
137 lines
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include Stdune
include Jbuilder_re
include Errors
(* To make bug reports usable *)
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let ksprintf = Printf.ksprintf
let initial_cwd = Sys.getcwd ()
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
module String_map = Map.Make(String)
module Int_set = Set.Make(Int)
module Int_map = Map.Make(Int)
module Sys = struct
include Sys
let force_remove =
if win32 then
fun fn ->
remove fn
with Sys_error _ ->
(* Try to remove the "read-only" attribute, then retry. *)
(try Unix.chmod fn 0o666 with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
remove fn
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
type nothing = (int, string) eq
let protect = Exn.protect
let protectx = Exn.protectx
let warn fmt =
ksprintf (fun msg ->
prerr_endline ("Warning: jbuild: " ^ msg))
type fail = { fail : 'a. unit -> 'a }
let need_quoting s =
let len = String.length s in
len = 0 ||
let rec loop i =
if i = len then
match s.[i] with
| ' ' | '\"' -> true
| _ -> loop (i + 1)
loop 0
let quote_for_shell s =
if need_quoting s then
Filename.quote s
let suggest_function : (string -> string list -> string list) ref = ref (fun _ _ -> [])
let hint name candidates =
match !suggest_function name candidates with
| [] -> ""
| l ->
let rec mk_hint = function
| [a; b] -> sprintf "%s or %s" a b
| [a] -> a
| a :: l -> sprintf "%s, %s" a (mk_hint l)
| [] -> ""
sprintf "\nHint: did you mean %s?" (mk_hint l)
(* [maybe_quoted s] is [s] if [s] doesn't need escaping according to OCaml lexing
conventions and [sprintf "%S" s] otherwise. *)
let maybe_quoted s =
let escaped = String.escaped s in
if s == escaped || s = escaped then
sprintf {|"%s"|} escaped
(* Disable file operations to force to use the IO module *)
let open_in = `Use_Io
let open_in_bin = `Use_Io
let open_in_gen = `Use_Io
let open_out = `Use_Io
let open_out_bin = `Use_Io
let open_out_gen = `Use_Io
(* We open this module at the top of module generating rules, to make sure they don't do
Io manually *)
module No_io = struct
module Io = struct end
module Fmt = struct
(* CR-someday diml: we should define a GADT for this:
type 'a t =
| Int : int t
| Box : ...
| Colored : ...
This way we could separate the creation of messages from the
actual rendering.
type 'a t = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
let kstrf f fmt =
let buf = Buffer.create 17 in
let f fmt = Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ; f (Buffer.contents buf) in
Format.kfprintf f (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) fmt
let failwith fmt = kstrf failwith fmt
let list = Format.pp_print_list
let string s ppf = Format.pp_print_string ppf s
let prefix f g ppf x = f ppf; g ppf x
(* This is ugly *)
let printer = ref (Printf.eprintf "%s%!")
let print_to_console s = !printer s