
501 lines
12 KiB

include Jbuilder_re
module Array = StdLabels.Array
module Bytes = StdLabels.Bytes
module Set = MoreLabels.Set
external reraise : exn -> _ = "%reraise"
(* To make bug reports usable *)
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let ksprintf = Printf.ksprintf
(* An error in the code of jbuild, that should be reported upstream *)
exception Code_error of string
let code_errorf fmt = ksprintf (fun msg -> raise (Code_error msg)) fmt
type ('a, 'b) result =
| Ok of 'a
| Error of 'b
type ('a, 'b) either =
| Inl of 'a
| Inr of 'b
module List = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
include ListLabels
let is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let rec filter_map l ~f =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: l ->
match f x with
| None -> filter_map l ~f
| Some x -> x :: filter_map l ~f
let concat_map l ~f = concat (map l ~f)
let rev_partition_map =
let rec loop l accl accr ~f =
match l with
| [] -> (accl, accr)
| x :: l ->
match f x with
| Inl y -> loop l (y :: accl) accr ~f
| Inr y -> loop l accl (y :: accr) ~f
fun l ~f -> loop l [] [] ~f
let partition_map l ~f =
let l, r = rev_partition_map l ~f in
(List.rev l, List.rev r)
let rec find_map l ~f =
match l with
| [] -> None
| x :: l ->
match f x with
| None -> find_map l ~f
| Some _ as res -> res
let rec find l ~f =
match l with
| [] -> None
| x :: l -> if f x then Some x else find l ~f
let longest_map l ~f =
fold_left l ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc x ->
max acc (String.length (f x)))
let longest l = longest_map l ~f:(fun x -> x)
module Hashtbl = struct
include MoreLabels.Hashtbl
let find_exn t key ~string_of_key ~table_desc =
find t key
with Not_found ->
code_errorf "%s not found in table %s"
(string_of_key key) (table_desc t)
let find t key =
match find t key with
| exception Not_found -> None
| x -> Some x
let find_or_add t key ~f =
match find t key with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let x = f key in
add t ~key ~data:x;
module Map = struct
module type S = sig
include MoreLabels.Map.S
val add_multi : 'a list t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a list t
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a option
val find_default : key -> 'a t -> default:'a -> 'a
val find_exn
: key
-> 'a t
-> string_of_key:(key -> string)
-> desc:('a t -> string)
-> 'a
val of_alist : (key * 'a) list -> ('a t, key * 'a * 'a) result
val of_alist_exn : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
val of_alist_multi : (key * 'a) list -> 'a list t
val of_alist_reduce : (key * 'a) list -> f:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t
val keys : 'a t -> key list
val values : 'a t -> 'a list
module Make(Key : MoreLabels.Map.OrderedType) : S with type key = Key.t = struct
include MoreLabels.Map.Make(Key)
let add_multi t ~key ~data =
let rest =
match find key t with
| exception Not_found -> []
| l -> l
add t ~key ~data:(data :: rest)
let find_exn = find
let find key t =
match find key t with
| exception Not_found -> None
| x -> Some x
let find_default key t ~default =
find_exn key t
with Not_found ->
let of_alist l =
List.fold_left l ~init:(Ok empty) ~f:(fun acc (key, data) ->
match acc with
| Error _ -> acc
| Ok t ->
if mem key t then
Error (key, data, find_exn key t)
Ok (add t ~key ~data))
let of_alist_reduce l ~f =
List.fold_left l ~init:empty ~f:(fun acc (key, data) ->
match find key acc with
| None -> add acc ~key ~data
| Some x -> add acc ~key ~data:(f x data))
let of_alist_exn l =
match of_alist l with
| Ok x -> x
| Error _ -> code_errorf "Map.of_alist_exn got duplicated key"
let of_alist_multi l =
let l = List.rev l in
List.fold_left l ~init:empty ~f:(fun acc (key, data) ->
add_multi acc ~key ~data)
let keys t = bindings t |> List.map ~f:fst
let values t = bindings t |> List.map ~f:snd
let find_exn key t ~string_of_key ~desc =
find_exn key t
with Not_found ->
code_errorf "%s not found in map %s"
(string_of_key key) (desc t)
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
module String_map = Map.Make(String)
module String = struct
include StringLabels
let is_prefix s ~prefix =
let len = length s in
let prefix_len = length prefix in
len >= prefix_len &&
sub s ~pos:0 ~len:prefix_len = prefix
let is_suffix s ~suffix =
let len = length s in
let suffix_len = length suffix in
len >= suffix_len &&
sub s ~pos:(len - suffix_len) ~len:suffix_len = suffix
include struct
[@@@warning "-3"]
let capitalize_ascii = String.capitalize
let uncapitalize_ascii = String.uncapitalize
let uppercase_ascii = String.uppercase
let lowercase_ascii = String.lowercase
let extract_words s ~is_word_char =
let rec skip_blanks i =
if i = length s then
else if is_word_char s.[i] then
parse_word i (i + 1)
skip_blanks (i + 1)
and parse_word i j =
if j = length s then
[sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i)]
else if is_word_char s.[j] then
parse_word i (j + 1)
sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) :: skip_blanks (j + 1)
skip_blanks 0
let extract_comma_space_separated_words s =
extract_words s ~is_word_char:(function
| ',' | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' -> false
| _ -> true)
let extract_blank_separated_words s =
