
153 lines
5.7 KiB

open Import
open Build.O
open! No_io
module SC = Super_context
module Target : sig
type t
val cm : Module.t -> Cm_kind.t -> t
val obj : Module.t -> ext:string -> t
val cmt : Module.t -> Ml_kind.t -> t option
val file : Path.t -> t -> Path.t
end = struct
type t = Path.t
let cm m cm_kind = Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir:Path.root cm_kind
let obj m ~ext = Module.obj_file m ~obj_dir:Path.root ~ext
let cmt m ml_kind = Module.cmt_file m ~obj_dir:Path.root ml_kind
let file dir t = Path.append dir t
let build_cm sctx ?sandbox ~dynlink ~flags ~cm_kind ~dep_graphs
~requires ~dir ~obj_dir ~alias_module (m : Module.t) =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
Option.iter (Mode.of_cm_kind cm_kind |> Context.compiler ctx) ~f:(fun compiler ->
Option.iter (Module.cm_source ~dir m cm_kind) ~f:(fun src ->
let ml_kind = Cm_kind.source cm_kind in
let dst = Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir cm_kind in
let extra_args, extra_deps, other_targets =
match cm_kind, m.intf with
(* If there is no mli, [ocamlY -c file.ml] produces both the
.cmY and .cmi. We choose to use ocamlc to produce the cmi
and to produce the cmx we have to wait to avoid race
conditions. *)
| Cmo, None -> [], [], [Target.cm m Cmi]
| Cmx, None ->
(* Change [-intf-suffix] so that the compiler thinks the
cmi exists and reads it instead of re-creating it, which
could create a race condition. *)
[ "-intf-suffix"
; Filename.extension (Option.value_exn m.impl).name
[Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmi],
| Cmi, None -> assert false
| Cmi, Some _ -> [], [], []
(* We need the .cmi to build either the .cmo or .cmx *)
| (Cmo | Cmx), Some _ -> [], [Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmi], []
let other_targets =
match cm_kind with
| Cmx -> Target.obj m ~ext:ctx.ext_obj :: other_targets
| Cmi | Cmo -> other_targets
let dep_graph = Ml_kind.Dict.get dep_graphs ml_kind in
let other_cm_files =
(Ocamldep.Dep_graph.deps_of dep_graph m >>^ fun deps ->
List.concat_map deps
~f:(fun m ->
let deps = [Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmi] in
if Module.has_impl m && cm_kind = Cmx then
Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmx :: deps
let other_targets, cmt_args =
match cm_kind with
| Cmx -> (other_targets, Arg_spec.S [])
| Cmi | Cmo ->
let fn = Option.value_exn (Target.cmt m ml_kind) in
(fn :: other_targets, A "-bin-annot")
let extra_targets = List.map other_targets ~f:(Target.file obj_dir) in
if obj_dir <> dir then begin
(* Symlink the object files in the original directory for
backward compatibility *)
let old_dst = Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir:dir cm_kind in
SC.add_rule sctx (Build.symlink ~src:dst ~dst:old_dst) ;
List.iter2 extra_targets other_targets ~f:(fun in_obj_dir target ->
let in_dir = Target.file dir target in
SC.add_rule sctx (Build.symlink ~src:in_obj_dir ~dst:in_dir))
let opaque =
if cm_kind = Cmi && not (Module.has_impl m) && ctx.version >= (4, 03, 0) then
Arg_spec.A "-opaque"
As []
SC.add_rule sctx ?sandbox
(Build.paths extra_deps >>>
other_cm_files >>>
requires &&&
Ocaml_flags.get_for_cm flags ~cm_kind >>>
Build.run ~context:ctx (Ok compiler)
[ Dyn (fun (_, ocaml_flags) -> As ocaml_flags)
; cmt_args
; Dyn (fun (libs, _) ->
Lib.L.include_flags libs ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir)
; As extra_args
; if dynlink || cm_kind <> Cmx then As [] else A "-nodynlink"
; A "-no-alias-deps"; opaque
; A "-I"; Path obj_dir
; (match alias_module with
| None -> S []
| Some (m : Module.t) -> As ["-open"; m.name])
; A "-o"; Target dst
; A "-c"; Ml_kind.flag ml_kind; Dep src
let build_module sctx ?sandbox ~dynlink ~js_of_ocaml ~flags m ~scope ~dir
~obj_dir ~dep_graphs ~requires ~alias_module =
List.iter Cm_kind.all ~f:(fun cm_kind ->
let requires = Cm_kind.Dict.get requires cm_kind in
build_cm sctx ?sandbox ~dynlink ~flags ~dir ~obj_dir ~dep_graphs m ~cm_kind
~requires ~alias_module);
(* Build *.cmo.js *)
let src = Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cm_kind.Cmo in
let target =
Path.extend_basename (Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir:dir Cm_kind.Cmo)
SC.add_rules sctx
(Js_of_ocaml_rules.build_cm sctx ~scope ~dir ~js_of_ocaml ~src ~target)
let build_modules sctx ~dynlink ~js_of_ocaml ~flags ~scope ~dir ~obj_dir
~dep_graphs ~modules ~requires ~alias_module =
let cmi_requires =
Build.memoize "cmi library dependencies"
SC.Libs.file_deps sctx ~ext:".cmi")
let cmi_and_cmx_requires =
Build.memoize "cmi and cmx library dependencies"
SC.Libs.file_deps sctx ~ext:".cmi-and-.cmx")
let requires : _ Cm_kind.Dict.t =
{ cmi = cmi_requires
; cmo = cmi_requires
; cmx = cmi_and_cmx_requires
(match alias_module with
| None -> modules
| Some (m : Module.t) -> String_map.remove modules m.name)
~f:(fun m ->
build_module sctx m ~dynlink ~js_of_ocaml ~flags ~scope ~dir ~obj_dir
~dep_graphs ~requires ~alias_module)