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(** Scheduling *)
(** [go ?log ?config ?gen_status_line fiber] runs the following fiber until it
terminates. [gen_status_line] is used to print a status line when [config.display =
Progress]. *)
val go
: ?log:Log.t
-> ?config:Config.t
-> ?gen_status_line:(unit -> string option)
-> 'a Fiber.t
-> 'a
(** Wait for the following process to terminate *)
val wait_for_process : int -> Unix.process_status Fiber.t
(** Set the status line generator for the current scheduler *)
val set_status_line_generator : (unit -> string option) -> unit Fiber.t
(** Scheduler informations *)
type t
(** Wait until less tham [!Clflags.concurrency] external processes are running and return
the scheduler informations. *)
val wait_for_available_job : unit -> t Fiber.t
(** Logger *)
val log : t -> Log.t
(** Execute the given callback with current directory temporarily changed *)
val with_chdir : t -> dir:string -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
(** Display mode for this scheduler *)
val display : t -> Config.Display.t
(** Print something to the terminal *)
val print : t -> string -> unit