extract_words s ~is_word_char:(function
| ' ' | '\t' -> false
| _ -> true)
let lsplit2 s ~on =
match index s on with
| exception Not_found -> None
| i ->
(sub s ~pos:0 ~len:i,
sub s ~pos:(i + 1) ~len:(String.length s - i - 1))
let rsplit2 s ~on =
match rindex s on with
| exception Not_found -> None
| i ->
(sub s ~pos:0 ~len:i,
sub s ~pos:(i + 1) ~len:(String.length s - i - 1))
let index s ch =
match index s ch with
| i -> Some i
| exception Not_found -> None
let split s ~on =
let rec loop i j =
if j = length s then
[sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i)]
else if s.[j] = on then
sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1)
loop i (j + 1)
loop 0 0
let split_lines s =
let rec loop ~last_is_cr i j =
if j = length s then (
if j = i || (j = i + 1 && last_is_cr) then
[sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i)]
) else
match s.[j] with
| '\r' -> loop ~last_is_cr:true i (j + 1)
| '\n' ->
let line =
let len = if last_is_cr then j - i - 1 else j - i in
sub s ~pos:i ~len
line :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1) ~last_is_cr:false
| _ ->
loop i (j + 1) ~last_is_cr:false
loop 0 0 ~last_is_cr:false
module Sys = struct
include Sys
let force_remove =
if win32 then
fun fn ->
remove fn
with Sys_error _ ->
(* Try to remove the "read-only" attribute, then retry. *)
(try Unix.chmod fn 0o666 with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
remove fn
module Filename = struct
include Filename
(* Return the index of the start of the extension, using the same semantic as
[Filename.extension] in 4.04 *)
let extension_start =
(* This is from the win32 implementation, but it is acceptable for the usage we make
of it in this function and covers all platforms. *)
let is_dir_sep = function
| '/' | '\\' | ':' -> true
| _ -> false
let rec check_at_least_one_non_dot s len candidate i =
if i < 0 then
match s.[i] with
| '.' ->
check_at_least_one_non_dot s len candidate (i - 1)
| c ->
if is_dir_sep c then
let rec search_dot s len i =
if i <= 0 then
match s.[i] with
| '.' -> check_at_least_one_non_dot s len i (i - 1)
| c -> if is_dir_sep c then len else search_dot s len (i - 1)
fun s ->
let len = String.length s in
search_dot s len (len - 1)
let split_extension fn =
let i = extension_start fn in
(String.sub fn ~pos:0 ~len:i,
String.sub fn ~pos:i ~len:(String.length fn - i))
let split_extension_after_dot fn =
let i = extension_start fn + 1 in
let len = String.length fn in
if i > len then
(fn, "")
(String.sub fn ~pos:0 ~len:i,
String.sub fn ~pos:i ~len:(String.length fn - i))
let extension fn =
let i = extension_start fn in
String.sub fn ~pos:i ~len:(String.length fn - i)
module Option = struct
type 'a t = 'a option
let map t ~f =
match t with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let iter t ~f =
match t with
| None -> ()
| Some x -> f x
let value t ~default =
match t with
| Some x -> x
| None -> default
let value_exn = function
| Some x -> x
| None -> assert false
let some_if cond x =
if cond then Some x else None
let is_some = function
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let is_none = function
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let both x y =
match x, y with
| Some x, Some y -> Some (x, y)
| _ -> None
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
type nothing = (int, string) eq
let protectx x ~finally ~f =
match f x with
| y -> finally x; y
| exception e -> finally x; raise e
exception Fatal_error of string
let die_buf = Buffer.create 128
let die_ppf (* Referenced in Ansi_color *) = Format.formatter_of_buffer die_buf
let die fmt =
(fun ppf ->
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
let s = Buffer.contents die_buf in
Buffer.clear die_buf;
raise (Fatal_error s))
die_ppf fmt
let warn fmt =
ksprintf (fun msg ->
prerr_endline ("Warning: jbuild: " ^ msg))
module Staged : sig
type +'a t
val unstage : 'a t -> 'a
val stage : 'a -> 'a t
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let unstage t = t
let stage t = t
type fail = { fail : 'a. unit -> 'a }
let need_quoting s =
let len = String.length s in
len = 0 ||
let rec loop i =
if i = len then
match s.[i] with
| ' ' | '\"' -> true
| _ -> loop (i + 1)
loop 0
let quote_for_shell s =
if need_quoting s then
Filename.quote s
let suggest_function : (string -> string list -> string list) ref = ref (fun _ _ -> [])
let hint name candidates =
match !suggest_function name candidates with
| [] -> ""
| l ->
let rec mk_hint = function
| [a; b] -> sprintf "%s or %s" a b
| [a] -> a
| a :: l -> sprintf "%s, %s" a (mk_hint l)
| [] -> ""
sprintf "\nHint: did you mean %s?" (mk_hint l)
(* [maybe_quoted s] is [s] if [s] doesn't need escaping according to OCaml lexing
conventions and [sprintf "%S" s] otherwise. *)
let maybe_quoted s =
let escaped = String.escaped s in
if s == escaped || s = escaped then
sprintf {|"%s"|} escaped
(* Disable file operations to force to use the IO module *)
let open_in = `Use_Io
let open_in_bin = `Use_Io
let open_in_gen = `Use_Io
let open_out = `Use_Io
let open_out_bin = `Use_Io
let open_out_gen = `Use_Io
(* We open this module at the top of module generating rules, to make sure they don't do
Io manually *)
module No_io = struct
module Io = struct end