
62 lines
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open Import
type 'a t =
{ dir_kind : File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.t
; mutable used : ('a * Loc.t list) Module.Name.Map.t
let create ~dir_kind =
{ dir_kind
; used = Module.Name.Map.empty
let acknowledge t part ~loc ~modules =
t.used <-
Module.Name.Map.merge modules t.used ~f:(fun _name x y ->
match x with
| None -> y
| Some _ ->
Some (part,
loc :: match y with
| None -> []
| Some (_, l) -> l))
let find t name = Option.map (Module.Name.Map.find t.used name) ~f:fst
let emit_errors t =
Module.Name.Map.iteri t.used ~f:(fun name (_, locs) ->
match locs with
| [] | [_] -> ()
| loc :: _ ->
let loc = Loc.in_file loc.start.pos_fname in
match t.dir_kind with
| Jbuild ->
Loc.warn loc
"Module %a is used in several stanzas:@\n\
This warning will become an error in the future."
Module.Name.pp_quote name
(Fmt.list (Fmt.prefix (Fmt.string "- ") Loc.pp_file_colon_line))
"To remove this warning, you must specify an explicit \"modules\" \
field in every library, executable, and executables stanzas in \
this jbuild file. Note that each module cannot appear in more \
than one \"modules\" field - it must belong to a single library \
or executable."
| Dune ->
Loc.fail loc
"Module %a is used in several stanzas:@\n\
Module.Name.pp_quote name
(Fmt.list (Fmt.prefix (Fmt.string "- ") Loc.pp_file_colon_line))
"To fix this error, you must specify an explicit \"modules\" \
field in every library, executable, and executables stanzas in \
this dune file. Note that each module cannot appear in more \
than one \"modules\" field - it must belong to a single library \
or executable.")