
143 lines
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open Import
include module type of struct include Usexp end with module Loc := Usexp.Loc
val code_error : string -> (string * t) list -> _
val load : fname:string -> mode:'a Parser.Mode.t -> 'a
val load_many_as_one : fname:string -> Ast.t
type sexps_or_ocaml_script =
| Sexps of Ast.t list
| Ocaml_script
val load_many_or_ocaml_script : string -> sexps_or_ocaml_script
module type Combinators = sig
type 'a t
val unit : unit t
val string : string t
(** Convert an [Atom] or a [Quoted_string] from/to a string. *)
val int : int t
val float : float t
val bool : bool t
val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
val triple : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t
val list : 'a t -> 'a list t
val array : 'a t -> 'a array t
val option : 'a t -> 'a option t
val string_set : String_set.t t
(** [atom_set] is a conversion to/from a set of strings representing atoms. *)
val string_map : 'a t -> 'a String_map.t t
(** [atom_map conv]: given a conversion [conv] to/from ['a], returns
a conversion to/from a map where the keys are atoms and the
values are of type ['a]. *)
val string_hashtbl : 'a t -> (string, 'a) Hashtbl.t t
(** [atom_hashtbl conv] is similar to [atom_map] for hash tables. *)
module To_sexp : sig
type sexp = t
include Combinators with type 'a t = 'a -> t
val record : (string * sexp) list -> sexp
end with type sexp := t
module Of_sexp : sig
type ast = Ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * Atom.t
| Quoted_string of Loc.t * string
| List of Loc.t * ast list
include Combinators with type 'a t = Ast.t -> 'a
val of_sexp_error : Ast.t -> string -> _
val of_sexp_errorf : Ast.t -> ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a
val located : 'a t -> (Loc.t * 'a) t
val raw : ast t
(* Record parsing monad *)
type 'a record_parser
val return : 'a -> 'a record_parser
val ( >>= ) : 'a record_parser -> ('a -> 'b record_parser) -> 'b record_parser
(** Return the location of the record being parsed *)
val record_loc : Loc.t record_parser
module Short_syntax : sig
type 'a t =
| Not_allowed
| This of 'a
| Located of (Loc.t -> 'a)
val field
: string
-> ?short:'a Short_syntax.t
-> ?default:'a
-> 'a t
-> 'a record_parser
val field_o
: string
-> ?short:'a Short_syntax.t
-> 'a t
-> 'a option record_parser
val field_b : string -> bool record_parser
val map_validate : 'a record_parser -> f:('a -> ('b, string) result) -> 'b record_parser
val ignore_fields : string list -> unit record_parser
val record : 'a record_parser -> 'a t
module Constructor_spec : sig
type 'a t
module Constructor_args_spec : sig
type ('a, 'b) t
val nil : ('a, 'a) Constructor_args_spec.t
val ( @> )
: 'a t
-> ('b, 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> ('a -> 'b, 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
val cstr : string -> ('a, 'b) Constructor_args_spec.t -> 'a -> 'b Constructor_spec.t
val cstr_rest
: string
-> ('a, 'b list -> 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> 'b t
-> 'a
-> 'c Constructor_spec.t
val cstr_record : string -> 'a record_parser -> 'a Constructor_spec.t
val cstr_loc
: string
-> ('a, 'b) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> (Loc.t -> 'a)
-> 'b Constructor_spec.t
val cstr_rest_loc
: string
-> ('a, 'b list -> 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> 'b t
-> (Loc.t -> 'a)
-> 'c Constructor_spec.t
val sum
: 'a Constructor_spec.t list
-> 'a t
val enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a t