
76 lines
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(** Opam install file *)
open Stdune
module Section : sig
type t =
| Lib
| Lib_root
| Libexec
| Libexec_root
| Bin
| Sbin
| Toplevel
| Share
| Share_root
| Etc
| Doc
| Stublibs
| Man
| Misc
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
(** [true] iff the executable bit should be set for files installed
in this location. *)
val should_set_executable_bit : t -> bool
module Paths : sig
type section = t
type t =
{ lib : Path.t
; lib_root : Path.t
; libexec : Path.t
; libexec_root : Path.t
; bin : Path.t
; sbin : Path.t
; toplevel : Path.t
; share : Path.t
; share_root : Path.t
; etc : Path.t
; doc : Path.t
; stublibs : Path.t
; man : Path.t
val make
: package:Package.Name.t
-> destdir:Path.t
-> ?libdir:Path.t
-> unit
-> t
val get : t -> section -> Path.t
end with type section := t
module Entry : sig
type t = private
{ src : Path.t
; dst : string option
; section : Section.t
val make : Section.t -> ?dst:string -> Path.t -> t
val set_src : t -> Path.t -> t
val relative_installed_path : t -> paths:Section.Paths.t -> Path.t
val add_install_prefix : t -> paths:Section.Paths.t -> prefix:Path.t -> t
val files : Entry.t list -> Path.Set.t
val gen_install_file : Entry.t list -> string
val load_install_file : Path.t -> Entry.t list