
68 lines
2.3 KiB

open Jbuilder_re
open Re
let no_slash = diff any (char '/')
let no_slash_no_dot = diff any (set "./")
type stack =
| Bottom
| Lbrace of stack
| Re of Re.t * stack
| Comma of stack
let make_group st =
let rec loop current_re full_res st =
match st with
| Bottom -> failwith "'}' without opening '{'"
| Re (re, st) -> loop (re :: current_re) full_res st
| Comma st -> loop [] (seq current_re :: full_res) st
| Lbrace st -> Re (alt (seq current_re :: full_res), st)
loop [] [] st
let finalize st =
let rec loop acc st =
match st with
| Bottom -> seq (start :: acc)
| Re (re, st) -> loop (re :: acc) st
| Comma st -> loop (char ',' :: acc) st
| Lbrace _ -> failwith "unclosed '{'"
loop [stop] st
rule initial = parse
| "**" { glob (Re (rep any, Bottom)) lexbuf }
| "*" { glob (Re (seq [no_slash_no_dot; rep no_slash], Bottom)) lexbuf }
| "" { glob Bottom lexbuf }
and glob st = parse
| eof
| '\\' eof { finalize st }
| '\\' (_ as c) { glob (Re (char c , st)) lexbuf }
| "**" { glob (Re (seq [no_slash_no_dot; rep no_slash] , st)) lexbuf }
| '*' { glob (Re (rep no_slash , st)) lexbuf }
| '?' { glob (Re (no_slash , st)) lexbuf }
| '{' { glob (Lbrace st ) lexbuf }
| ',' { glob (Comma st ) lexbuf }
| '}' { glob (make_group st) lexbuf }
| '[' { char_set st lexbuf }
| ']' { failwith "']' without opening '['" }
| _ as c { glob (Re (char c , st)) lexbuf }
and char_set st = parse
| '!' ([^ ']']* as s) "]" { glob (Re (diff any (set s) , st)) lexbuf }
| ([^ ']']* as s) "]" { glob (Re (set s , st)) lexbuf }
| "" { failwith "unclosed character set" }
let parse_string s =
let lb = Lexing.from_string s in
match initial lb with
| re -> Import.Ok re
| exception Failure msg ->
Import.Error (Lexing.lexeme_start lb, msg)