ast
with type program := string
with type path := string
with type string := string
val dgen : t Dsexp.To_sexp.t
(** Convert the action to a format suitable for printing *)
val for_shell : t -> For_shell.t
(** Return the list of directories the action chdirs to *)
val chdirs : t -> Path.Set.t
(** Ast where programs are not yet looked up in the PATH *)
module Unresolved : sig
type action = t
module Program : sig
type t =
| This of Path.t
| Search of Loc.t option * string
include Action_intf.Ast
with type program := Program.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
val resolve : t -> f:(Loc.t option -> string -> Path.t) -> action
end with type action := t
module Unexpanded : sig
include Action_intf.Ast
with type program := String_with_vars.t
with type path := String_with_vars.t
with type string := String_with_vars.t
include Dsexp.Sexpable with type t := t
module Partial : sig
include Action_intf.Ast
with type program = (Unresolved.Program.t, String_with_vars.t) either
with type path = (Path.t , String_with_vars.t) either
with type string = (string , String_with_vars.t) either
val expand
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> map_exe:(Path.t -> Path.t)
-> f:(Value.t list option String_with_vars.expander)
-> Unresolved.t
val partial_expand
: t
-> dir:Path.t
-> map_exe:(Path.t -> Path.t)
-> f:(Value.t list option String_with_vars.expander)
-> Partial.t
val remove_locs : t -> t
(** Infer dependencies and targets.
This currently doesn't support well (rename ...) and (remove-tree ...). However these
are not exposed in the DSL.
module Infer : sig
module Outcome : sig
type t =
{ deps : Path.Set.t
; targets : Path.Set.t
val infer : t -> Outcome.t
(** If [all_targets] is [true] and a target cannot be determined statically, fail *)
val partial : all_targets:bool -> Unexpanded.Partial.t -> Outcome.t
(** Return the list of targets of an unexpanded action. *)
val unexpanded_targets : Unexpanded.t -> String_with_vars.t list
(** Return a sandboxed version of an action *)
val sandbox
: t
-> sandboxed:(Path.t -> Path.t)
-> deps:Deps.t
-> targets:Path.t list
-> t