
128 lines
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open Import
type styles = Ansi_color.Style.t list
let apply_string styles str =
sprintf "%s%s%s"
(Ansi_color.Style.escape_sequence styles)
(Ansi_color.Style.escape_sequence [])
let colorize =
let color_combos =
let open Ansi_color.Color in
[| Blue, Bright_green
; Red, Bright_yellow
; Yellow, Blue
; Magenta, Bright_cyan
; Bright_green, Blue
; Bright_yellow, Red
; Blue, Yellow
; Bright_cyan, Magenta
fun ~key str ->
let hash = Hashtbl.hash key in
let fore, back = color_combos.(hash mod (Array.length color_combos)) in
apply_string [Fg fore; Bg back] str
let stderr_supports_colors = lazy(
not Sys.win32 &&
Unix.(isatty stderr) &&
match Sys.getenv "TERM" with
| exception Not_found -> false
| "dumb" -> false
| _ -> true
let strip_colors_for_stderr s =
if Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors then
Ansi_color.strip s
(* We redirect the output of all commands, so by default the various
tools will disable colors. Since we support colors in the output of
commands, we force it via specific environment variables if stderr
supports colors. *)
let setup_env_for_colors = lazy(
if !Clflags.capture_outputs && Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors then begin
let set var value =
match Sys.getenv var with
| exception Not_found -> Unix.putenv var value
| (_ : string) -> ()
set "OPAMCOLOR" "always";
set "OCAML_COLOR" "always";
module Style = struct
open Ansi_color.Style
type t =
| Loc
| Error
| Warning
| Kwd
| Id
| Prompt
| Details
| Ok
| Debug
let to_styles = function
| Loc -> [Bold]
| Error -> [Bold; Fg Red]
| Warning -> [Bold; Fg Magenta]
| Kwd -> [Bold; Fg Blue]
| Id -> [Bold; Fg Yellow]
| Prompt -> [Bold; Fg Green]
| Details -> [Dim; Fg White]
| Ok -> [Dim; Fg Green]
| Debug -> [Underlined; Fg Bright_cyan]
let of_string = function
| "loc" -> Some Loc
| "error" -> Some Error
| "warning" -> Some Warning
| "kwd" -> Some Kwd
| "id" -> Some Id
| "prompt" -> Some Prompt
| "details" -> Some Details
| "ok" -> Some Ok
| "debug" -> Some Debug
| _ -> None
let styles_of_tag s =
match Style.of_string s with
| None -> []
| Some style -> Style.to_styles style
let setup_err_formatter_colors () =
let open Format in
if Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors then begin
List.iter [err_formatter; err_ppf] ~f:(fun ppf ->
let funcs = pp_get_formatter_tag_functions ppf () in
pp_set_mark_tags ppf true;
pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
{ funcs with
mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> Ansi_color.Style.escape_sequence [])
; mark_open_tag = (fun tag -> Ansi_color.Style.escape_sequence
(styles_of_tag tag))
let output_filename : styles = [Bold; Fg Green]
module Render = Pp.Renderer.Make(struct
type t = Style.t
module Handler = struct
include Ansi_color.Render.Tag.Handler
let handle t style = handle t (Style.to_styles style)